Undisclosed letter.

203 18 11

Zoe's P.O.V

I was back home. And surprisingly I felt good now. I washed my face, freshened up and tied my hair into a bun. Opening my book. When Erica came rushing towards my room and plunged into my room.
"Couldn't you knock, instead of this superwoman entry",
"Seriously what do want",
"I want to Sneak out",she asserted
"SNEAK OUT????",I panicked.
"WHERE?",I Asked
"WHY?",I asked again before she could answer.
"To Steve's place",She said as she moved towards my window.
"Don't tell mom",She added.
"Wait- you can't sneak out",I said.
"I am not here seeking you permission ",She said as she again turned towards my window.
"What now?",
"Why didn't you sneak out from your room?",I Asked.
"Because there is no water pipe I can use for support outside my room",She said frustrated.
"You can't jump from here, you will dislocate your shoulder break your hands and fracture your head. And then go to comma",
"Stop over reacting and i won't even fall also if I fall it's not that high I won't dislocate anything just maybe have some fractures",She said as she sneaked a peek down the window to look at the distance between my room and the ground.
"Oh no you are not sneaking out",I said as I went to close the windows.
"Oh yes I am",She said as she stopped me from closing the windows.
"Fine do whatever you want",I said,fed up of her behaving immature.
"Ok bye",She said as she, with the help of hydro pipe slid down as swiftly as monkey.
I was surprised.
I always knew she was a monkey in her past life today she proved it.
She waved me goodbye form down and left even before I could wave back.
I sighed.
I went to check on my parents before going back to studying.
They both were asleep already.
- - - - - - - - -

"We will be leaving by today evening's flight",My dad said.
"Ok",I said not really attentive towards what my dad just said, I was busy finding an apple in the kitchen.
I woke up late, I was up studying yesterday night.
"What are you finding?",I could hear my mom's voice from behind.
"An APPLE!",I shrieked in frustration.
"Stop messing the kitchen. Wait outside I will bring it to you",She said.
"Ok,make it fast I am running late",
"Here",She said handing me a fresh,red apple.
"Thank you so much, bye I love you",I said as now I hurried towards the front door.
"Mom please not now- I am late I need to leave",I said as I was wearing my sneakers.
"But where is Erica?",She asked
she was not home yet. I looked back at my mom. she was waiting for any reply.
"She is at- Sophia's house",
"Why is she there?",
"Some kind of project I am assuming",
"Why aren't you with them?",Mom Asked with suspicion squinted eyes.
"God mom, I was studying",I said as now I left through the front door.

Today Sophia was taking a leave.so I had to to the school by myself. I took a cab to school.

I reached and saw Erica standing at the entrance gate,not alone. With Steve.
I took small steps towards her.

"Mom was asking about you",I told her.
"Wait- So What did you say?",She asked with true concern showcased on her face.
"The truth. That you were with Steve the whole night",I said not even sparing her a glance.
"No you did not. Don't say that",She panicked.
"I think I should go",Said Steve, as he thought it would be appropriate to leave us both of us alone.
"Ye bye, meet you after school",Said Erica with a warm smile.
Thy kissed. And he left.

She again turned to me.
"Why did you tell mom?",She cried.
"I was just kidding",I confessed.
"Haha.. I was literally going to have a panic attack",She sighed in relief.
"Anyways why have you been acting so cool since past hours . You allowed me to sneak out. And you LIED to mom and now, you Joked you are always so rude you never joke lol",She said.
"Well- I don't know maybe now I am more confident about everything",I said with a wide smile.It was about the freedom I have from Archie now.
"That's great",
"Do you like him?",I Asked our of the blue.
"Whom?",She asked acting clueless.
"Drop the act, you know I am talking about Steve",
"I- no we Are just friends",She said , confused.
"Do you mean "FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS",I teased.
"Ye that's - what it is",She confesses awkwardly.
"So what are you going to do? ",I asked
"What do you mean?",She asked now infuriated a bit by my non-stop questions.
"I mean you guys are not serious, are you?",I re-assured.
"Yes, we are not",
"I think he likes you",I said not perplexing the situation anymore.
She didn't reply.
"Are you guys going to break up?",I Asked.
"What do you mean break up? We were never dating",She was baffled.
"Stop playing with his feelings isn't. it obviously he likes you",I said.
The bell rang and now I moved towards my math class.
"Wait-",Said Erica coming running after me.
"Yes?",I said as I turned.
"How do you know"?She asked.
"I don't know. The way he looks at you like you are his everything",I said.
"Why are you soo cheesy?",She asked.
"Why are you so irritated I told you what I think rest is upon you ",i said as I moved towards my math class.


It was my geography period now. I was going until I into someone. For a fraction of second I thought it was Archie, but it wasn't. It was Tristan I assume one of his friend.

Before I could apologise. He handed me a letter.And before I could ask him what was it about he left.
I kept it inside my bag-pack for now as I rushed towards my geography class.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Author's POV-

She was fill with aghast listening to Zoe assumption about Steve. She convinced herself that it wasn't true but a part of her still feared it.
The school hours were now over. And as promised Steve came to meet her outside her history class. He wouldn't have come only if he knew what Zoe had told her about him.
"Hey",He greeted.
"Can we talk tomorrow. I have homework to do",She said ignoring him.
"You never do your homework",He laughed
"Yes but now I planned to do it? Do you have any problem with that?",She had lost control over her words.
"No I was just saying. What's wrong?",He asked.
"Nothing is wrong. Can you just leave me alone I m not a mood to talk to you",She said.
"Did I do something wrong?",
"Steve get the F*ck away from me",She shrieked.
"Is this about Alice?",His voice turned into soft whispers.
"Listen Believe me whatever Archie told you he was lying about it I didn't plan about killing anyone",He said softly so that no one could hear.
"Wait-What? What are you talking about Alice was murdered?",Erica asked even more shocked.
"Oh god so you were not talking about Alice ?" He said now regretting opening up everything in front of Her.
"I was not talking about Alice. But what the hell are you talking about? You didn't do anything wrong like that stupid brother of yours did you?",She asked.
"No I did not I swear",He said.
"Then what was that you were talking about?",She asked.
"It was nothing",He said.
"Tell me",She demanded.
"I will tell you ok? Just not now",He said.
"Why not now?",
"Please understand. Leave it if you were not talking about Alice then why were you ignoring me?",He asked
"It doesn't matter",She said, as she kissed him.
"Let's go".

(P.S Thai chapter is not edited. So if you find some kind of mistake,(sorry) please point it out I will change it asap )

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