Ord. of The Phoenix Pt. 2: Patronus

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Draco Pov

When Draco got the message, he leaped up from the couch and grabbed his bag. Hermione was finally out of detention and the questioning from Umbridge and had contacted him to meet up with her in the Room of Requirement. She was going to show him and some of the other Slytherins how to produce a Patronus even though the actual DA had been busted. "Hermione is ready for us," Draco said, addressing his five Slytherin friends.

"Did she tell you where she's waiting?" Pansy asked.

"She just said she'll be waiting outside the Room of Requirement. Are you guys ready to go?" They all nodded in agreement and followed Draco out of the common room.

When Hermione had told Draco that any of his friends could tag along to learn; word had spread. Blaise had offered to come mainly because he hadn't quite let go of his little crush on Hermione but everyone else was coming because they actually wanted to learn. As they climbed the stairs, Theodore Nott, the other new student in addition to Blaise, elbowed his way to the front with Draco. "So you said this girl who is going to teach us is your girlfriend and a Gryffindor? And she's friends with Potter? You must really like her."

Draco was about to respond when he ran into a boy sporting a head full of red hair. He was disappointed to see it wasn't Fred or George but the Weasel. "Weasley," Draco growled in greeting.

"Malfoy. What are you and your pack of Slytherin goons up to?"

"None of your business," Theo responded for Draco.

"Slytherins are always up to no good. I think I should report you six to McGonagall for being out so late."

"Oh, and what are you doing out so late?" Pansy chimed in.

"I think you might be forgetting that I'm a prefect. Anyway, I'm looking for Hermione." Weasley replied snidely. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find her. Oh, and don't worry, I'll let you off the hook this one time, but only because I have more important things to attend to." He pushed through the group but before he could disappear around the corner, Draco grabbed the sleeve of his robe.

"Excuse me, Weasley, but I think you might be forgetting that I'm also a prefect. So, no, you aren't letting me off the hook because you have better priorities, you're letting me off because you don't have another choice."

"How dare you talk to me like that?" Weasley sneered and stepped forward "menacingly". Draco knew it was stupid that he was looking for a fight right now when Hermione was waiting for them, but he matched Weasley's step forward.

"Whoa," Blaise exclaimed before stepping between them and gently pushing them apart. "Come on, Draco. Don't forget about why we're actually here." Draco sneered at Weasley one more time before turning on his heel and walking away.

With Weasley behind them, the group continued up 'til they reached the 7th floor. Draco took the left corridor just as Hermione had instructed and smiled at the sight of his girlfriend waiting nervously in front of a portrait. He quickly walked up to her without glancing behind to see if the group was following and tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped slightly before turning around to see it was just him. She pulled his head down to give him a chaste kiss before saying, "Hello, Draco. Where's the rest of ..." she trailed off when she caught sight of Blaise, Theo, Pansy, Goyle, and Crabbe. "Well, that's certainly a bigger group than I was expecting, but everyone is welcome. Step back for a moment." When the group complied, she started pacing. She had crossed the threshold three times when the portrait swung open.

"Wow," Draco muttered under his breath thinking about how that was a much easier way to get in instead of blasting a hole in the wall like the Inquisitorial Squad had done. Hermione motioned for the Slytherins to follow her and stepped into the room. It looked like a training room, with a dummy with a target on a wheel positioned in front of a burning fireplace. When the Inquisitorial Squad had busted the DA, Draco hadn't caught a good glimpse of the inside of the room but saw it perfectly now.

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