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"A- aaa r- chhh",He hesitated from the other side of the phone.
"What's wrong everything alright?",
"Yo- u need to to- come- here",His voice broke.
"Hang on dude I will be there in no time",

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Mason's POV
It's been couple days since I m here in the hospital the doctor still hasn't allowed no one to talk to her. My parents were also here I told them everything about the accident they came to next day catching the first flight from Manhattan they have been there since couple years they visit us twice a year.

"She has gained consciousness You can go inside and talk but remember one person at a time",Doctor said as he hurried out of the operation room.
"I m going in first",I said as walked inside the room with a fast pace.
I saw her from outside the door through the glass. Even with that boring blue hospital uniform she was still the prettiest girl I have even seen her face was covered with jaw clenched as I thought about the person blackmailing her. Before stepping in I wiped my tears as I never realised I cried.

"Hey idiot",I said as I entered trying my best to fake a smile.
"You won't ever stop teasing me will you",She said weekly almost inaudible.
"Nope",I said as I ruffled her hair.
She gave me a half smile.
"How are you feeling?",I Asked
"Great and ready to rest in peace",She said jokingly.
"Don't you fuc**ng say that, if anywhere you are going from here is directly home",I said.
"What does the doctor say?",She asked.
"it does not matter",I said
"you will heal and we will go home soon",I added.
"ye lol hope so",She said but it was clear her hope wasnt alive no more.
"So tell me more",I said.
"nothing she said",As she weakly blinked.
"are mom and dad out there",She asked
"yes they are outside",I said.
"and what about caroline",She asked.
"she is also waiting outside",
"should i call them inside",I asked.
"not yet",She said almost inaudible as she drifted to sleep.
I was there was couple minutes saying nothing just gazing her coughing broke the peace.
"Should I get water",I asked hesitatingly.
"Yes",She said between her coughs.
I left the room,rushed towards the purifier as my parents n Caroline rushed after me
"Is everything ok?",Asked Caroline.
"Yes it's just She - needs water",As said not looking at anyone and rushing back towards her room.
I opened the door.And she was coughing no more. He slowly moved towards her,with the feeling of fear in his heart.
"I got the water",I said softly,moving towards her with small steps.
She didn't reply.
She was as still as the wind before the storm. I was surrounded by thanatophobia (fear of losing someone close).But i couldn't let that thought come to his mind. I couldn't bare the thought of losing her anyone but her.
I checked her pulse.
- - - - - -
"A- aaa r- chhh",Mason hesitated from the other side of the phone.
"What's wrong everything alright?",
"Yo- u need to to- come- here",Mason's voice broke.
"Hang on dude I will be there in no time",

It was over.the loss was done, and it couldn't be undone by anyone. She was meant to die so she died.
But it all wasn't so simple for mason.
After he checked her pulse,at first he couldn't believe it so he re checked. But at the end he had to accept the fact that he had to let her go. His head was aching he sat down on the floor with a thump.he wanted to cry he wanted to cry very hard. He still thinks it's a dream,a bad dream.
He was gasping for air.he wanted to scream for the doctor for the nurse for his parents to come and get her back to life but not even a word came out of his mouth.he was silent there was heavy dark cloud above him. After few moments he realised.
He cried he screamed aggressively.
The doctors and nurse came rushing inside so did his parents and Caroline.
"What happened",The doctor asked trying to comfort him.
He didn't say anything,was still in shock.
He just pointed,towards her sister,her late sister.
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"what the hell you were quite anxious over the phone. You sister is okay right?",Archie Asked
Mason didn't reply. He looked broken. His eyes were surrounded by dark circle, his hair was a mess,it looked as if he hadn't had bath in weeks.
"Answer me",
He just blinked paving a way for years to roll down his cheek.Archie got his answer.
He was speechless.he didn't comfort him, what could he possibly say,he knew anything he said wouldn't comfort a brother who has just lost his sister. He just sat there aside him with guilt, he somehow held himself for what one spoke.
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Zoe's POV

Erica and Sophia came rushing towards my room as if earthquake had occurred.

"What the hell is this this supposed to mean",Said sophia panicking as she showed her insta feed to me.
I knew what was it about I didn't wanna argue.
"I don't wanna talk about it",I said not looking towards them.
"What the hell is wrong with you Zoe getting in trouble should be my role not yours",Said Erica.
"Please just leave",I said trying to hold back her tears.
"Not until you tell us what was this about",Said Erica moving close to me she was followed by sophia.
"It was just..... what happened that night was my mistake?",I Asked
"You were pretty drunk",Said sophia.
"Right",I said
"Archie expected me to thank him",I said
"He saved you from that bastard Justin",Said Erica.
"Archie's intentions weren't good anyways",I shrieked
"You were drunk he didn't even touch you",Said Sophia.
"Don't you think you should have atleast thanked him and instead you slapped him",Added sophia.
"The slap was not for that night",Exclaimed Zoe.
"What was it for",Asked Erica
"It was his language he was god damn disrespectful",I said
"I told you archie will be trouble",Said Erica.
"I should have known better he was trouble",I said
"I guess there is problem here",Said sophia who was scrolling through her phone.
We didn't say anything waiting for her to speak ahead
"It's mason's sister ",said sophia
"What?",Erica and I said in union.

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And guys sorry for the delays in recent chap 😅

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