Part 22|| It all makes sense

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{Y/n POV}

I see a building that was grey. *Looks like the place.* I walk in with Alice in my arms. I was pretty empty in here. I didn't even seen a desk receptionist. I seen a bell on the desk and a note, 'please ring if you need help.' I decided to ring it. The ringing sound spread to the entire room. That was how quiet it was.

After waiting a minute I decided to ring it again. The same thing happened with the ringing filling the room. Because of that Alice woke up. "Oh sorry that I woke you up." I told her, putting a piece of hair behind her ear. I heard heels hitting the floor. And a women walks in. "Ah, Blue X thank you for coming today." She greeted me. She did a hand motion for me to follow her. I followed her down a nice hall. It had nice black marble floors and the walls were painted white.

After what seemed like 5 minutes we stop at a door that was at the end of the hall. She opened the door and gestured me to come in. I see three people sitting at a table. The one in the middle spoke up, "Hello Mr. Blue X, it's a pleasure having you today." He saw next to me I had Alice. "Oh, you brought the child with you. Ms. White could you take care of her, we need to talk to Mr. Blue X in private." The women who the opened the door for us nodded and took Alice away. Alice wasn't too sure about it so she looked at me, I nodded and she followed Ms. White.

She closed the door. I turned back to the people at the conference table. The one on the left was a women and the other two were male. They motioned me to sit at a seat, I sat down. "Uh, why did you call me?" I asked them, I was worried since the atmosphere felt... tense. Just like when I got arrested, so I was really worried. The one in the middle spoke up, "Do you know who are parents are?" I felt...sad that they mentioned them. "...No, no I do not know who they were. I've never meet them in my life where I could remember what they looked like." I told them, trying to hold back the tears I had.

When people would talk about how great their parents are, I would feel left out. And I would hate it when people hated their parents because they cared about them too much. Because I never felt what it was like to have my parents care about me. "Well", the women on the left pulled out a file. And handed it to me.

I opened the file and it showed a man, I read the name and my eyes widen. The man's name was Iryūjon (last name). * this my father?* He had the same (hair color) hair as me, and by the picture he looked pretty young. I probably got my height from him. He was 187.96 cm(6'1) I flipped over to page to see a women. Her name was Sosa Suru (last name). I must of got her beautiful (eye color) eyes. I kinda looked like her if she was a guy. "Are these-", I was cut off. "Yes, these are your parents." I was so confused. *How did they get these? Are my parents still alive? Do they know where they are? Am I going to see them again?* All these questions floated in my head. I think they could see that too.

"Do you any questions you'd like to add?" I nodded, "Do you know where they are?" They gave confused looks to each other. The one in the middle shook his head. "We were hopping you would know." "Why?" "Well because they were in that facility too. So they must of been with you too right?" I gave a confused face. "No, they left me at a adoption center. Wait they were in that place too?" They all nodded. "We called you to give you the printed file we made for you." He passed me a file. "You may leave now if you don't have any questions." I nodded and stood up. I walked out of the room, I see Alice and get her. And left the place to go home.

When we got home I sent Alice to her room. She went to go play with her toys.  "Can you play cars with me?" She asked. Alice loved playing with toy cars, when she would ask me for one people would look at us weirdly. A girl who likes to play with cars instead of dolls? Impossible. Alice never really liked dolls, I was okay with her getting any what people called "boy toys". Because if she is happy I'm happy too.

"Sorry sunshine I can't. But later I can make your favorite food!" I told her, her face lit up. And she ran to her room. I smirked thinking that * I have a daughter now, and I'm gonna stay in her life unlike what my parents did. Speaking of them.* My smirk disappeared. I sat at my table and place the file there too. I opened it looking at everything. I set aside the unimportant papers. A paper had something similar to the paper from when I escaped the facility. It had WARNING. I read the paper. It had their information on it, their height, eye color, hair color, gender, and what they look like. I continued reading and it gave more information. '##### a female(pregnant) and a male escaped the #### facility, at 1:46 in the morning it is been reported as the time they left the building. The female (last name) Sosa Suru with the quirk manipulation. The male (last name) Iryūjon quirk Illusion. They were both in the breeding experiment, the women is 7 months pregnant. They both escaped with the soon to be child. If found please inform us immediately.'

*So she was pregnant with me, unless I have a older brother or sister. But I think it's me. So my mom and dad left that place...wait a minute.* I pulled out the note my mom wrote me. And read it over again. *She said it was gonna be hard for them to take care of me...OH!* "They were running away from Korea!" I said to myself. *If that's the case m, if their alive they most likely be in China...but donI really want to see them?* I questioned myself. "But it all makes sense now. They couldn't take care of me because it was gonna be hard for them." "But damn, to think the reason I exist is because of the facility." I said to myself.

I heard a knock on the door. I got up and walked towards the door. I looked through the peep hole and see it's Keigo! I open it. "Hey Keigo, you need something?" I asked, he looked...nervous. "Uh, yeah. I need to tell you something." He said with worriedness all over his face. "Could I come in?" He asked, I nodded and stepped aside to let him in. Me and him sat at my couch. "So... what do you want to tell me-" "Me and Mirko are dating!"

[Word count 1241]

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