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"Baby, none of this is working," my mother groaned and threw the black book to the ground. Pages scattered across the floors. The words were unrecognizable. "Yes, it is. We're dead if we don't figure this out, Ashley. Don't you get that?" My father spat.

His eyes were on William who was strapped down below the water. He looks...dead. His skin was paler than usual. It was a clear tub with a metal covering and bottom. The more I look at him I see the scars across his arms and chest. On the side of the glass were thick locks that looked like a pain to break. "It's been months. Months!" My mother screamed and scattered pictures across the table.


It's pictures of William bloodied and bruised while he's chained to rocks. A cave or something maybe. "We've done everything. I think we should just kill him," Mother sighed. She looks tired, so tired and evil. My head began to hurt but I tried to push through, wanting to see more.

"If you hold on any longer, you'll forget my child," the angelic voice whispered in my head. "No- I'll remember," I fought and held onto the chairs. "Okay. Let's take him back to GoldenCove," my father sighed and rolled up his sleeves to reveal the black veins running up his hands.

He walks to a machine next to William's tank. Father pressed the big red button and William's eyes jolts open as he screamed out in pain.

"Er," Bradey whispers and my eyes flutter open. A huge smile crossed my face and I immediately snuggled closer to my mate. "We have a rough day today, I just wanna stay here forever," Erin groaned and wraps his muscular hands around my torso. We're all making sacrifices for this pack and Everest.

The baby is here.

My nephew. Holy fuck. I've only held him twice before in the two days that he was at the Royal Pack. Now he's here and he's everyone's main attraction. Rieka's eyes actually watered for the first time. She really loves kids. The excitement and happiness only lasted two days before we realized we have to step up our game in order to protect the baby and keep him a secret.

It sucks, it really does but if we announce that King William's child is already born and existing, that arises more enemies and problems. It's safer this way. Until we bring William home. It's been difficult for everyone. Not even Renee and William's parents know about Aisen. Renee claims it's better that way because she finds it exciting.

William wasn't here for the birth of his child, he doesn't even know Aisen existed. That breaks my heart for Everest every time I think about it. "It feels like we're getting nowhere," Bradey continued with a frown. It has been hard on all of us. We care for her so much. She's so loved here and she barely gets to realize it. "We're doing what we can, there's progress. We're winning. William will come back, I know it," I insisted. I kissed his forehead and pulled his leg over mine so we'd be even closer.

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