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Zoe's P.O.V

I was walking back home, with that mysterious letter in my hand. I opened it and I saw my name written in CAPITAL,with a black marker I assume. Before reading the letter I was more curious about who was it from. I skipped the content of the letter. And my eyes scanned the conclusion part.
I knew I was expecting this. It said:
With love,
From the hottest ARCH.
Such a narcissistic.
I didn't read it. I threw it. I waked a few steps ahead,not letting the letter mess with my head. But my curiosity didn't keep me from going back. I stood there for about 10 seconds. If I didn't read the letter,the curiosity will eat me up and if I read it my guilt will.
I found myself picking up the letter again.
"I will just read it and ignore the letter as if it's nothing ",I convinced myself even though I knew I couldn't ignore it.

Dear Zoe,
I don't care if you throw this letter or even eat it.
The fact that he mentioned me eating the letter wasn't quite pleasing but I ignored it anyhow and read ahead.
See firstly in know you hate it when I talk to you or even exist around you.
Ok I won't play with you anymore and get straight to the point. I really like you. I will make it up to you I swear. You just need to give me chance. I'm bad at penning down thoughts. Please do meet me at Monets(café) at 8:00pm. You don't have to come, just give me a chance if you still find me a jerk. I won't bother you. I will be waiting,I get it if you don't show up.
With love,
From the hottest ARCH.
I was speechless, I hate myself for considering giving him a chance.

Tristan's P.O.V

I saw her from behind an electrical pillar. She steadily opened the envelope,examined it, and threw it.
She threw it. I waited to see what she does next. She moved ahead.

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"Are you sure?",He asked his eyes darkened.
"I saw it with my own eyes",I said confident enough.
"What did she do?",
"She opened it, saw it for few seconds, she didn't even read it properly and threw it away",I explained.
"What did she do ahead?",I could see anger boiling inside him.
"She started moving",I said.
"And?",He expected more.
"And then nothing, I came here to tell you about this all",I said.

"Who the hell she thinks she is,you know I have never apologised any freaking person, that fuc*ing ego will take her down",Archie said violently.
"What are you going to do now?",I Asked as I took a sip of water.
"My life doesn't stop after a single girl. I did everything in my power to change her mind. And if that arrogant ass thinks my whole world revolves around her then the joke is on her. There are thousands of girl devoting themselves on me",He said as the left side of his soft red lips tugged upwards creating a vulgar smirk.

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Zoe's P.O.V
I had an algebra book on the desk in front of me. Open book, but my mind wasn't grasping anything from it. All I could think about was the letter, I didn't realise when my cheeks turned as red as a tomato and I blushed.
"Zoe I need your help",She rushed inside my room.
I tried to conceal my blush.
"What do you want?",I Asked as I couldn't stop blushing.
"Why are you smiling?",She asked.
"Nothing",I said as My smile even got wider.
"Are you ok,you never smile for no reason. You are rude",She said.
"Shut up, and tell me what help do you want",I said not blushing anymore as the rude remark offended me.
She explained me about her doubt. But I wasn't attentive Archie was at the centre of my mind.
"Are you even listening?",She said now irritated.
"Listen I need your advice",I said ignoring her question.
"Why would you want my advice. You are like better than me at everything",She said as she squinted with envy.
"Oh wait- there is one thing- do you want advice about boys?",She said as her voice turned into a whisper.
I blushed. She understood.
"OMG! Zoe needs an advice about boys from ME. This is unbelievable. Wait I don't believe this yet. Zoe needs advice about Boys",She lost her mind.
"Not boys, A single boy",I corrected.
"Yes yes I know that there is no chance you will be with two guys at the same time",She said.
"Now, May I ask for the advice?",I Asked shyly.
"Ok spill the tea",She said with a playful smile.
"What tea? I m not drinking any tea",I said.
"Oh god Zoe. Spill the tea means- Urghh nvm just tell me",She said.
"Ok so....",
I filled her in about everything that happened.
"This",I said as I reached my bag and took out the letter which Archie gave me.
She read the letter. And bursted into laughter.
"Why are you laughing",I Asked as my smile turned into concerned frown.
"Are you sure, Archie has written this",She asked in between of her loud annoying laughter.
"Yes, Why?",I Asked .
"Ok this is the worst love letter I have read in my whole life. From the hottest ARCH",She mocked.
"Eww",She added and she again started laughing.
"I thought Archie would be better at flirting assuming from his behaviour",She again said.
"Will you stop laughing",I asked her now annoyed.
"Ok Wait sorry",She said now her eyes got teary from laughing so much.
"I am still waiting for your advice",I said with raised brows.
"Ok so what can I advice you about this it's your choice go is you want. Don't go if you don't want",She said as if it isn't a tough decision at all.
"It's not that easy",I explained.
"I personally hate that jerk, so I won't show up. But if you think he is worthy of chance then go",She and made it sound like it was all so easy.
"No but every time I trust him I end up regretting",
"Then don't go",She said.
"No you don't understand. I don't want him to hate me",I told Her
"You need to Choose a side. You are either with him or not. There is no in between",She said.
"No I- I don't want to date him",
"Ok then just don't go",She said.
"I don't want him to think that I am arrogant. He apologised for his mistakes and- I really don't know",
"Do you like him?",
"No way",
"Then why do you care about what he thinks about you",
"I do like him as I friend",I said.
"Enemies to friends to lovers thats cliche",She said.
"You are not helping",I said.
" just tell him you are not ready for dating just yet and you could be friends",She said.
"Yes ok. That's good?",it was more of a question then a statement.
"Yes that's great",She said as she clapped her hands in excitement.
"How are things between you and Steve?",I Asked.
"Good",She said but her expression said otherwise.
"Are you sure?",I Asked.
"It's Great",She said with a wry smile.
"Ok. What was your doubt?",I asked.
"Never mind I forgot",She said as she stood up and was about to leave my room.
She stopped at the door and turned.
I was assuming she would say something.
"Inspite I envy you for your perfect grades. Don't let any guy take that from you ok? Your future should be your priority. You can also date after you complete studying law",She said with an encouraging smile.
And I realised that's all I needed. That encouragement from my sister made my mind clear about what I wanted.
"No problem loser",She said as she went towards her room.

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Author's P.O.V
7:00 pm (later that day)

He had already exceeded the speed limit. With every passing second his speed was increasing.
80 km/h 90km/h 100km/hr 120km/hr it reached 140. And all he could think about was Zoe. Her innocent smile would always flash across his eyes. Now he pressed the accelerator even harder. The honking of other cars flashed him back to reality. He was bewildered finding himself in this position. He pressed the break and parked his car at the side for few minutes. He splashed water from his water bottle and sighed in relief. He was devastated.

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He entered the cafe at around 7:30 he knew he won't see Zoe there but he also knew with or without Zoe his life goes on.
He acted like he didn't care anymore.

He entered the cafe now wearing a smile. He made his way towards the bartender.
He ordered a whiskey. He stood there waiting for his drink his back towards the bartender. He gazed around with his cold expression. He bartender called him from behind. He turned collected his drink and payed for it. The glass tilted up...up....up and the drink disappeared in no time. He ordered one more. A women who walked in was now the center of her attention, who was wearing a sexy, close fitted black knee length dress, lush, glossy lips. Small and pointed nose. Brown coloured eyes.
He couldn't take his eyes off her. She moved towards him. He didn't say anything but his lips turned into a sly smile.
"Whiskey?",He asked offering his glass.
"No thanks. I can get my own",
She ordered scotch.
"Nice choice",He said. She didn't reply.
They moved closer. His arms around her waist. They started making out.

Zoe entered in the cafe.

Ego and misunderstanding kill relationship. And both of them are full of ego and misunderstanding.

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Sorry for the long wait.
Next chapter will be Archie's POV on (then he left) 
I will publish the chapters soon. Thnx for reading!
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