Part 29|| That's

476 12 17

{Hawks/Keigo POV}

I woke up, the sun hitting my eyes. I stretched my limbs. I got up to make some breakfast, I took a shower and got ready for work.

Unfortunately I took a bit too long with the shower and making breakfast and eating it because I didn't have time to vist (y/n).

*Meh, I can make a couple minutes of my time for patrol to go vist (y/n).* I  liked the idea. I flew up in the air to get to my agency.

While I was flying I saw (y/n) walking. I swooped down towards him. 

When I got near him I slowed down. "Hey~", I coo at him. He flinchs at my sudden voice.

He looks up at me flying next to him. "O-oh Hawks you scared the crap out of me." He says sighing in relief. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to." I apologize to him.

"So you feeling good?"I asked him. He looked up at me, "yeah, but yesterday it felt like I was shit all my organs out, it was a hard day yesterday." I put a hand on (y/n)'s back. "Well luckily you don't have to deal with that pain anymore." I smile at him. But then it hit me, *how did he get food poisoning?* So I decided to ask him.

"Hey, how did you get food poisoning anyways?" I say raising a eyebrow. "Oh it's because I think I cooked something wrong." *Wait he got food poisoning from food he cooked, but last time I tried his food it was delicious. How did he do that? Maybe it the food he was making.*

"What food did you make?" "Oh I was making pasta!" He says joyfully. "Oh"

After some time walking we make it to his agency. We both said our goodbyes and I headed towards my agency.

<Time skip, 5 days>

I decided to vist (y/n), today I get the day off. I think (y/n) still has to go to work sucks for him, but not for long since I'm going to vist him.

I checked his office, he wasn't there and the glass doors were lock, so I had to go through the front doors. *I just hope no fans see me.* I land on the ground, I go to the front and ope the doors.

"Oh hello Hawks, how may I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked. "I'm here to Blue X, do you know where he is?" She typed something on her computer. "Oh yes he's on the 4th floor and it's the last door in that hall."

I thanked her and followed what she said. I went to the elevator and pressed the button for the 4th floor. The elevator played that classic elevator music.

A couple seconds later it dinged, telling me I'm on the 4th floor. The doors open showing a long hallway, each side had about four doors. And at the end of the hallway is a door, *That must be were (y/n) is at.*

I started walking down the hall. When I made it to the second door on the left it opened and hit my face. "Ow." I all I said. "Oh god I'm so sorry." I see a small girl. "Oh it's okay, just be careful next time." She nodded and I continued walking. She followed me.

"Uh why are you following me?" I asked her. She looked up at me. "Im not following you." She said with a serious face, *so she isn't joking.* I continued walking. Again she was following me.

"Okay you see now your following me." I told her with stern in my voice. "No I'm not, we must be going to the same place, where are you going?" She asked, I answered her, "I'm going to see Blue." "I am too, so you see I'm not following you." "Oh", is all I said.

"Why are you visiting him?" She asked, "I just want to see him, no reason." I decided to ask her the same question. "Why are you going to see him?" She fixed her glasses, "I'm going to speak with him on why he's slacking on work."

We both continue to walk. "Well of course he's probably slacking he has a ki-", she cut me off, "we know he has a kid now, so that's why we decided to let him with less work. And before you say he is stressed on the first week back when he had a kid he was finishing his work more earlier than expected, so he's slacking on his work." She finished.

It was silent. We both made to the door, I opened it for her and we both stepped in. I see (y/n) talking to a women with black hair and red lips. They both turn to us. It looked like they were talking. "Well it was nice talking to you, I see you in work on Monday." He stands up and shakes her hand.

She walks out, "what do you two need?" The girl I was with spoke up, "I'm here to talk you slacking on your work." She slams down a file on a table he was at.  (Y/n) opens the file and reads it. "I'm sorry about my lack of work, I'll finish as soon as I can." He places the file back down on the table.

He dismissed her and she lift the room. "So Hawks did you need something?" I turn to him. "Yeah I wanted to see you!" I say happily. I look into his eyes, *their...purple?* "Hey why are your eyes purple?" I asked him confused. *His eyes are (eye color) not purple.* "O-oh it's because I'm w-wearing contacts and I guess they make my eyes look purple for some reason."

*Oh okay that's makes sense, I didn't know he wore contacts!* Me and him talked for a while.

<Mini time skip>

Me and him were walking so I decided to ask him. "Why are you slacking on work?" "Oh it's probably because I'm kinda stressed lately." He says rubbing the back of his neck. *Oh okay that makes sense.*

[Word count 1043]

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