I killed alice

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Author's P.O.V
"We don't have to call Everyone we are not going on a strike",Said Steve
"The more The merrier",Said Erica as she dialed Zoe's number and asked her to come.
Archie's car arrived. We sat.
"Wait Zoe is also coming.", Erica said
"Like Zoe your sister?",Archie Asked
"That's the only Zoe we know duh",Said Erica.
Zoe arrived. And her jaw dropped when she saw Archie.she entered the car and sat next to me.
"You didn't tell me Archie was going to be here",She whispered.
"Shut up. Anyways guys we are on an adventure",Said Erica as if she had gun in her hand
"Oh god Erica stop being over dramatic",Said Zoe.
"Don't spoil my riverdale vibe",Asserted Erica.
" You need to stop watching that shitty show",Said Archie.
"Ok archie now start the car",Said Steve.
" you dumb fu*k first will you tell me where we off to?",Said Archie.
"Anyone knows where Justin lives?",Erica asked.
No response.
" I will call robert He might know",Said Steve.
"How will robert know?", Asked Zoe.
"Because He in an introvert but he observes every god damn thing. He has all the news before anyone. He knows everything",Said Steve.
"But we don't have any more seats left in the car",Said Archie.
"Yes and even in riverdale only four people solve the case so if we have to re create riverdale then we have to be only four",Said Erica.
"Can you stop talking about riverdale. It's annoying!",Said Zoe.that's the last time erica talked about riverdale
"Guys! I m not asking robert to join us. I m just asking him for the address",said steve.
Steve talked to robert for around 20 seconds and got the address.
"That was fast",Said Erica.
They followed the GPS.
They reached.
"Whoa that's a huge house", again Erica commented.
"You guys go on inside I will come in two minutes", said Archie.
"Why?", Zoe Asked
"Just go",Said Archie and everyone left. And Archie followed them after two minutes.
They were waiting at the door for Archie.
"Let's go", said Archie.
The rang the bell and waited for him to open.
He opened and he was just wearing his jeans.
"Why are you half naked?",Steve Asked.
"Because it's my house",Said Justin and winked at Erica.
"What the f*ck", Steve complained.
"Come", said justin as he shrugged.
All of them were as good as prepared to beat the sh*t out of him until he confesses.

"Is no one home?",Archie Asked.
"What do you mean?",Asked Justin.
"Your parents?",Asked Steve.
"Ohh you guys don't know do you?",Asked Justin
"I am an orphan lol",He said.
"No we didn't know",
"Sorry",Said Erica.
"Oh no lol don't be. It's pretty fun having no restrictions doing whatever you want to it's cool",He said shamelessly.
"Anyways", Justin said as he took out a cigar form his box.
"Anyone?",He offered.
"I don't smoke",Said Steve.
"Archie I m pretty sure you smoke",Said Justin.
"Oh no he doesn't",Zoe said before Archie could say anything.
"Such a controlling person you are let that poor boy speak for himself Zoe",Said Justin.
" I will shove that cigar up your a**",She said fearlessly
And everyone looked at her with wide eyes that might the most vulgar thing she ever said in her whole life.
Archie chuckled.
"Ok enough! Why are you people here?",
"Did you attend Alice's funeral?",Erica asked.
"Oh I did. Poor girl that was sad what happened with her", his sympathy was fake anyone could say that.
"Did you know about the threats?",Asked Erica.
"What threats I have no idea",Said Justin. Archie lost his patience and took out his gun which he hid in his back pocket which was never a part of the plan.
"Archie!",Zoe shrieked.
"Is that why you came two minutes late form the car you were taking your gun?",Asked Erica
"Yes",Replied Archie as he pointed his gun towards Justin And Justin raised his hands didn't say anything.
"Archie throw the gun",Zoe screamed.
"Don't do anything stupid",Erica said.
"Justin tell me did you kill Erica or I will shoot you", Said Archie ignoring everyone his hands shaking.
"Archie have you lost it?",Zoe Asked.
Archie moved closer to Justin.
Justin moved back and finally spoke.
"I have no idea what you are talking about", he said.
"Ok drop that gun and lest talk like mature people ok?",Justin tired to convince him.
"Don't tell me what to do. And just tell me everything you know!",Archie threatened.
"I swear I have no idea",Said Justin.
"Archie drop the gun!",Zoe screamed but Archie didn't listen.
"Don't lie Justin tell me what you know!",Said Archie.
" I swear!",
"Justin I will shoot you-",
"Fine! I did it!"he confessed

"Now drop the gun",Said Justin calmly
"No.... tell me why you did it?",
"Ok listen I just discovered about the threats as soon as I came to this town",Said Justin.
"So for first few days I didn't attend school... so that everyone thinks I wasn't in the town when the threats started. But I was in the town just not in the school and then I knew Steve was threatening Alice form Archie's phone",when Archie came to know it was his spare phone he looked at Steve.
"Sorry",said steve.
Archie ignores him and waited for Justin to continue.
"And then what? Lol I had two people who were literally themselves taking the whole blame for a crime I commit. I was anyways jealous of you Archie always have been. So I had an opportunity. But I didn't really want her to die just wanted her to break some bones. But she died I don't care. The blame would be on you archie and Steve.
And Zoe or Erica would never be with criminals they would be with me instead",Said Justin.
"You are such a jerk",Said Archie his fingers, trembling on the trigger.
"Yes Archie I am jerk! But so are you. Archie you treat girls no better than I do",Said Justin.
"No don't say that!!",
"Archie he is god damn manipulating you drop the gun now!",Zoe said.
"Archie you know it. You are also a god damn jerk. What you gonna do shoot me go ahead. Yes I killed Alice it was me! What will you do about it",
An short tempered man, a choice of someone's life and death in his hands. What's would you expect to be the result.

"I killed god damn Alice. And Zoe, your slutty girlfriend was coming to f*ck me the other night-",
He would have not taken such a big step if Justin wouldn't have spoken shit about Zoe
"She was drunk",
He pulled the trigger.
"She was god damn drunk",
Once more
"You are a jerk she is not a fu*cking slut",
Last one
His hands shook the gun fell.

The noise of the bullets still echoing in Archie's ears his heart overflowing with guilt.
He gasped for air as he feel on his knees.
For whole five minutes no one spoke.
Tears dropped from his eyes but he made no sobbing voice. After some more minutes Zoe broke the silence
"F*ck f*ck f*ck", She said as she crawled towards Archie.

Zoe Hugged Archie.
"I love you",He whispered. She had been desperate to hear him say those three magical words.
"I fu*king love you",He repeated.
"It was a mistake I didn't mean to-",He looked at his hands.
" it was a mistake",He cried.
"Shh! I know",Said Zoe.

"Oh god",Erica was too shocked to say anything else.
"Archie you told me that this gun- it- it doesn't kill anyone it just harms them",Zoe said.
Archie was too moved to answer.
"Steve check his god damn pulse",Erica cried
Three bullets one missed. One hit him in the chest and the other one his shoulder.
" I can feel his pulse",Steve shrieked.
There was still a hope.
"We need to call a doctor",Erica cried!
"Archie give me your car keys",Steve said
Archie was still in shock. Steve reaches for Archie!s back pocket and took the keys.
Steve and Erica took the body to the hospital.

"You hate me don't you?",Archie Asked Zoe.
"Like Justin said you would not want to be with a criminal and I - I - killed him. I am a criminal. You freaking hate me",
"No, He is alive",Said Zoe
"What if he doesn't make it?",Asked Archie
"He will make it. But you need to abandon that gun Archie!",Said Zoe
He nodded in agreement.
"What if he tells the cops everything. I attempted a murder!",He cried.
"He didn't die",She repeated.
"But I tried to kill him",He said
"He will not tell anyone",
"No this is not fair",he said she ignored
"Zoe-", He called again
"Shut up please", she kissed him before he could say anything else.lovestruck she was.
The four of them made a promise to take these secret to the graves and not tell anyone.
And who would notice Justin was missing Anyways

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