Part 15|| Consequences

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{Y/n POV}

"Im what!?" I say shocked. I feel something on my neck. "Wait wait this must be a misunderstanding." I say worried because I JUSTED got a child. I feel myself going faint and I feel my body hit the floor. I wake up in a room tied up in a chair. I try to use my manipulate quirk... bit it doesn't work. *They must of injected me with an anti quirk thing, I heard the government had them, I never believed it.* I look around the dark room and then I hear a door open. I see light from outside the door. I see a man walk in and slams a file on the table. *Damn aggressive much.* He sits on a chair that's in front of me. He opens the file and pulls out a... paper? "Do you know who this is?" He asked me. He put the paper in front of me, it was actually a picture. It was... my master. I of course decided to lie. "No." I try to show no fear. "Your lying." He tells me. *Wait how does he know?* "But I'm not." I tell him in a serious tone. "Don't fuck with me, my quirk is lie detector, I can tell if someone is lying or not, so try again." *Well shit, I can't lie to him.* "Fine, I do know who she is." *I mean they must know I was in the facility, so might as well come clean.* "She was my master." "Your what?" He asked in a confused look. *Oh shit... they don't know.* "Uhhh..." *Well aren't I an idiot.* "I'm gonna continue, you killed her. The rules in Japan are different then in Korea. You see in Japan it isn't bad to kill a villian, after all they did bad things. But in Korea it is illegal, it's murder." *Oh, this is me killing her. Okay* I nod for him to continue. "We were tolded that you killed her." *So someone stitched did they, I have a feeling like it was Endeavor.* "So you will be going to court to see if you did kill her or not." "Okay, but will this be public?" I ask. "Oh no no no, if this was public this would be bad. But your trail will start in two days. So you'll be put in a temporary prison cell." *For two days, fuck. Oh shit will they take my kid away, they better not, I only had Alice for a day and a half but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in this building and then myself.* I nod at what he said. "You have to remember, you have consequences for your actions." He tells me.

(Time skip 2 days)

I was in a prison cell waiting. *This is boring.* I heard the door open and see Keigo enter. *Ah shit, ill have explain this to him, hopefully he won't be mad.* I look up at him. He has sadness on his face. "Hey." I say waving at him. He frowns. "Okay before you get mad-" before I could finish "I-im so sorry for this." He pulls up a gun and shoots me (Jk jk jk)
"I-im so sorry for this." He says while tears roll down his eyes. "What are you sorry for?" I ask him. "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be in this situation." He tells me, still with tears rolling down his face. "I stand up from the bench I was sitting on and walk towards Hawks. I fell because I forgot they chained one of my legs. I fell down face first on the floor. I look up my head towards Keigo. "I rather be in jail then someone I care about being dead." I say smiling at Keigo. "Still... I feel like it my fault your here." He says wiping his tears from his eyes. "Unless you secretly have future vision, I don't know how you could predict what would happen." I chuckle and Keigo chuckles with me. "Just... take care of Alice while I'm gone, or if I go to jail. Man if I do I would be one of the worst dads in history." I say worried. "Oh please that isn't that bad, at least your not abusive." Keigo says.

Someone eles walks in. "Your trail will start in 10 minutes get ready. " What looks like a police officer says. I nod. "Keigo you might want to leave." I tell him. He nods and walks out the room. *My trail is gonna start... I have trick up my sleeve.* A police officer walks in. He unlocks the cell and unlock the chain on my leg. But doesn't unlock the handcuffs. Makes sense. He puts my hands behind my back and walks me to the court. I walk in the court and see the jury and see people who were police officers. *They must be here if I tired somethng.* I see the heros I worked with and see... Alice. I don't know why I'm so attached to this child. Probably because we both went through the same pain and I can relate. I see Alice on Mirko's lap. I give her a small wave with a small smile and she gives me a sad expression. My smile disappeared after that. "The trail will start." The judge says. *Oh boy, I wonder how people will react at the end of this.*

(Next week is Villians aren't born... there made.)
[Word count 925]

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