~Shh dont tell Zoe 🤫~

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It was our French class and seems like I couldn't attend the class because of the prank which I played before five days on my French teacher, Mrs. Weasley and thus I am not allowed to attend her class for a week.

I remember putting an out of order sign outside my French class and Mrs,Weasley got fooled by it and went all the way to dean's office to ask why the class was out of order and then you know what follows.

So here I am hanging around the campus and luckily I seem to run into Sophia but turns out she wasn't alone

"Hey Sophia shouldn't you be in your Language classes?",I asked doubtfully.

"Yes I was supposed to be attending language but turns out MRS.JENSON'S third husband just cheated on her so she took a day off or something",Said Sophia.

"Wait her third husband?",I asked surprisingly.
"Yes lol",Sophia said with a giggle.
"Oh my- by the way how do you know all this?",I asked
"Robert told me",she said pointing towards her left and that's when I realise Robert was standing there the whole time.

"Ohh hey",I greeted Robert with a wave.
"Hi",Robert waves back with a smile.
"How does Robert knows these thing?",I asked to no one in particular.
"News, I mean gossip it just spreads".
"Anyways, What are you doing here, Robert and sophia?",I asked with a smirk.
"Shut the hell up it isn't what you think",Said sophia with disappointment.

"Uhh Robert talk to you later maybe after school",I heard sophia biding goodbye to Robert.
"Ohh yes and what about the date?",Asked Robert before leaving
"What dateeeee, A date whatttt?",I asked as my jaw dropped with surprise.
"Robert you go I will let you know later",Said sophia almost trying to kick out Robert of there.
And he left.

"Aww you were rude don't Ask you boyfriend to leave",I said mockingly.
"No he is not my boyfriend and we are not  dating",she said ya her own defence.
"So Sophia do you mind spilling the tea? about what's going on between you guys",I ask her with a smirk.
"Fine",She said giving in.

"Okay so I was just having this free period so I was roaming and I met Robert so we just started talking randomly and he just asked me to this Justin's date party or something because he had no one else to go with thats all, nothing else",She explained.
"Wait what Justin's party, don't tell me you are going",I said with a frown.
"Yes I am not going I think",Said Sophia
"You think?",I asked highlighting the word think
"No,I am sure I am not going happy?",She asked

"Yes",I said but the frown didn't leave my face.
"He isn't here for good,he has not changed Sophia believe me something bads going ot happen", I told Sophia
"Yes i do believe you ok?,but don't overthink and what if he actually haS changed But still since you are being so insecure no one going to Justin's party happy?",Said sophia with her hands around my shoulder leading me to believe that everything is going to be okay.

Yes I think I should already stop thinking about Justin anyways.And we were soo involved into talking that we never realised that we were now at the school ground.

And that's where Steve was playing basketball At the court,so we walked towards him.

"Hey Steve don't you have classes to attend",We Asked actually shouted because we were standing outside the court.
"No have you ever seen me attend classes", He shouted back not looking towards us but concentrating on his basketball.
"No so you never attend you lectures?",I asked.
"No",He said moving towards us.
"But why?",Asked sophia.
"Because basketball is all that's matters to me I got here only because of basketball skills and that's what my future is",He said.
"Ohk I thought that you were her because of your father",Said sophia.

"He doesn't even care if I exist he is all about Archie anyways even though Archie is ...",He stopped himself from speaking ahead realising he already talked too much.
"Even though Archie is what?",Asked sophia.
"Never mind forget it so what brings you two here?",Asked Steve sipping his bottle with some protein shake inside it.
"Nothing we just had our free periods so we were roaming",Said Sophia.
"Yes Sophia had her free period and me I am not allowed to attend my class",I corrected .
"Lol why?",He asked with slight laughter.
"Long story",I said rolling my eyes.

"Anyways Erica so are you attending Justin's party?",Asked Steve.
"No",I said straightforward not wanting to talk about Justin.
"How about you Sophia?",Asked Steve Turning towards her.
"I can't",She said looking towards me with a frown.
"Why can't you",Asked Steve.
"No reason",I said preventing Sophia from giving any reason.
"So are you going?",I asked Steve
"Yes probably",He said.
"Oh ok cool with whom?",Aksed Sophia.
"No one",He said with a frown.
"Oh but you know a date is needed you cant go alone",said Sophia.

"Yes I know but I don't know whom should I take with me",He said with a eye roll.
"Lol you can take Robert with you anyway he also had no one to go with",I joked.
"But you cant take your best friend",He said.
"Oh ok then unlucky you",I said.
And that's when the bell rang
"Oops okay now we need to go bye".
"Would you be my date?",He asked me.
And sophia looked towards me with her eyes wide open.

"No I cant sorry",I said as i turned back again to move back to my classes.
"Please I don't want to miss this one",He pleaded.
"Its just a party you can miss it duh",Said Sophia.
"No not especially after I lost the basketball match people would think that I am coward",He stated.
"Urggh no one is going to think anything",I said.
"I cant".
"Don't you think you owe me this I mean after everything I did?",
"So I never knew you were going to ask something in return".

"No,I am not asking anything in return",He said.
"You clearly are don't be a jerk,like Archie I thought you were different",
"Don't compare me to Archie anyways You know what just don't I just wont attend it fine? Go do whatever",he said going back to his game.

"Erica you shouldn't have said that",Said Sophia with a sad smile.
"But you know right I can't go and if Zoe comes to know I am sure she will be damn disappointed",I said with a frown
"Oh well don't you think you shouldn't have done that to Steve I mean he really helped you he lost a basketball match in front  of the school and all for you and even after that I don't think it's fair",Said sophia.

"I know but",
"No buts Erica,just I don't know say yes okay?and about Justin we will be alert this time and maybe just keep distance from him".
"I don't know",
"See if you continue being like this nothing's ever going to happen and now since Justin is a part of Archie n his gang he is going to be everywhere does that mean you stop going everywhere and be alone?",

"Urgh Fine you have a point will it be okay?",I asked
"It's gonna be fine",She reassured me with a smile.
"But but don't tell Zoe yet I will tell Zoe myself after we come from the party",I said
"My lips are sealed",
"Okay",I replied with a smile.
"So does that mean now I can go with Robert?",She asked
"You bi*ch did you do all this just that you could go with Robert?",I asked with laughter.
"No",She replied.
"Okay fine now I need to go talk to Steve",I said.

Upcoming chapter are going to be better and interesting well hopefully~ <3
When Zoe and Erica would crash at the party ;) their reactions and Justin's intentions ^-^
Please keep reading

Hope you liked the chapter💜
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Will update you all soon till then
Bye and Tc:)

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