If I go down ,You go down.

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He saw his own reflection in the mirror, stared at himself as his eyes darkened
"You need to get over with it once and for all",He reminded himself. He wore his wrist watch.he carelessly ran his fingers through his black silky hairs.
He was about to leave.
"Where you off to?",Archie Asked blocking his way.
He ignored Archie.
"Planning to leave the country and run?",Archie Asked
This time Steve didn't choose to be quite.
"Shut up, and it's none of your business",Said Steve.
"you killing my best friends sister is none of my business?",
"Get out of my way",
"What if I don't will you also order a vehicle to run over me?",Archie Asked.
"Stop testing my patience Archie I m telling you",he warned
"And does dad know you carry a gun without the license",He added.
"You are threatening me? Uh I m scared",He joked.
"I m serious",
"Go tell anyone you want about the gun",
Steve rushed downstairs and found his dad closing some kind of deal on a call.
"Dad I need to talk to you",He said.
No reply.
"I m busy",His dad announced not even sparing him a glance.
Archie's Lips carved into a cunning smile.
"Better luck next time",Said Archie.
"See now this is not a joke be an obedient little dog and do what's right to do. And tell me how exactly did you kill Alice",
"I didn't god damn killed her",Exclaimed Steve.
"Another LIE, just come clean",
"Says the person who illegally carries gun",
"Then don't tell me I did not warn you, you still have time confess it",
"I didn't do it why should I confess!",
"Then why did you react that way at Justin's party",
"For the millionth time I don't owe you an explanation for anything",
"But you might owe an explanation to legal authorities",
"Great efforts Archie but I know you are not appealing a legal authority",
"Ohh yes I am",
"No you are not, because you know very well you have done things you are not very proud of, kidnapping Might be one of it which you think is just a high school prank but it was way more than it, once the investigations start your all bad deeds are also going to come out, and I am pretty sure you don't want that do you?, if I go down you go down with Archie and if you don't want that you know you will shut up",Steve has a point, He outwitted Archie.
Now It was Steve's time give that sly smile, after all he has his father's blood, Archie was left speechless Steve:1 Archie:0.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I really think Steve is innocent",Said Archie over the phone.
"Did you ask him? What did he say?",Mason asked desperately.
"I think the accident was just a mere accident and nothing more",
"How could you say that you know about the blackmail texts",
"I think it's just a co- incidence I don't think it was a murder and more specifically Steve could never kill anyone",
"What makes you say that, you were saying something completely opposite yesterday",Said Mason.
"You know what I really think I should deal with it practically you are right I should appeal the cops",Mason added.
"No don't!!",Said Archie.
"We will all be in trouble you don't get it",
"How? I don't get it what's wrong with you?, Archie my sister met with an accident which was less of an co incidence more of a planned accident, and you are just asking me to do nothing about it",
"No I m just saying how do you know it was planned for sure? It can really just be an accident",
"I don't believe this Archie, wow- you know what? I m calling the police right now and letting them know everything",
"No!",Archie said.
"Why not???",Mason repeated.
"Because if you tell the cops I will also be in trouble after all the blackmail text had been directly referring to me, and I have done many things which are not really legal you know? I can't go to the police",Archie said.
"So it all about you isn't it? My sister needs justice and all you care about is saving your criminal a*s",
"We can sort this out calmly no need to involve the police",
"Archie you are talking as if it's nothing, everything might be just this easy for you because you never care you don't care for any one you never did, not your brother nor your friends not ever Zoe there is no fuc*ing soul you care about, that who you are a selfish spoiled kid and the fact that you take someone's murder so lightly tells a lot about you, it's always been easy for you",
"That's not true",
"You are jerk!",
"If you call the police even you are going to get into trouble",Archie said.
"How is that?",
"You were with me always and I m pretty sure I don't need to continue you understand what I mean",
"You mean i m equally at blame for every little crime you have committed",
"That's exactly what I mean, believe me it's for our own good you will thank me late-"
Archie was couldn't complete his sentence as mason hung up the call.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Zoe Zoe Zoe!!!!!!",Erica came running to Zoe's room and was almost about to fall as she skipped a step.
"Whoa whoa what's wrong?",Zoe Asked.
"What happened to mom is she alright?",
"Noo I mean yes she is fine, she coming tomorrow",
"Wow she couldn't have found a better time to come and check on us, with all this shit going on.......oh god",
They saw the condition of of their apartment.
The clothes were strewn all over the floor. A thick layer of dust was build up on the shelves, clothes on the floor that hadn't been worn for months. And spider at the corner made this apartment thief permanent residence.

"Mess and creativity go hand in hand",Said Erica.
"Shut up and start cleaning",Zoe shrieked.
Zoe picked up the dirty clothes from the floor meanwhile Erica went to get a mop, no sooner she started cleaning the room the door bell rang

"You told me they were coming tomorrow",Said Zoe.
"Yes mom told me they were coming tomorrow I don't know",
"Then who is on the door??",Zoe Asked
"Zoe I m sorry to let you know I don't have super powers so to know who is at the door one of us needs to take the initiative to stand up and go till the door and open it",Erica said.
The doorbell rang again.
"You go open I m picking up the mess",
"Do you think I m partying?
I m also cleaning, you go!",Erica said
The bell rang again.
Zoe was the one who stood up and went and opened the door.

It was sophia
"Ohhh hi Sophia, please make yourself at home great to see you",Zoe said with a wide smile, she had something in mind
"What's up with that smile I sense something is wrong if you want I can come later",Sophia said who was about to go
"No no you are not going anywhere",Said Zoe as she locked the door.
"You sound like a kidnapper",Sophia said.
"Now follow me!",Zoe shrieked.
"More like a kidnapper",Said sophia But she followed her upstairs.

"Ohh hi sophia",Erica said with a mop in her hand.
"What are you doing?",Sophia asked with a giggle.
"No time to explain my parents are coming tomorrow and the room is a mess we need to clean it as soon as possible",Erica said with no space between her words. Sophia could hardly understand.
"What do you me-",
Sophia was interrupted as Erica threw the mop towards sophia, which lucky sophia caught.
"Good catch",Said Zoe with a smirk.
"Thank yo-",
"Now start cleaning",Erica commanded.
"What? Why? No I m no-",
"Sophia , after all these years we spent with you we were with you through your good time and bad time we passed the school together we saved each other from the mean bullies we studied together all those nights, your first love, your first heartbreak we were also with you this is how you repay us?",Zoe Asked  dramatically.
"First love my foot, I have never had a boyfriend in case you forgot",Sophia reminded.
"Ye right",Erica added.
"Anyways never mind Erica, Sophia is not the same anymore she forgot all those good old days we spent together she won't help us we will do it alone",Said Zoe.
"Yes Zoe we will work soo hard even if our nose starts bleeding even if our legs break we won't stop cleaning",Erica said.
"Guys enough! no need to be so dramatic and all . Fine I will do it",Said Sophia as she flared her nose.
"Tysm!!!",Erica and Zoe said in union as a wide smile replaced their fake teary face.
"You guys are so extra, I m never coming here again is this how you treat your guests-",Sophia said.
"Talk less work more",Said Zoe.
"This is unbelievable",Said Sophia with frustration.

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Hope you liked the chapter
Do vote and comment.
(If the chap had any mistakes sorry in advance I wrote it in a hurry)

And also my final exams r near :(
So slow updates for a month (so sorry)
But still I will try to update chapters.

Tc n stay safe 💜

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