Part 16|| The trail

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(Y/n POV)

I sit down in my seat and the judge says "The trail of the murder of Mul is in session." I look at a table to my right to see a man... is that leader of the facility? And what I think is his lawyer. What I think is his lawyer speaks," This is Nappeun Salam, Mul worked for him. We checked the body and found no way that Blue X could of killed her. But we checked his quirks. We looked at his quirk, manipulation, this quirk allows him to control any anything, solids, liquid, and gas. We examined the inside of her body and it shows these results. Some of her veins looked like it exploded. It not the only one. It looks like one of the lungs exploded as well. The heart also looked like it exploded. Now I know you may find it ridiculous that Blue X can control a person but you'd be wrong. I did some analyzed his manipulate quirk and found out it is possible. Now isn't this true Mr. X." He asked me.

*Heh Mr.X I sounds like a villian.* "Ahem." The lawyer said. *Oh shit right. "Yes that is correct." I tell him. "I can control living things, the smaller it is the better I can control it. But with one wrong what he justed explained could happen." I say tired. My lawyer justed looked confused of why I just rated myself out. "Aha, you just admitted that you killed her!" I wag my finger. "No no no, I just said that's how my quirk works." I correct him. "B-but still he could use his quirk to do something like this, also someone seem him do this." "Will you bring this witness." The judge asks. "Yes I will, Endeavor the flame hero will you come up to the witness stand." The lawyer asked. *I FUCKING KNEW IT WAS HIM!* "Now Endeavor will you explain to us what happened?" The lawyer asked Endeavor. "You see, I was fighting and the corner of my eye I saw Blue X killing that women." Endeavor said. I was justed bored. "You see he did kill her and as a hero he shouldn't have. And it's illegal to kill people of course and that's why Blue X should go to jail for murder." *Finally he stopped talking.* The judge turns to me and asks "Did you kill Mul." I turn to him. "Yes I did." "Do you regret it?" The judge asks me. I look up at him with a serious face. "If I'm being honest... no." The jury all erupted in gasps and whispers. The judge looks at the lie detector man and he nods. The judge lifts the mallet and Keigo yells "WAIT HE SAVED MY-" before he could finish "Mr. Hawks do not yell. And you do not have a word in this." Keigo makes a mad face and sits down and crosses his arms.

I rais my hand "Yes Mr. Blue X." "Could I say something no has brought up." Everyone looks confused. "And that is?" The judge asks me. "Well alot of people are wonder IF I did the crime, but not WHY." Everyone gave confused glances around. "You see it was a life or death situation." I see Keigo leans in closer we a victorious smirk. "You see Hawks was hit by what I think was a ball of electricity, he was paralyzed. And Mul was gonna kill him. So I had no choice but to do that to her." "THAT ISN'T A REASON TO KILL A PERSON!" Salam said. "BUT IT OKAY TO USE A TASER ON A KID?!" I yell at Salam. Everyone in the room was more confused of what I brought up. But not Salam, his face had fear. He knows that I know what they did to the kids at that place. "What does that do with anything?" Salam's lawyer asked. "Tell me judge, how would you feel if you got tased for not following your superiors orders. Getting tased on the neck is not fun." I say revealing my neck and taking off the makeup I put to cover two black circles on my neck. Everyone gasps. "How would you feel if you got tired of 8 hours of training for you to get your arms get slashed with a knife. It leaves scars, physically and mentally, doesn't it." I say lifting up my sleeves to revile scars on my arms, a bunch if them. "Those were the thing the kids were pit through. What I was put through." I looked at Salam. "Mul was my master, she gave me those scars, when I saw her, I wanted her dead, for all that she put me through, I wanted to die many many times, but I didn't, the pain I felt when I was in your hell hole is far worse then any death." I say hissing with anger. "But that's not the only reason I did what I did. The number 2 hero of Japan would of been killed. And Mul's quirk is water manipulation. She could of easily deal with Endeavor and if she won she would kill him. And if you remember in history China sent it's top 3 heros to help India, the top 3 heros of China were killed. The chinese wanted blood for there top 3. That caused a war between China and India. Then Russia was brought into the war, which caused the United States of America to come in the war. Then Pakistan joined, Japan joined, and it was at a time when Korea was divided. The North and South fought each other. The South won, making Korea into what it is today. Also the EU joined in the war and then we had a world war 3." I tell them. "I didn't want another war to happen for the death of the first and second ranked hero." "I also didn't want Hawks to get hurt. It was a life or death situation, either the number 2 hero of Japan died or Mul would of died. I I'm happy of what I chose." I say crossing my arms. The people in the jury were whispering things I couldn't hear. The judge looked like he was thinking really hard. After a while the judge cleared his throat. And he hit his gavel "Order in the court." People were still talking so he says it louder "ORDER IN THE COURT!" He yells. Everyone quiets down. "I call a recess for 15 minutes." The says. A police officer picks me up from my chair and take me to another room.

(Mini time skip to end of recess)

I was sitting in my chair doing nothing cause I couldn't do anything. Another police officer comes in "Recess is over." I sit up and they take me back into the court room. I sit down at my chair and see people staring at me. I feel kinda nervous. The judge then speaks " Blue X  we have decided." *Okay I'm kinda nervous.* "We decided that your...guilty" he says. My eyes widen. *You've got to be shitting me.* "Your punishment is 5 hours of community service. But with the mission you did I'll let you off the hook. It was a live or death situation, we will forget that this event ever happened." The judge said, I felt this big weight getting off my shoulder. I take one of the biggest sighs I ever took. "Officers if you may." They nod and pull out some keys. They release me from that hand trap, "Thank you your honor." I say bowing. "Oh I also forgot one thing." I give a questioned look. "May you sign this for my son, he's been a big fan, he wanted to fly to Japan to see you." The judge pulls out a notebook. "Sure, do you have a pen?" I ask her, she pulls out a pen. I sign the notebook.

(Mini time skip)

I walk looking for Alice and I see her with Mirko. She runs towards me, we both hug each other "sorry I made you worried." I told Alice, "I'm happy your back", "now let's have some real father-daughter time." Her face lights up, I pick her up in my arms. "I see Hawks walking towards us. "Hey Hawks do you want to come with us. Also you too Mirko." I asked them both. "Nah, no thanks, I'm gonna train with Phantom." Mirko said. I nod and look at Hawks for his answer. "Sure why not." He said shrugging his shoulders. "Where are we going anyways?" Keigo questioned. "Oh we're going to get ice cream." I told Keigo. We went to a ice cream place and entered. Alice ran to the counter that had a glass screen, behind it was the ice cream. *Wait... is she lactose intolerance?* So I decided to ask Alice "Hey uhh Alice are you lactose intolerance?" She gave me a confused look "what's that?" She asked, "Oh it's uh you can't digest dairy products." She still had a confused face. "Have you drank milk before" she nods her head "did your stomach hurt after drinking the milk?" She wagged her head no. *Okay I think she isn't lactose intolerance.* We order our ice creams and left the store to walk around.

(Time skip.)

Me, Keigo, and Alice got to the hotel. Mirko was gonna spend time with Alice and I wanted to take a night walk. I told Keigo and he nodded. On the walk I was thinking about my past. After the walk I went back to my room that I share with Hawks. I heard a noise coming from inside the room. I put my ear on the door and heard... moaning.

(Choice time)

Option A: You walk in the room to see what Keigo is doing.

Option B: You walk away and try to forget what you heard.

Pick one, I'll give you guys a 4 days and then the options are final. I wanted to try something like this and... I would wonder how it would go. Also what may seem like a good choice may have bad consequences to them, so chose wisely :)

(Also get ready for the Halloween special this week.)

[Word count 1717]

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