Part 20|| Going home

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{Y/n POV}

I woke up with Keigo shaking me. "WAKE UP!" He yells at me. I groan "I'm up I'm up." I rubbed my eyes. I see that Keigo is packed. "We're leaving today, you should pack." Keigo told me. I got up and went to the bathroom to do my business. I washed my face and left the bathroom. I grabbed my suitcase and started putting my things away.

The maids we had washed all our clothes, so I didn't have to worry about washing my clothes. When I finished I zipped up my suitcase. And placed it on my bed. "Hey wanna go somewhere to eat?" I asked Keigo. "Sure." He responded. "Okay, get ready and I'll check on Alice." Keigo nodded.

I went out the room and headed towards Mirko's room. I knocked on the door and heard a "come in." I opened the door and see Alice and Mirko wrestling. Of course Mirko is taking it easy on her. "What are you ladies doing?" I asked, "I'M BEATING UP MIRKO!" Alice says happily. "Wow your very brave to beat up Mirko." I say leaning on the door frame. "Anyways me and Hawks are going out to eat, would you gals like me to bring you something?" I asked them both, they shook their heads no. "Okay, your lose, also Mirko thank you for looking after Alice." I tell her. "It's no problem, I actually enjoy taking care of her. Plus I'm her aunt so I have too." I chuckle, "okay well see ya." I close the door and walk back to me and Hawk's room. I enter and see Hawks struggling to put on his hoodie. "Can't you just take off all of your feathers?" I asked him. He gives a straight face, and does what I said. "See wasn't that easy." I tell him. He rolls his eyes. And we both end up walking out of the hotel.

Me and Hawks found a restaurant that had good reviews, so we decided to eat there. We walked up to a waiter at a counter. "Hello, is it two people?" She questioned, I nod. She then brings us to a table. And places down two menus.

"We have our couple's deal happening this week so feel free to look at that." She tells us, *Hold up, does she think me and Hawks are dating. "Wait but we aren't-", before I could say something she walks away. "I think she thinks we're a couple." I tell Hawks, "Damn everything in the couple's menu is very cheap. Oh~, look the at this!" He shows me a tower of chicken. "And it's only for 20 dollars, isn't that really cheap. But too bad we need to be a couple." Hawks gets disappointed. "How about we lie." I tell him. He look more happy. So we waited for the waiter to come back.

She came, "Have you two decide?" The waiter asked, "Yes could we get this." He shows her the menu at the mountain of chicken. "Oh that's a couple's menu, you guys will have to prove you two are a couple, you know because people like to lie." Me and Keigo share the same expression. "And how do you do that?" I asked her, "you two need to kiss." "W-well is that r-really because-" before Keigo finished I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into a kiss. The kiss last for 5 seconds before I let go. "Oh you two are a couple, I'll be back with your food shortly." She says walking away.

An awkward silence fills the area me and Keigo are. *YOU FUCKING IDIOT, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT (Y/N)!?" I feel my body start to feel hotter. I clear my throat, "h-hey we got a mountain of chicken because of this." I tell Keigo.

{Keigo/Hawks POV}

When (y/n) kissed me, I felt like time stopped. His lips were so soft, I wish I could kiss him again. But an awkward silence filled between both of us. I hear (y/n) clear his throat. "H-hey we got a mountain of because of this." *Right... he did it for the chicken.* I fell more and more for (y/n), his beautiful (hair color) hair, his (eye color) orbs I could get lost in. His handsome face, he was perfect in my eye, too bad he'll never feel the same. We wait for our food, when it came we ate and left.

{Hawks/Keigo POV ends}
{Y/n POV}

We were told to get back to the hotel by 17:00 (5 pm) Me and Keigo made it to the hotel and see everyone was almost ready to leave. Me and Keigo went to our room and grabbed our stuff. I went for Alice and picked her up. We went to an airport. They had a private plane for us, we packed our things in it and went to say bye to the heroes of Korea. "It was a pleasure to meet you three." Endeavor spoke up. "You as well Endeavor, I hope we can see each other again soon." Phantom said to him. We all said our goodbyes and went on the plane. I was looking out at the window to see red pink clouds. Alice was on my lap sleeping, I see Japan. I smile to myself.

*I'm going home.*

(So Korea is supposed to represent your past, and Japan is supposed to represent the present and the future. So you leaving is showing your leaving the past in the past and moving on. You dealing with the facility it was showing you delt with your past. And the trail represent your guilt on killing everyone at that place, and when they find your not guilty it means the people forgive you did. I hope people had that on mind when they reading this. The next Arc is gonna be really exciting and I hope mind blowing. So stay tuned.)

[Word count 1007]

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