We didnt abandon you.

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"Great!",She said with a wide smile on my face. This has been her only answer with the same expression for the past 20 questions her mom asked her.
"That's good",her mom said as she sipped on her tea.
"The tea could have been better", She said as she as she made a face as if she just had a sip of poison.
"You never really learned to make tea?",She added.
Erica narrowed her eyes.
"So how are is school and all?",
was the first question he asked breaking his silent chariot.
Zoe and Erica looked at each other.
"Oh nothing much we just recently came in contact with a murder and before few weeks Zoe was like really wasted you know she was about to make many mistakes which she would regret for the rest of her life but other than that school is great",Said Erica.
Their parents looked at each other with their eyes wide open.
"Haha, you are funny",Said their mom who thought it was nothing but a mere joke but little did she know it way more than a stupid joke.
Zoe laughed back, and made it seem like a joke.
"And grades?",
"Great!, Erica gave the same answer for 21st question now.
They were now surrounded by awkward silence, between them. Zoe and Erica's mom's slurping voice was all they could hear which made it more awkward.
Everyone was looking at each other not knowing what to say.
"So umm do you have a- like a boyfriend?",Their Mom asked awkwardly.
"A boyfriend right hmm",Zoe wondered under her breathe.
"Nah, none",said Erica
"And Zoe hbu?",Her Mom Asked
"Of course not",Zoe said.
"Lol who would even date her",Erica joked to which their dad laughed but her mom didn't. You see Erica has always been papa's girl meanwhile Zoe was Mama's girl.
"Oh is it? So do you want me to tell parents about Steve?",Zoe Asked which their parents could hear anyways.
"Who is Steve?",their dad asked.
"No one really",Said Erica.
With a Zoe-I- Will- Kill- you look.
"Let me tell you mom, the guy with whom Erica had one night stand",listening to which mom choked on her tea.
"Omg, dad NO! She is exaggerating it was just a kiss",Erica corrected.
"But you said you didn't have a boyfriend",Her mom pointed who was still in shock.
"Yes! He is not my boyfriend, we were drunk",Erica said.
"OMG you were drunk with a stranger?",her dad asked.
"Not a stranger, A friend",Erica pointed.
"So you randomly kiss your friend?",Her mom asked.
"Enough about me, Zoe now will you tell about yourself or do you want me to spill it out",
"Omg Zoe you too?,what did you do",
"Let me tell you-",Erica interrupted.
"She had a whole bottle of some kind of drink, and she was so high that she was almost going to make a huge mistake which luckily Archie stopped, now you might be wondering who is Archie, let me fill you in Archie is a son of some corrupt businessman someone I don't really know what his dad does and does it even matter? Anyways did I already mention Archie carries a gun. And your daughter hangs out with him",Erica said.
Their parents looked as if they would pass out any minute.
"No let me explain",Zoe interfered."firstly I never knew whatever was inside that glass was some drink I thought it was cold drink or apple juice or something, it was a mistake and I don't hang with Archie to be honest I avoid him. And by the way Steve is also Archie's brother",
Now parents eyes moved from Zoe to Erica.
"But Steve doesn't carry a gun, he is way better than Archie",Erica said with an eye roll.
They were lost into pointing out each other's mistake that they would have almost opened their mouth about mason's sister but they controlled themselves and thought it would be good to stop there itself.
"Wow",was all their mom could say who was still shook and couldn't digest all that.
"I don't know what to say- you guys are hanging out with criminals?",Their dad asked.
"Not criminal",Erica corrected.
"Why don't you understand you could get yourself in trouble wrong company is what I asked you to avoid and what you guys did was complete opposite to that",
"And why didn't you tell us about any of this",
"I don't know - this day wouldn't have come if you wouldn't have abandoned us",Erica said.
"What Do you mean we didn't abandon you child",Their dad said.
"maybe there was no one to tell us what's right and wrong, maybe if we would have been under some proper guidance we wouldn't have been in trouble",Erica said.
"You are blaming us?",Her mom asked.
"Not blaming you? It's just it would have been better if you would have been around you know to look out for us or whatsoever",Erica said.
"Ok listen I m sorr- ",Erica said regretting her rude words
"You don't need to you were right it should have been our responsibility as you ur parents to look after you",
"I love you mom",Said Erica as she stood up to hug her mom.their dad joined too.
"Cmon guys don't exclude me",Said Zoe as she also joined the group hug
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"How was your meeting with your parents?",Sophia asked.
"Lol don't ask, things got pretty emotional",Said Zoe.
"Yes and Zoe told them about Steve, who is not my boyfriend for your kind information",Erica said.
"Don't lie you like him",Said sophia.
"Eww no, like you love mason?".Erica said.
"Shut up",Said sophia as she was blushing.
"Someone is blushing",Teased Zoe.
"Urghh Fine, He asked me out",Sophia confessed.
"Omg that's - amazing what when? Why didn't you tell us?",Erica said getting hyper.
"Before two days ",said Sophia
"What will you say?",Zoe Asked.
"Of corse she will say yes, she is in love you know",Erica joked. Sophia rolled her eyes.
"I told him I will tell him by tomorrow",Sophia said.
"By the way you both don't forget tomorrow party at my place",Sophia added.
"Oh yes sophia is growing older",Said Erica.
"Shut up Erica",Said sophia.
"I was wondering if we should start calling you aunty",Erica said.
"I m not that old",
"Sophia aunty",Said Zoe as Erica laughed.
"Shut up you both, you are not invited",Said sophia.
"We don't need invitation we will come Anyways",Said Erica.
"Whatever",Said sophia.
Zoe was in deep thoughts which was interrupted by sophia.
"What's wrong?",Sophia asked.
"Nothing",Said Zoe as she puffed her cheeks.
"Is it again about the grades?",Erica asked.
"No",Said Zoe but she knew they would spot it right away if she lied.
"Well ok, yes it's about my grades I can't let them go down you know",Said Zoe
"Your grades won't go down",Said sophia.
"Yes I mean after all you are a boring scholar",Said Erica.
"I don't know what I m doing I should be studying right now",Said Zoe.
"Zoe we all know you will top the exams",Said sophia.
"No, Not without studying you don't get it Guys, I think I should not attend tomorrow's party",Said Zoe.
"Why not?, Zoe don't be dumb and plus I told you it's inner circle only so if it's about Archie then don't let that stop you from attending the party",Said Sophia.
"Yes Fine I m being stupid I will attend it",Zoe said.
"Don't change your mind again",Said Erica.
"Ye I won't",

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Heyy it's me again!

I know this chapter was a bit boring
But don't worry interesting chaps are coming up and also I have an annoucemnt to make:
I will post more one or two chapters for this story (ie highschool story), before feb.
And from feb I will be completely inactive till 15th March.
And also there is a new book coming up.
So the cast and the trailer of the book will be out by today night or by tommorow but again I wont publish any chapter for the book till 15th march. (Only trailer and cast!)


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