Part 12|| Its now or never

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{Hawks/Keigo POV}

I woke up, it was still night so I checked my phone for the time. It was 2:56(2:56 am) I needed to go take a number 1 in the bathroom so I stod up and stretch. I looked at y/n and... *God thats cute.* I see him cuddling his blanket. *God I've never been so jealous of a blanket.* I go to the bathroom and do my business.

{The morning}

I woke up the sun shining on my face, I check my phone and its 8:35. I heard from Endeavor that they serve breakfast in the morning. So I went do stairs, to see a big dining room, on the side they had the breakfast. I got want I wanted and ate. After I was done *I would be nice if I bring some breakfast to y/n.* I got him some breakfast and headed to our room. I opened the door to see he's not there. *Where the hell is he?* I questioned. *Maybe Rumi knows.*

(By the way You is Hawks.)

You: Rumi have you seen y/n.

BBF🤗💗: Yeah me and him are working out.

You: Oh, were is that?

BBF🤗💗: What do you want to see him working out. 😉

You: No, I just got some breakfast for him.

BBF🤗💗: Awww thats cute.

You: Shut up.

BBF🤗💗: (Sends picture of you working out)


BBF🤗💗: You saved it, didn't you.

You: Shut up.

I get off my phone and head towards the gym. I got to the gym and opened the door. I seen Mirko and y/n sitting down talking, while sweat rolls down there bodies. *Okay Keigo calm down you can't be tainted by y/n body.* "Oh hey Keigo." Y/n said with a bright smile while waving at me. *God, I'm gonna make him mine.* "Your hot Keigo." Y/n says. *HOLD UP.* "W-what?" I question while I feel my face heat up. "Yeah your face is all red." He says. *Wait was my face red when he seen me?* We all hear the door open and look so see who it is, its Phantom. "We leave for the mission at 19:00(7:00 pm) so get ready around then okay." We all nod. She closes the door. "Im kinda hungry you guys want to get some breakfast?" "Oh I already got some for you." I say while scratching the back of my neck. "Oh you did, thank you Keigo." Y/n said with a big smile. "No prob Blue." I reply. I see Rumi smirking at me.

{Time skip to mission}

We were all walking in the woods. Phantom explained that there base is in the woods. It seemed like we were walking for hours. The plan was we would be in groups. Me,Blue,Endeavor and Phantom would be in one group. Mirko,Gisa, and Edgeshot would be the second and Best Jeanist and Heulgson would be the third. The third group would be backup, the second group would be in a truck were we would put the kids in so we can get all of them. And our group would break in the base. Blue is gonna use his manipulate quirk to break any walls or anything and use his illusion quirk so no one can see us. Phantom will scope out the area and check if its clear. Me and Endeavor are there if we get on trouble. "Were here." Phantom said. We see 3 buildings  surrounded by barbed wired fence. I see Blue shaking. "Is everybody ready?" Endeavor questioned. And then Blue stopped shaking. And said.

"It's now or never."

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