Know your priorities

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Archie's POV

By now the news would have had spread as fast as fire. And Zoe was already here but of course she wasnt alone she was follwed by her two soulmates, Erica and Sophia.
"Power puff girls",I whispered under my breath
Zoe passed by and ignored my existence,I was also not carving for her attention anyways.
"Mason I m so sorry abt what happened",Zoe expressed her grief.
"Zoe how do you think your sorry will comfort a brother who lost her sister, it won't make any difference and we don't need you coming here with your girl gang",I said of course I was pissed off about what happened that day.
"No on is talking to you Archie, so it's better if you keep your mouth shut",
I didn't reply.
Couple hours past n everyone came, left.

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A week passed since mason had lost his sister. By now this news had gotten old and even forgotten by some, but the desire of revenge was still alive and active in Mason's heart he hadn't been attended classes lately. Archie was attending classes minding his own business, Archie and Zoe never collided in the corridors nor did they talk. Justin was not being a trouble but still didn't give up on his habit of picking up on other people. Steve was acting nervous and trepidatious, He was acting this way since the day he came to know about Alice's accident.and Robert god knows what he was doing. it was a new day a fresh start (or was it?).

"I m afraid your answer is wrong",Mrs.Gomez asserted, disappointed at back to back wrongs answers given by the students.But now she expected a correct one.
"Ms.Zoe right? Would you like to try?",
Zoe stood up.
"Miss,uh do you mind repeating the question?", inattentive Zoe Asked.
"It's given in the textbook  question number7",
"Never mind sit down",sighed Mrs.Gomez.
She took back her seat with embarrassment.
Mrs.Gomez continued to teach. Zoe could no longer concentrate.she was rapidly breathing.
The bell rang.
"Students you may disperse",She announced.
Zoe was about to take her books and rush out of the classroom when the teacher stopped her.
"Zoe you must wait",
Sara stood there nervously for seconds until all the students left.

"Zoe is everything alright with you?",She asked.
"Yes it's- great",Zoe lied.
"Zoe you used to be a bright student, I am pretty sure you still are,but recently you have been pretty distracted I m sorry to say if this continues I doubt you will keep up your score. I hope you are understanding what I mean to say?",She asked gently.
"Yes maam I get it",Zoe forced a smile.
"Whatever it is that's been distracting you recently better cut it off it's for your own good. Know your priorities Zoe",She lectured.
"I totally understand ma'am",
"Good you may leave",
"Thank you",

She left the classroom, Erica and Sophia were waiting for her.
"Wassup?",Erica Asked.
"Nothing",Zoe said.
"You alright",Sophia asked examining Zoe's face.
"I m ok",Zoe said without thinking
"Ohk",Said sophia.
Sophia, Erica and Zoe seated themselves in the car. And there was a long silence,which Erica broke.
"Umm Zoe, Sophia's birthday is coming is coming we were planning a small party so you in?",Erica Asked.
"You guys threw a party after what happened?",Asked Zoe irritatedly.
"No don't worry it's inner circle only we three and Robert and Steve and Archie won't be there don't worry", Said Sophia.
Noticing how Erica's face lit up when she mentioned Steve's name.
"Know your priorities",Mrs.gomez's words were all she was thinking about.
"Zoe you in?",Erica Asked again.
"Uhhh ye I- I don't know probably",Said Zoe massaging her temple.
"Zoe are you alright",Sophia asked again the first answer didn't satisfy her.
"I told you I m God damn just please concentrate on the car I m FINE!",She said but her tone was surely NOT fine.Zoe closed her eyes and everything that happened today was only playing in repeat in her mind.

"Know your priorities",
"I doubt you will keep up your scores",
"You used to be a bright student",
"You are distracted",

"I m trying, I am trying please shut up",Cried Zoe out of frustration
"But I didn't say anything",Said Sophia.
"Ye I am sorry it wasn't meant for you, I m sorry it's just the exam and all",
"Zoe stop pressuring yourself with grades",Said Erica.
"Yes you are right",

"Hey you doing good?",Archie Asked.
"I don't know to be honest",
"I just want to murder that son of a bi*t** whoever was behind it, I-",
"Of course",
"Do you have any slightest idea about who is behind this",
"I don't think so I kn- no wait? JUSTIN??",Archie Asked more than he said.
"No I don't think so what he probably has to do with it? And after all the threats were coming even before he even joined",Mason said.
"Yes right, it's Oh damn how can I forget this it's Steve no doubt. Did you not see his re action when he was first told about the accident it's him!",Said Archie.
"No why would he even kil-",The words didn't come out his mouth.
"I can make Steve confess it all",Said Archie as he rolled up his sleeves
"by the way I forgot to mention uhh- the - funeral-",his voice broke
"It's next week",He added.
"Ohhh I- m so sorry dude again I know it would be hard What your going through",Archie said.
"Have you informed the police yet?",Archie Asked.
"No? I don't want any trouble really",
"You has been receiving threat calls and later your sister",
"I will freaking kill that B*ast*rd with my own hands",Mason said.
"And I will have a word with Steve",

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