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Zoe's P.O.V

The way back to home, I couldn't help but only think about Archie. And I reached back home at around 8:30 Pm.
I struggled to find a key in my bag only to realise I never carried a key.
I rang the bell hoping Erica was inside and not hanging around with that Steve boy.
After couple seconds. The door opened. But it wasn't Erica, it was Sophia.
"Oh hi",I said I was surprised to see her here.
"How did it go?",Sophia asked eagerly.
"Ok look- I m exhausted",I said seeking a way inside my own house.Sophia gave me way. I assume Erica told her about me and Archie.
"Thank you",I said sarcastically.
And there was Erica sitting on the living room couch. Watching RIVERDALE.
"How did it go?",Erica asked me the same.
"We want every - single - detail",Erica and sophia said in union.
"No",I said.
Both of them looked at me with squinted eyes.
"Ok fine",I finally gave in and told them each and everything.
"Damn. Archie is so sweet",Sophia said.
"Shut up", I groaned.
"He isn't that much a of jerk",Said Erica.
"No- I just don't understand why do people want to commit so early",I wailed.
"Zoe, you took birth in the wrong era, you  sound like my mom",Said sophia. Erica muted her show.
"It's ok Zoe we are young.We will make mistakes and learn from them and maybe one day become Cupid",Said Erica her attention back to the TV.
I was annoyed at at the way world revolves. I reached for my AirPods, connected it to my phone .Cardigan by Taylor swift was playing I didn't bother to change the song. I shut my eyes and let music consume me. I never discerned when I dozed off.

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It was 6:00 when I woke up, and found myself on the living room couch. I adjusted my eyes to the daylight. switched off my device. I couldn't recall when was the last time I had this good sleep.
I tied my hair into a loose bun and moved towards the washroom to brush.
I took a trip down memory lane. Traveled back to the time when I was a kid and slept on the living room sofa and found myself awoke in the bed. My lips curved into a faint smile. I washed my face. Moved towards the kitchen to prepare my breakfast, today time permits. I made French toast and strawberries for me and both sleeping asses . It was 6:45 now. I had a quick bath and now sophia and Erica were awake.
"Why were you up so early?",Erica asked her voice was quavering she was still sleepy.
I ignored her question.
"Guess what? I made both of you breakfast",I said a wide smile broke on my face.
"Form where do you get the motivation. To cook at 6 am",Sophia asked with a yawn.
"Umm- your welcome", I said as I moved towards to the kitchen and bought the plate I made proudly.
"Yesterday your life was falling apart and now you have this random burst of energy",Said sophia.
"I was just tired",I told them.
"Yes you just slept on couch. I didn't disturb you",Said Erica.
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"It's a pleasure to have Mr. Archie attend the class today", told the professor sarcastically.
I was fidgeting with my pen cap.
Archie ignored his sarcasm and moved towards my table and took the next just next to me. Great.
He caught me starring at him. I anxiously looked back down to my text book. I was continuously chewing on my lips. A flush of hormones increased my heart rate.
Archie whispered something but i was to nervous to grasp what he was saying.
"Wh- What?",I asked.
Archie began to write something on the final page of his book. He finished writing and passed her the book.
" wilt thee go out with me? "
(Will you go out with me)
I understood what it meant.
"No. Have to finish my project". I wrote and passed him his book.
He frowned upon her reply. And wrote something further.
" did you notice I wrote it in Shakespearean?",He wrote and passed her the book.
" ten on ten for efforts", I didn't write, instead whispered.
"Silence please!",Professor commanded.
Archie sighed in annoyance, he didn't take his eyes off her. My attention was now towards the class board. 
Two minutes later Archie left the class of boredom.
"The class isn't over yet",Professor announced.
"I don't understand this shit",He said before leaving.
"Language!",Professor warned.
"Oops sorry I don't understand this fucking shit",He said and left without looking back.
The lesson continued without any interruption again.
I didn't let Archie be the centre of my attention for next 25 minutes my classes were on.
The bell rang and I rushed outside.
And saw him standing there with his friends or rather friend it was only Tristan. Who was being beaten badly by Archie.
Archie was punching him as if he was a punching bag. I rushed towards them.
"Stop ",I blared.
"No he deserves it",Said Archie whose wrist attacked Tristan's waist. Tristan tried to dodge but failed miserably.
"Oh god Archie. Hell is wrong with you stop",I said as I interfered now, feeling that it's the appropriate thing to do.
"Zoe - you don't interfere",Archie said giving a final punch to Tristan which knocked him down.
Tristan was on the support of his elbow, he was spitting out bit of blood.
People had gathered around but no one cared to help. People were recording us, but I didn't care. I knelt down next to Tristan.
I took his head on my lap.
"Ohh i see you have developed a soft spot for Tristan",Archie said who stood there with folded arms. didn't even care to look at Tristan.
I ignored him. And vigorously shook Tristan's head. I reached for my water bottle.
"Will you stop showering so much love and affection on him",Archie said.
"Are you jealous?",I Asked.
"Never",He vocalised.
The security guard were here. So soon they arrived.
I left from there. Archie came after me.
"I m sorry", he saidWith a frown.
"Why would you do that?",I snapped at him.
"He was the reason of the whole misunderstanding",Guiltiness portrayed in his voice.
"That doesn't give you any right to -",I didn't complete me sentence assuming it would be of no use to explain him.
Silence surrounded us.
"Zoe?",He called Again.
"I m trying-",He said.
"Exactly you are trying by disrespecting your teachers and beating down your friends",
"You can't expect me to change over night",He had a point.
"Ask me? I don't expect you to ever change",
"No at least I showed up to the school today",He said.
"Go and apologise both of them",
"I ain't doing that", I shrugged
"Fine! Fine! I am apologising",He finally gave in.
"Right now",I said.
"Right now",He agreed.
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He did what I asked him to.
"You did great",I said. He broke into a smile.
"No",I chuckled. He frowned.
"I was jealous",
"Before... when you asked me if I was jealous. I was",He confesses. I flushed shyly. My cheeks as red as tomato.
"Bye I have to go back to my classes",I changed the topic.
"Oh let's sneak out anyways half time is already gone",She said.
I looked him straight in the eyes. Moved closer.
"No",I whispered in his ears and ran away.

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(Sorry if there are any errors) 💗

I know this chapter is a bit small but next chapter will be long.
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