And he left....

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Zoe's POV

After having a hard time in selecting wether I should attend the party or not ?here I was at Sophia's apartment,trying my best to have fun. But the last time I was at a party having fun, it didn't end up well. I maintained an one arm distance from Any kind of drink. No one had arrived it it was only sophia, Erica and me. Erica and sophia were gossiping about sometging meanwhile I was in my very own world, feeling kind of guilty just wondering if I was being the person spoiling the party vibe.

"What wrong Zoe?",Erica asked with a concerned look on her face.
I faked a smile again, I was used to doing it by now.
" I am all good",I said as I faked having fun.
Erica again trailed towards sophia.

"Where is your Prince Charming?",I could hear Erica ask sophia from a distance.
And then my mind was distracted again. Too distracted to hear sophia's answer.
I clicked back to reality as the door bell rung,
Well it was none other than Robert.
He was wearing, a black shirt and worn out jeans and black converse shoes he kept it simple. He was holding a huge gift packed with a silver wrap. He greeted Sophia with a hug.and Erica too.
He walked towards me and stepped forward for a hug as I offered him a handshake. And then vice versa. At last we just greeted each other with a warm smile.
I wondered if I had always been so awkward with people. I am a socially awkward ain't I? Always have been.
No time and there was a second bell. No doubt it was Steve.
He was wearing a T and jacket and black jeans. He also had a gift but not packed with a fancy wrap. In a bag.
He didn't notice me at first I do blend into the background curse the moment I met Archie. I was used to it, I was used to not having the attention I was used to being the kind of girl to whom no one turned the second time to look at. I was used to not being noticed. And how the things have been going pretty opposite since I met Archie. Steve didn't walk towards me and I was thankful about it.
He waved me from far away I waved back.
And now I moved forward towards them. I noticed Erica and Steve having a small eye contact.Maybe It was small but intense it said a lot. It depicted feelings words could never. MAYBE.
Or maybe I was just over thinking.
And there it was another door bell.
I looked towards sophia. She had no idea who it was either. "Maybe the pizza delivery guy",Said sophia as she moved towards the door.
It was not.
He was Archie not alone followed by almost the whole high school.
"You think you guys could have a party without us?"Were the first words followed by his grand entry.
There he is yes obviously this party wasn't awkward enough. Why not make it more worse.
"Great",I said under my breathe, which Erica heard.
"Zoe - I swear I have no idea how Archie-",She explained.
"Its okay",I said. It was not okay. It was worse.
To my surprise Justin was also a part.
"Okay guys no one invited you, you may take your leave",Sophia asserted to all those unmannered dogs who entered without an invitation.
"Archie if you don't leave we are calling the cops",Said Erica
"No one is calling any police. You guys can seriously have a party when there is a funeral in few days, that's rude what if mason knows about it?",Archie said, he was talking to sophia but his eyes were on me the whole time. I felt conscious.i couldn't bare the gaze of his deep dark eyes. I couldn't just bare the sight of him.
So all that anger just boiled up and I spoke.
"Archie first of all what happened to Alice was sad and no brother should go through what mason went through. This is not even a party. It was just meant to be a small get together thing. Only inner circle,until you came with the whole school, we are not celebrating her death here. And we didn't even know who she was before that and if you still think what we did was wrong, then stop thinking",I unbelievably said it. Again being the center of attention. I could see many pair of eyes starring at me. I felt as if I had done something so illegal. But u had not. It was just the stares. And one of it troubled me the most.i felt suffocated and sick now. I needed some air, I left the room soon after that.

Now that I was outside the music was not loud anymore. I was alone I felt good. And I was thirsty So I went trough my backpack to see if I had something. Nothing. It was pretty cold out here but pleasant. And he came. Now Unpleasant. I knew he was behind me but didn't look back. He slowly stepped forward. My heart started racing.
He was now standing next to me, with two glasses in his hands.No word was uttered form his mouth for a while,he just stood there silently.
"You- want?",He asked, so slowly that it was almost inaudible, offering me a glass.
I didn't reply. He repeated himself. I was annoyed.
"Do you want me to drink again? ",I asked it came out way more rude then I intended it to be.
"No it's no alcohol, not even soda. It's frooti lol that mango juice thing",He said,his hands still offering the drink.
I have it a second thought.
"No, don't worry I didn't drug it or anything",He joked. I accepted it.

Again silence surrounded us. With each breathe It was getting more awkward.

"I - I'm sorry??",He said but really unsure about that. It was more of a question.
I didn't know how to reply to that. So I again kept mum.
"Ok see the thing is I am really bad I understanding silence. So that silence of yours, was it? Ok I forgive you or was it I need more attention",He asked he was trying his best.
"About which thing exactly?",I Asked
"What do you mean?",
"You are sorry about what?",
" I don't know everything?",He again Asked more than he said.
" let me guess, for the part where I was drunk and I kissed you, that too of course I had no motive of doing so... but that was whole my fault why are you being sorry. Or wait is this one for calling me a whore? No was it slut? Never mind same thing , but that was again my fault my mistake that I was drunk and had lost my mind and shouldn't I be the one who should be sorry I slapped you right?"
Before he could reply. I could hear Erica screaming from inside.
"Zoe, come in we are cutting the cake",
"Yes coming",I said replying loudly.
"Don't go",He said as he grabbed a hold of my hand.
"Archie leave me",I said firmly.
"I am telling you I m sorry",he repeated himself.
"Fu*king let go of me your are hurting me",I screeched running out of patience.
A part of me wanted to just forgive him and hug him. The other part of me never wanted to see his face again.
"Fine",He said, his eyes teary,maybe that was the first time I saw him cry. as he let go of me. And he left.
Just left so easily
It was just as easy as that.maybe I never wanted This to happen, maybe this is all I ever wanted.
Why did he leave? I asked myself.
He just did what you told him to ",I replied myself. This was it! I had everything I wanted now there would be no one between me and my goal. But then why the F*ck do I feel like I lost something, that is way more important than certain numbers on a piece of paper.
You can't let emotions misguide you. Love it's just an illusion. You know what you want to achieve in life and that's not love. I reminded myself.
"Zoe are you even coming, you are making the birthday girl wait",Said Erica from inside.
"Yes I m coming sorry",I said as I hurriedly wiped tears off my face. And went inside.

"Ok guys so since you all were uninvited we don't have extra cake for you guys sorry. The cake is only available for sophia robert Steve Zoe and me",Said Erica as I she was 5yr old. Ohh she really cares about the god damn cake right now.
"What that's not fair".Said Justin.
"Of course it's fair, guys you need to adjust without cakes",Said Erica.
"It's ok Erica we can order another one",Said sophia.
"No we don't have time tho",Said Erica.
Ok she was being annoying. They don't have a better topic to fight at.i was again lost in my own world.but all I could think about was Archie. I looked around where Erica was still fighting over cake. But he was no where to be seen. It shouldn't bother me.

(if any mistakes in the chap  sowwy)
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Hope u liked this one-
Sorry for being inactive for so long.
Next part will probably be published between 7-15th March.
And after 15th March my exams will be over so regular updates.
Thank you for reading (keep reading) :)

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