Shhh! Dont tell Erica

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"Okay fine but make it fast",I said lookin at my wrist watch.

"Will you go to Justin's party with me as a date?",He asked.



"Wait like you mean a date?",I was quite sure I heard him at the first time but wanted to re assure.
"Yes",He said with a obvios tone.
"You mean date wala date?",I again asked.
"Aree baba yes! D-A-T-E date",He sighed.
"NO",I said as direct as I could.
"Wait where are going?",He asked again blocking my way.

"I have a place where I live I call it my house,I don't know what you call it",I said sarcastically.
"Everyone calls it a house",He said with a eye roll.
"Oh ok then good to know,so now bye",I said again ready to leave.
"No",He said.

"You can't just no me",I said
"I can".he said
"NO means NO".
"But why",He asked.
"I don't need a reason to deny it's my choice",I said.
"Oh cmon you know you are not doing that".
"Guess what, I am doing it, I am rejecting you I guess", I said with a fake smiles
"you know girls die to be my date and you are getting that opportunity straight in front of you",He said with a smirk.

Hmm not that he was quite wrong.No doubt he is handsome but he is a jerk I don't think going as a date to Justin's party would be a good idea tho justin seems a different person now but still if Erica ever comes to know I attended Justin's party she would kill me.

"Listen I would really like to but I have thing to look after so I can't",I said with an apologetic face.
"Do you even know when is the party?",He asked.
"It's next week",Said Justin who was standing right behind us.
"I still can't make it",I said.
"What's so important?",He asked.
"Not that it's any of your business but I am just busy",I said.
"That's not a reason".
Urghh this boy he won't leave me alone.

"Fine I will think about it meet me outside in five right now I am really hungry so imma rush to the canteen".
"Ok but don't fool me and run away"
"I won't and one more thing",I said looking towards Justin.
"Meet me alone not with your gang",I said still looking at Justin.
"What are you plans?",Asked Archie with a smirk.
"Eww it's not what you think it is idiot",I said going towards the canteen.
"Fine I will be waiting outside".

"What do you have available right now",I asked at the canteen counter where thankfully there was no crowd since everyone had already left.
"We don't have anything everything is out of stock",Said a man with pale face wrinkled lips and small square eyes.
"Like literally nothing?",I asked.
"Wait let me still check",He said heading towards the kitchen.
He came back with a plate.And I started drooling already I was starving.
"This is all",He said handing me a plate of Maggie which was kind of soggy but still enjoyable.
Oh yes Maggie is my anytime snack.
"Thank you",I said carrying my plate and selecting an empty chair.
And then I could feel unstoppable vibrations from my phone which made me reach out for it.

E-oh hello where are you?
E-I think the class dispersed before 30 mins.
E-Are you in trouble?
E- or are you with that archie idiot don't you dare hang with him and especially now after Justin joined his group
Z-chillllll! I am eating.
E-Oh ok. Come home soon I need help with my math hw I think or which subject is this?
Z- you don't even know the subject?
Z- 😑
E- HEHE byeeee come back sooooon.

And now after having a plate of Maggie I felt good and then I disposed my plate and went to pay.

"How much?".
"Someone already paid"
"Who did?"
"Someone called Archie I guess".
"Wait what when? And why?",
"The answer to you first question is he just payed when you were on your phone I guess.and you second question why? I don't know why".
"Uh ok",I said as I picked up my bag and headed outside.towards archie

"Oh hi",Said Archie as he saw me heading towards him.
"Why did you pay for my food",I asked without even greeting him
" just a treat",
"I didn't ask for one",
"Fine chill stop getting mad over it.Its not a big deal",He said.
"Thanks tho I do not want your favor",I said.
"It's just a plate of Maggie for god's sake not a favor".
"Ye whatever",
"So why are we here",
"Oh yes soo I wanted to tell you that I can't be you date..listen",...
"Why",He said interrupting me.
"First listen listen, because it's Justin's party",I said.
"So what?",
"You don't understand Justin is not a good person",I said.
"How do you know him he just joint the school".
"I can't tell you that but if Erica comes to know I went to Justin's party she will kill me".
"But who is going to tell Erica",
"No I am not lying to her",
"She is your sister you can hide it".
Urghh I thought for while and then
Gave a soft smile.
"Is that a yes",He asked with a big smile.
"Maybe",I said as I chuckled.
"But I don't like you okay get that thing straight in you head".
"You don't like me now, you don't know about the future".
"Yes whatever",
"But now I got to go soo adios",I said.
"Wait you speak Spanish?",He asked with ashtonishment
"No I am just  watching this Netflix series so I know some basic Spanish words",I said.
"Do you speak Spanish?",I asked.
"Si, yo hablo español (yes I can speak Spanish)",He said with a wink.
Whoa I have no idea what he just said, i am guessing he said i speak spanish but he sounded super sexy.what the hellll stop!Erica stopp.
"Yes ok bye".I said tryin to get out of there asap.
"Bye",He waved

Hope you liked the chapter
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Will update soon tilll then
Adios 😂and tc :)

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