Chapter 38|| Found him

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<A week later>

{3rd person POV}


Keigo slammed his hand on his alarm clock, he groaned as he got up. He rubbed his eyes and opened them lazily.

He got up and grabbed a shirt, since he slept shirtless. He went to the bathroom and cleaned himself up. He brushed his teeth, washed his face, and stretched his limbs. Then he sat on the toilet and did his business.

Once he finished he left the bathroom and went to the living room. He saw Alice already awake watching cartoons. "Hey kiddo." Keigo let out a yawn after he greeting Alice, "hey pappy." Alice said. Then it hit her what she said, "o-oh I mean hello K-Keigo." The man in question was stunned by Alice calling him pappy. He would be lying if he said he didn't like it.

"O-oh it's okay, anyways wants some ceral?" "Yeah" Alice responded.

(So I was looking up Japanese cereal and look what I found)

(So I was looking up Japanese cereal and look what I found)

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(I want it but that price tho. Crys in poor)

Keigo poured some milk into the bowl and then poured some cereal in after the milk.(I feel like that's how he would do it.) He placed the bowl infront of Alice, he gave her a spoon and she ate it.

Keigo went to the fridge and grabbed some leftover chicken they had last night. He put it in the microwave and waited for the chicken to be finished cooking.

The blonde male grabbed his phone and checked the news. He clicked on an article and read what it had to say.

'Is Blue X missing?

He may be missing, no one has seen him for a whole week, which is odd, maybe he's sick. Who knows? But that may not be the case because he was spotted in kawasaki yesterday, so maybe he's on a business trip?

Until next time readers.'

A lot of people have reported spotting (Y/n), and each time they do he seems to be getting closer and closer to Tokyo. Which made Keigo scared since he lived in the Tokyo,(Idk if he does live on Tokyo but let's say he does.) He wanted to make sure Alice was safe.

A bunch of cases have opened about him, but all lead to dead ends. But people have noticed that each day he's getting closer and closer to Tokyo. The hero commission has got a lot of heroes to be in Tokyo because they feel like it will be his final destination, but the problem is they don't know where he will attack. All they could do was hope someone can find him before people get hurt.


Keigo got out of his thoughts as he heard the microwave beeping. Keigo got out his chicken and got some  utensils to eat his chicken.

"Hey Alice can you go in my room and play with some toys." Keigo told Alice, she nodded and went to his room. Keigo sat down on the couch and turned on the news. He didn't want Alice to see any news on her dad, he didn't want her to see her dad as a villain if there was any news about him.

"Welcom to Tokyo News, were we talk about news in Tokyo Japan. Anyways six bodies have been found by the police, and written in blood is the letters BX, police still don't know who did it the odd thing is how they died, all six of their necks and been twisted but no finger prints. Maybe it was from a quirk? Who knows? Anyways stay tuned for 12 news, see you all later. Bye."

Keigo turned off the news. He didn't have work for the day so he had nothing to do. He went on his phone to go on social media. He was seeing a tweet of some news and looking in the comments, cause he was bored. He saw one comment that wasn't political like the others, it said 'Shibuya Street crossing 21:00(9:00PM).'

It was a weird comment, but he shrugged it off and continued to look through social media.


Keigo was on the couch watching some cartoons that Alice was watching, since he had nothing better to do. Then he saw that it hit 20:59(8:59PM) Then when it hit 21:00(9:00PM)


A loud explosion was heard, it shook the ground. Keigo got up and looked out the window and saw smoke in the distances. *It's probably another robbery.* He thought, he sat back down on the couch.

After five minutes Keigo's phone started to ring. He got up and walked over to his phone. Rumi was calling. He picked up his phone and answered the call, "hey Rumi what's up-" "KEIGO YOU NEED TO GET HERE NOW! I NEED BACKUP!" Mirko yelled on the other line, "woah woah slow down, what's happening?" "WE FOUND HIM!" "Who?" Keigo asked confused to what she ment. "WE FOUND (Y/N)!"

The blonde's golden eyes widen. "Where are you?" He asked, "Shibuya Street crossing." "I'm on my way."

[Word count 896]

(So you might be wondering why I randomly published this, well since it's Pride month and almost all my stories are male reader x (male character) it makes sense. So expect this from my other series.)

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