The Funeral

201 20 14

Zoe's P.O.V

"No!, we are not dating", I tried to sound as convincing as possible.
"So you guys are JUST friends?",She said exaggerating on the word just.
"I- don't know what between us",I bleated in confusion.
"IF by any chance he wins your hearth will you date him",curiosity distinctly visible in her voice.
"If only you were interested in your studies as much as you are in my love life, then maybe you would have good scores",I didn't reply her question.
"No don't change the topic! Answer my question",She ordered.
"I don't know- I- ",how can I answer her . when I myself have no idea. It's like first he is just so sweet and in no time he compels me to think otherwise.
"He won't ever be able to win my heart",I said with weary smile.
"But what if he does?",She wanted to get on my nerves today.
"He won't!",
"This world of full of possibilities Zoe. Anything can happen",She said it like a jest.
But she was right. Anything might happen I guess I will never know. Archie flashed across my mind and The thought of me and him together made me almost laugh and maybe blush.
Erica noticed the change in my reaction. She squinted her eyes.
"What are you thinking about",She smirked.
"Get out of my room",I said tired of her being nosy.
I practically pushed her out of my room.
And she wasn't ready to leave.
"Wait, I almost forgot what I came to tell you",
I folded my arms over my chest, waiting for her to continue. Her smile departed form her face and a took its place.
"It's tomorrow",She said placing a strand of her hair behind her ears.
"What is Tomorrow?",I Queried, frustration not abandoning my face.
"The funeral",she whispered, her face was pale.
I nodded sympathetically and massaged my temple. That topic has always been a mood killer. Everyone has to die, but she left too early.
Erica left my room.
After few minutes I could hear the main bang loudly.
"Erica where are you going?",I Asked from my room, but there was no reply. Maybe she didn't hear me. I descended the stairs and Erica wasn't there. Her shoes were gone. I reached for my phone in my front pocket and called her I could hear the ringtone coming from my room. I again climbed the stair and opened my room.she forgot her cellphone here.

Erica's P.O.V

The curiosity was eating me from Inside. If Steve was anyhow involved with Alice's accident I had to know it now. As soon as I left Zoe's room I went to meet Steve.
"Oh hi, didn't expect to see you today",
"Why did you kill Alice?",
"Whoa, calm down, lower you voice",He said as he quickly glanced around To see if anyone was listening and asked me to come inside. I entered and repeated myself.
" I did not",He said calmly.
"You are such a bad liar", I took a step forward, crowding him, and he had no option but to step back.
"Tell me what did you do"I was seeking for answers.
"I can't tell you, and keep you voice low",He warned me again, his jaw clenched.
"Why can't you tell me?",My pitch higher than ever.
"Because if I tell you you will become a part of the problem",He shouted back.
I shrugged
"Listen",He slowly placed him arms on my shoulder.
"Don't touch me",he withdrew his hands back.
"If I tell you what I did then you will go and talk about it to everyone and if that happens I get in trouble",
"So you did kill her?",
"No i did not",He smouldered with resentment.
"Then why would you be in trouble?",I didn't choose to notice the anger boiling inside him.
"Leave",He said sedately pointing towards the door.
"What?",I heard him but I didn't believe my ears when he asked me to leave.
"I asked you to leave right now",He said his eyes, looking down and not matching eyes.
I didn't believe this I should have left that moment itself.
"You are a cold blooded murderer",I said out of frustration, yeah I shouldn't have. I said it at the heat of the moment only to regret it the next second.
He punched his wall in frustration, his knuckles were bleeding but I left.

The Following day.
Zoe's P.O.V

It was all decorated in white. Were funerals meant to celebrate death? No, maybe the impact she made when she was alive. Maybe the achievements she deserved and achieved. Maybe those dreams which she wanted to realise. Maybe those contagious smile she spread around. It was weird to assume so much about someone whom I barely knew. It was a warm afternoon still there was something cold about that place about that afternoon. The place was as silent as the grave. Grave, our final destinations.its funny how our graves exist longer than we ourselves do. You leave it all behind but the impact you leave just lingers in the eternity. My depressing thoughts were disturbed by Mike disturbance. It flashed me back to reality.

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