Part 18|| Disturbing information

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(Y/n POV)

I had Mirko and Alice do a girls day so I could go to the conference. I enter the conference room and seen all the heroes that were in the mission, of course beside Mirko. And I see some people in suits. I sit in a seat. I see that Phantom is at a podium, it looks like she had papers in her hands. Endeavor speaks up, "we are just waiting for Hawks." *He's probably late since we needed to wear our hero costumes.*

I hear someone running and the door slams open, I see Keigo at the doorway. He goes sit in a seat across from me and then Phantom speaks up, "So we found an office that had files with information and... it is kinda disturbing."

Phantom cleared her throat. "We looked at the file and it reads Operation mating season would happen when on of the children turn 16, we would have them and a another child with the opposite gender mate, we would the offspring would have both of their quirks, if not we will exterminate the offspring and try again until we get a child with both of the parent's quirks." Phantom searches for something and pulls out a mini glass bottle. It had a purple substance in it. "We have tested what this does, when a person takes this they would feel more lustful. We tired on a male and he said his...private part felt like they were going to explode if he didn't release his sexual desire. We also tired this on a female and she said it felt like her crotch was on fire and she said the same thing the male said. This is probably how they would have the mating be like, they use this so they would have to mate or they would feel pain."

Phantom looks at me, "Blue X has been in this facility before, would you like to tell us what it was like in there." I nod and walk up to the podium. "It was torture, they trained us for more than 6 hours and didn't feed us the right food to go that long with training. They wanted to make us in super soldiers, they felt like the world was weak and we were able to change that. We all had what people called powerful quirks. But luckily I escaped, but the others couldn't. The past is in the past, I'm glad I can see that places downfall." I finish, I had a smile about how all the kids must feel that people who worked their got what they deserve. But my smile vanished when I remembered a lot of kids never actually saw this happen. I sit back down in my seat.

Phantom continues the conference. But makes me sick that they used us like animals, making us have sex to make a more powerful baby. Forcing us into a  relationship when we don't want to be. But Phantom continued and what she said next made my blood boil. "I will continue reading, if the subject isn't heterosexual(straight) we recommend doing the following." She listed off things like brainwashing, using a shock collar, forcing to be straight, using  religion to brainwash them into thinking it is bad to like anything eles besides the opposite gender, it made me pissed. *I'm so glad I was able to escape.*

<Time skip>

After the conference was finished I went on a walk. The nice breeze hit my skin, it felt nice. "Are you okay?" I hear a familiar voice, I turn and Keigo was there with a worried facial expression. "I'm good just... thinking." Keigo places a hand on my shoulder, "it's okay to feel sad, what they did to you at that place was fucked up, and what they were going to do was even more fucked up." I think for a moment, "Yea... it is." "Well im tired im going to bed, see ya there." I hear him walk away. I search in my pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. I read it, "Dear (y/n) this is your mother, we are sorry we can't be in your life, we wish we could but the situation we are in won't allow us to properly have a child. This is for your safety. We hope you have a better life than we had. We love you. From your mom and dad."

I put the note away in my pocket. "Why did you guy have to leave me?" I asked myself, of course I didn't get an answer. I walked back into the hotel building. I checked up on Alice, she slept in Mirko's room since she has an empty bed for her. I went to mine and Keigo's room. I thought he was asleep so I changed into (insert what you wear to bed).

{Y/n POV ends}
{Keigo POV}

I heard the door open, I open my eyes slightly and see (y/n). He was changing...*Oh god.* I seen his nice looking body, his abs, and his ass... *fuck I'm horny. I'll just try and sleep it off...I hope.*

{Keigo POV ends}

[Word count 885]

(So uh my updates will be one a week so yea. Its to manage stress)

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