Part 19|| I just want to go a home.

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{Y/n POV}
(The past)

I was walking around the town I stayed at. Living the homeless life wasn't fun, but it's better than living in that hell hole. I was walking by a loading dock, the water splashed aggressively at the dock. I over heard a conversation between two people. I hid behind a pile of boxes. "Okay we need you to deliver this to Japan, our last guy called in sick, so we are paying you to deliver this to Japan." A guy said, "As long as I'm getting paided I don't care where I'm deliver this to." Another man said. *I could start a new life in Japan. That would be better to start a new life in another country. And I don't really want to go to China since it's really different from Korea, at least Japan is somewhat similar...right?* I sneaked pass them both and went on the boat. I hid in a dark area. After a while I felt the boat starting to move. *Well bye bye Korea, hello Japan!* I kinda got excited about starting a new life. I took a little nap.

<Time skip>

I woke up to the sound of what I think is the boat's funnel making a loud noise. I rubbed my eyes, I open then to see a boat dock. And a build that has the Japanese flag. *I'm here! How am I gonna do this? I could use my illusion quirk. Yeah I could make a giant sea monster attacking the boat, and while people are running away I can sneak pass them! Or I could just make myself invisible to them, yeah that seems more simple.* So I caused an illusion, I walk and tried to avoid anything so the illusion wouldn't disappear and they would see me. I walked off the dock and see a big city, I walk towards it. I enter the city and see a bunch of people. *Wow Japan is very...big.* *Now did I think about it, I never planned anything when I did go to Japan...Frick.* I decided to just look around. I seen many stores, some sold food, other sold toys, and some sold magazines with girls on them. *What is a porn magazine?* I opened it and threw it on the ground. "Ew why do they have no clothes?!" I said out loud. "Hey what you doing!?" A man yelled at me. *Oh poop I'm in trouble.*(As you can tell you don't know any real bad words so you say those.)

He started chasing me. I started running. The rocks on the ground really hurt my feet, but I kept running. *I think I losed him.* I turn my head to see if that man is still chasing me, he wasn't. I bump into someone. I fell to the ground, I look up to see a women. "Oh I'm so sorry, hey where are your parents?" She asked me, I responded with a shrug, "I don't know, I haven't seen them in 10 years." "So you don't have any parents?" She asked, I responded with "No." She grabbed my hand and brought me to a building. "This is a orphanage, I'll bring you inside." Me and her went inside and I see a lot of children. They were all playing. I see the women I was with ring a bell, another woman walks in. "Hello how may I help you?" She asked the women I was with. "Uh, I found this child, he doesn't have any parents or  guardians, I brought him here." She looks at me. "Oh, sure we can take him in." She tells her. The one I was with leaves. And the one that greeted up grabbed my hand and brought me to a room with kids. "Everyone gather up." A bunch of kids go in front of the women and me, I hid behind her. "This is...uh, what's your name?" She asked, "it's (y-y/n) (l/n)." I tell her, she looks at everyone eles. "This is your new friend (y/n) (l/n)! Be nice."

She left the room to do something and I was there standing, I was kinda nervous. Some kids ran up to me, "Hey (y/n) I'm James!" A boy greeted me. "H-hi", a boy and a girl also ran up to me. "Hi (y/n) I'm Kelly and this is Kenny." They greeted themselves to me. "H-hello", I said nervously. "What's your quirk?" They all asked me. "Uh this." I lift up the toy box they had and opening it and made an illusion that a dog came out. "What did you do?" "I have two quirks their called Illusion and Manipulate. Manipulate lets me control anything I can carry." I explained to them. "Those are pretty cool quirks you have!" They told me. I felt kinda little happy.

(Sorry if this seems messy I was watching "Us" while writing this.)

"(Y/n) you got accepted into UA!" Miss Sewanin said. I get up from my bed and run to her. "Wait really!" I see Miss Sewanin holding a letter. I grab it from her and open it, I read the letter, *IT DID SAY I GOT ACCEPTED INTO UA!* I smile widely. "Everyone would be so proud of you. Get your things ready your going to your dorm soon and I want you to be ready. I know you will do good, I believe in you." She tells me. Going to Japan felt like a mistake, I just wanted to go to a home. And I already found one.

[Word count 942]

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