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2 months have passed our lives are almost back to normal. Today is the last day of my junior year that means last of sophia of her senior year from tomorrow she and mason. Will get done with all the high school drama and start a whole new life. The real competitive world they will face. Take al of those boring Adult responsibilities. This year didn't end with exactly the same number of people it started with. One of them will always be missed. And the other one? Nah not really. He is better forgotten and the world is a way better place without him being a part. Steve and Erica and dating. And Archie and me are also kind of dating. He still does hesitate everyone time he says he loves me but he is working on it. And he wears his seatbelt without me reminding him. He becomes a better version of himself with each passing day. And I love him for that I love him for every single thing he does. And yes Justin made out his hospital room alive. We asked him to leave the town forever and if he didn't we would tell everyone that he killed Alice. He agreed to keep our secret in return we kept his and he is gone for good.
I have two good news!
Firstly- I passed my junior year with flying colours and secured the top position.
Umm and Archie somehow managed to pass without cheating. The bad blood between him and Steve maybe decreased a bit not that they both share a dark secret they have to keep.
And Erica got a bit wittier than before. Only a bit. Otherwise she is still that 10 year old obsessed with Netflix. Anyhow she is getting serious about following her dreams and goals.

"Sophia I will miss you", cried Erica who was high. Yes we all had been drinking this is the first time I had a drink after that night but I m well aware of my safety.
"I will miss mason-",Said Steve.
"Who gonna give me fresh news and all information",Steve slurred.
Archie who had miserably drunk too much more than he should, stood on the table. And after a lot of effort balanced on his two legs.
I didn't stop him today, since it was the last day of junior year.
"Ok bitches .. shut the helll up guys",He screamed.
"Don't turn this into I will miss you shit. Stop being so senti",He was about loose his balance but mason held him.
"Wow finally I will be free from this cage",Sophia said.
"You are going to miss us, like hell. Specially me",Archie again said. "No"
"I wish you luck one more year in this hell hole",Said sophia.
"Don't call it a hell hole.... it's heaven since Zoe is a part of it",He winked at me but since he was drunk he winked at the wall thinking it was me. I anyhow blushed.
"Don't puke",Said Steve to Archie.
"I don't puke like you",Said Archie.
Steve shrugged.
"Urghh guys lets raise a toast",Said Erica.
"To what?",Steve Asked.
"To the world",Said Erica as she wide opened her arms and fell down. Luckily Steve caught her.
"I m ok",She said.
"Let's raise a toast to this year we spent together and next year that we will spend together two people missing tho",Erica frowned.
We all raised our glasses
"To a new year full of challenges, possibilities and new relationships and of course how can we forget the upcoming juniors",

( sorry in advance if the last four chapters had any errors. Anyhow do point it out! I will change it asap!)

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Firstly thank you soo freaking much for all the votes(which are way more than I expected)  and comment you guys have no idea how it makes my day 🥺❤️.

Ok guys so finally this books is over ✨
I reallly hope you guys enjoyed it please do comment how you liked the book or how it could have been better.

And also I m planning a sequel portraying long distance between Zoe and Archie and also new characters coming in as juniors.

But before the sequel I have another sartik fanfic up coming :)
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