A whore

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"Dude just stop ok? Your anger won't change anything and whatever happens will happen you can't interfere your faith",Said Mason as he lost hope
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I woke up to the loud alarm feeling dizzy and tired I couldn't re collect anything
And Erica came rushing towards my room.

"What the hell Zoe I taught you were supposed to be the good daughter",No sooner she entered she started screaming at me.
"Good morning to you too",I said as I rubbed my eyes.
"Good morning are you serious there is nothing good about this morning",She exclaimed.
"What's wrong with you?",
"Ohh so you don't remember anything, ohh yes ofc you don't I was the one carrying you throughout everything",She said with a eye roll.
"See I- am tired and I m going to bath if you are done with your shouting for no reason",I said as I made my bed.
"I guess I have to remind you what you did last night",She said.
"Yes please do cause I have no idea what are you talking about",
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"Soo you are telling me that I myself went to Justin",I yelled not believing myself.
"Yes that's exactly what you did last night I don't believe I am saying this but thanks to Archie or else god knows what would have happened",she said as her tone was calmer then before now.
"What did I do",I said with my voice full of regret.
"Shit", I said under my breath
"Seems like the perfect girl next door is no more perfect",Said Erica with a laughter.
"Shut up it's not funny",
"I never said it was funny this is what happens when you go to party with non- reliable people",
"See I am not having this discussion again I got to go and have a bath",
"Ye whatever",She said as she headed out the door",
"What did you do Zoe urghhhh",
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There were still 15 minutes left for the first lecture to start.
And Archie was no where to be found after what happened yesterday we surely had to have a talk. I saw Steve and Robert passing by.
"Hey Wait you guys, have you people seen Archie anywhere?",I Asked
"No he is with mason in the hospital if you remember what happened last nig-",
"Ye Erica told me thnx",I said as I left from there not wanting to talk about abt last night it was the most embarrassing thing ever.


"Archie I guess you should go and study now you have been missing school since two days and I don't think it's appropriate to -",Mason said
"No anyways do you think I study at school well obviously I don't",Archie said not wanting to leave.
"Archie please just go I insist just please",
"Mason but",
"Just go I will call you if I need you",
"Fine but call me ok?",
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Three days had past and I still couldn't get over what happened that night. I hate my own stupid self for doing that.It ruined everything I haven't been able to concentrate on my academics since then all I think about was what would have happened if Archie never showed up.
"Ye yes",I heard professor calling me I heard him at the second time.
"Time is running please take down the notes",He asserted.
"I didn't realise that by this time tears started dwelling in my eyes.
I left the classroom before anyone could notice it.
I rushed towards the washroom and gasped for breathe,washed my face,and left the washroom.
And only to make my Wednesday more worse I saw Archie walking through the corridors.
"Please don't notice me please",I said under my breathe as I looked down towards the direction of my shoes in order to not be noticed by anyone.
"Hey Zoe",
Damn it.
I looked up and acted as if I didn't know he was there.
"Ohh hi",I said.
"Hi how are you I mean after that night at the party we haven't talked I mean that night you-",
"Can we not talk about it",I said coldly without regretting it.
"Yes sure but what was up with you I mean "He continued.
"Do I need to repeat myself?",I Asked.
"Oh ye I should known you were trouble since the start",I added.
"Stop blaming it on me",He answered back.
The bell rang and now the isolated corridors started getting crowded.
"Oh yes really but well isn't that what you really wanted not that your intentions were pure",
"Ok now that's complete nuisance is I wanted there why would I stop you from even kissing me",He shouted the voice was loud enough to gather couple people around us.
I was embarrassed.
"So u think you did me a favor by not kissing me when I was drunk for your kind information that's without my consent",I said.
"Your allegations are harsh I expected you would thank me for saving you from that bastard",He said.
"And you were also not that innocent you had also spread your legs like a f**cking whore",He said
People had started filming us and my biggest fear since primary school was being the centre of attraction.
I did not say anything.
But my hands met Archie's cheeks maybe that slap was enough to say everything.
"F*c***ng pervert",I said as now tears were rolling down my eyes.
I left from there.
"What the show is over guys leave",Said Archie irritatedly.

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Sophia's POV.
"This was the longest day I mean imagine having history followed by geography block periods it sucks",I said out of frustration.
"Lol we had computer today I skipped it",Erica said.
"Lucky you",I said with a eye roll.
"Where is sophia btw",I asked.
"I don't know",I said
"Should we wait for her?",
"I guess we should go I will get her on they way",Erica said.
"Fair", said as I went towards my parked car.
Erica entered
"Not picking up her god damn call",Said Erica.
"Who cares",She added.
I didn't say anything and focused on the road.
" HOLY FODGE",Erica Screamed after few minutes.
"What happened?",I asked
She showed me her insta feed and it was school's current drama but the subject of drama were Zoe and Archie.
It was a video that showed Zoe slapping Archie.
"This is bad",I said looking towards Erica.
"Watch out",Erica Screamed as there was a dog in front of the street.
I applied breaks the seatbelt's saved us.
My hair were on my face though.
"WOW",I said sarcastically.

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