Friends On Our Doorstep

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Nikki's POV

We wake to find all the members of the Washington pack practically at our door. Some will be staying with us. Nicole told both me and Jason she would find room for her daughter's family as if we would have argued with her. It's been a struggle to keep Nicole from overdoing. She loves to see her grandchildren. This time the joy is bittersweet with her daughter missing. It can't be a coincidence that both missing girls come from the same pack.

"Nikki come meet Celine and Felix." Nicole calls me over.

"Hello." I greet our new guests. I know they were at the summer gathering, but there wasn't time to really get to know wolves from other packs.

"It must be hard on you and your wife to keep your lives looking normal to the outside world." Felix comments before shaking my hand. I notice he's keeping a respectful distance away from Nicole. It makes me smile. Nicole is so petite. She doesn't look like she could cause anyone any damage.

"Yes it has been. I can't imagine what the public reaction to me being a shifter would be. I don't think I want to find out" I laugh.

"No I doubt you would. There are few who do except us. Sadly the majority just fear us." He huffs.

"I'm sorry your daughter is missing." I say softly.

"Thank you. Our hearts ache for Zoey too." He answers.

"I know you both care for my girl." Nicole whispers joining our conversation. I pull her close. She has been trying to mentally reach out to her daughter all morning with no success. It's draining on her. It makes me worry and by the look on Jason's face he's worried too. I feel Courtney at my side and pull her near. I don't want her to think I'm choosing Nicole over her. If Jason could take over I would let him. I sigh. Thanks to some primal instincts it's not going to happen, so I'm the only man she'll have. Normally Nicole is as strong they come, but right now the brave appearance she's showing is veneer thin. She leans on me heavily.

"I think you should sit Nicole you look so pale. You're so close to birthing." Celine says gently. I practically carry her to the couch. Celine is right she's way to pale.

"Someone should get Nyx." I call out.

"I'm here." Nyx answers. She sits near her mother and examines her. "Nikki she just needs to rest. To much emotions and physically overdoing it all morning." I take her advice before Nicole can argue I pick her up and pack her to her room. Laying her down on the bed. I cover her up.

"Sleep Nicole." I whisper in her ear. I watch her eyes close. The voice does come in handy sometimes. I kiss her cheek. Then I return to the living room. I smile Courtney has already taken over as hostess. Which is a good thing Yennefer is way to shy. The woman can organize, but after that she prefers someone else to take it from there. She has been using Jason as a human shield all morning. She's more comfortable around animals. Oh the irony.   I grin as she dashes passed me on some errand.  I get a whiff as she goes by. She's coming into heat in the next couple days. I was hoping not to be here. It doesn't look like I will have a choice. Being her mate I'm so aware of her body. I shake it off. A council meeting is going to start any minute. I don't know how I got elected to the council but I did.

"Please everyone find a seat." Lance speaks to the group. I watch as Courtney and Yennefer prepare to leave. "Mrs. Sixx and Mrs. Sixx you both need to stay. You will represent your co-mate since she is unable to be here herself." He gestures them to sit next to me. God if Courtney could kill with a look. I'd be dead. Jason didn't look happy either. Jill whispers in his ear. "Oh excuse me I misspoke. It's Mrs Lykaon-Rafe." Jason seems appeased. Court is another story. "let's begin." He announces.

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