Opposite attracts~

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" wh- I- what- are you doing here?",I Asked

"Shouldn't I be asking you the same question?",Asked Erica.

"So you forgave Justin for everything did to you?", I Asked
"See firstly you have no rights to shout at me in this case don't be a freaking hypocrite and secondly if I forgave Justin or not it's none of your concern",she yelled
But well she had a point so I thought not to argue anymore

"Erica calm down",sophia was soothing Erica from behind
"I am freaking CALM", She said but her tone gave the other idea.

"You know what Zoe for gods sake I am freaking 18 and I don't need any spoon feeding I can take my own decision",She yelled
And I didn't reply
By this time people had gathered around us including Justin and what I hated the most was attention.
Wow what a great start.

"Let's go, I need a drink so bad",Said Erica As she moved towards the table at the end besides the door.
Steve Robert and sophia followed her.

"Are you ok?",Asked Archie who was standing right beside me.
"Yes!, I am fu**ing okay",I said as I turned around and sipped the whole glass which Kartik was holding. Without realising what was it.

"Yikes! Why is this soo bitter",I said almost choking on it.
"It was tequila and you weren't supposed to drink all that so fast",Said Archie.
"Huh.. ? Wha- What? Do yo-",I asked but everything around me seemed seemed blur and I felt so weird.

"Are you okay?he asked as he moved forward to hold him.
"Yes! I am alright",I said after blinking my eyes 2-3 times


"Who the f*ck does Zoe think she is I mean wasn't she also attending the god damn party",I said as I finished the third glass of my wine.
"Erica you need to slow down and chill",Said Steve who was comforting me.
"I started drinking in high school this sh*t never gets me high",I said with a wink as I was about to take one more glass
"But enough",Said Steve stopping me.
"Bruh sometimes I forget you are Archie's brother I mean you guys are so different. Archie a cold hearted self conceited, arrogant and you- you",
"And I?",He waited for me to Continue.
"And you sweet, caring, funny but lame lol and handsome", I said as I bitted my tongue realising I shouldn't have said it.

"You and Zoe are also so different Zoe an egghead, dedicated, smart, teachers pet and you- always angry, arrogant, dumb, always wanting to win, a spoiled brat and
Gorgeous",He said

The last word quite made me blush but I didn't show it.
"So should I take the A an compliment or an insult",I asked?
"However you want to take it",He said with a laughter.
"We both are quite opposite it seems you are more alike to that useless Archie",
"Well.... but opposite attracts doesn't it? ",
"It sure does",He said.
Followed by an eye contact we had.
Suddenly I felt my heart beat everything around me started moving in slow motions everything was blur leaving Steve all the voices, distorted.
Just two young lost souls with lust in their eyes.
And the next thing realise is my lips engaged with Steve's
I had no idea what I was doing was right or wrong but it just felt good so I made now efforts to stop anything.

Authors POV

"Twinkle twinkle lil star hahhaha
How I wonder what you are
Up above what- what
Up above",Slurred Drunk Zoe .
"Earth!, why did you drink if you are god damn not used to it",Said Archie but the only word which Zoe heard was earth.

"Oh yes Earth now I remember it's earth! Yes!!anyways baba Archie do you have any wool hahhaha!",
"What the hell is wrong with you Zoe",He said
"Uhh Zoe What the hell are you talking about",he added
"Live your life to the fullest you only live once (YOLO), She Screamed.
And archie buried his head into his arms fas he was fed up with her behaviour.

"I am in love with the shape of you
We push and pull like the magnets do
Although my heart is falling too
I am in love with you body",Said Zoe as she smirked.

"Zoe stop it",
"Archie I hated you at first but you managed to win over my heart with your god damn charm",She slurred.

Isn't this what Archie wanted wasn't this his motto for everything well we'll well so now the mouse itself came running towards the trap. Let's see how you use you chance Lucifer.

"I LOVE YOU archie",She shrieked.
Archie looked at her and didn't say a thing silent. No sign of happiness.
"Marry me?",
Archie still didnt day a word and he was not only unhappy but also seemed really anxious and worried.
Zoe moves forward to kiss him but Archie stopped her.

Is lucifer making a mistake he will he will regret his whole life.

"You are drunk don't do anything dumb which you will later regret",Said Archie.
"Zoe you need to go home wait I need to find Erica don't go anywhere just wait wherever you are ok?",He asked to reassure
"Marry me Archie",
"Don't go anywhere ok?",
"Wait I will be right back",


I started looking for Erica everywhere but she was no where to be Seen I tried looking for Steve but he was also nowhere to be seen.
Anyone who I could see were sophia and Robert they were laughing about something.
So I rushed towards them.

"Sophia- sophia i- Zoe",I said as I was gasping for breathe
"What's wrong with Zoe?",She asked.
"She is drunk real bad and has no idea what she is doing I think she should go home asap",
"Where is she?",Asked sophia.
"Follow me",I said as I led Robert and sophia towards where she was
But she was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Zoe?",Asked Sophia.
"She was here when I last left, I asked her not to go anywhere but I don't know where is she?",
"Dude you knew how drunk she was how could you leave her alone?",Asked Robert.
"Bro shut the hell up no one asked you anything I had no freaking option now can we find her instead of arguing?",


"I will call you later",I said as I succeeded in receiving a hot girls number.
"Sure",She said as she left with her boyfriend.

I stood there sipping my red wine as I saw Zoe walking towards me.

"Hey Archie's friend how are you",She slurred.
She was surely drunk.

"Hi what are you doing?",I asked.
"Nothing",She said trying to balance her body coming to close to me.
"What's on your mind huh?"
She didn't reply but just laughed.
She then later attempted on kissing me which I didn't deny because she was asking for it.

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Guys hope you enjoyed the chapter
Will update you all soon
Till then bye and tc :)

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