Hell and Back

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Shamus's POV

I grab my baby sister away to late. She has already did damage. Jesus she cut his throat. I pull her behind me as the wolves gather. I know if he dies we are both dead. He can't hold his wolf human form in his condition. When my sister sees his human face she moans her regret.

Nicole's reaction is immediate. She has her body tight to Sixx's her hand pressed against his throat. Her eyes are closed as she concentrates. She breathes slow with him like she's his life support machine. Her daughters gather around them. It's still and deathly quiet as we wait. I nearly panic as they both collapse onto the snowy ground. Nyx one of her daughters quickly rushes in and checks them.

"They are only asleep." She says in relief. "I need a place to take them so they can rest." She adds.

"Bring them to my home." I offer. "I won't let anyone hurt them again. My life on it"

"Fine," her daughter Nyx agrees.

"Quit your gawking and get our wounded out of the cold snow and somewhere warm." Nicole's oldest daughter commands as we get ready to leave.

The wolf I know as Tom picks them up together and follows me. He's the biggest of his kind I've ever seen. 6'6 and over 200 pounds of muscle. He's even bigger as a berserker.

I keep my sister close to my side.

"It wasn't him. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She weeps.

"I know sweetie." I whisper to her.

I lead the wolves into my home and direct them to my room. Tom and Nyx lay them on my bed and begin to tend to them. I take my sister upstairs. Laying her down I stroke her hair. Poor baby I should have realized she would freak with so many wolfmen around her. It amazed me Nicole can bring on their berserker form without the males being enraged. It made it easier for them to help us fight the vampires, but it must have played hell with my sister's mind. And Nikki is black furred and green eyed like her attacker. She was just sixteen when it happened. He had fooled her by approaching as a human then morphing into a beast. He attacked her. He must of smelled me coming because he took off. I took her home and covered for her. I told everyone I got there before he could do anything. My father would have shot her if he had known how far the attack had gone. Then we found out she was pregnant. I covered for her again. Told everyone she had gotten pregnant by a summer fling. She barely survived the birth. I told her the baby girl died and left the baby to be found by her own kind. Sigh, How do I protect my baby sister from any retribution and keep her secret at the same time. The wolves and hunters may be working together as allies to handle the vampires. It doesn't mean my brothers won't consider her tainted goods. My sister finally cries herself to sleep. Fuck if Sixx had died it would have been a bloodbath. Who do I appeal to to save her ass. I've watched out for her since she was born. I'm not going to stop now.

Tom's POV

I sit and watch over them. It had been a close one. I will never ever doubt my mates healing skills. I mean I knew she was good, but damn.
Wow Nikki's girls are feisty it took both me and Jason to hold them back with the voice. Yennefer handled the rest her ability to soothe minds is invaluable. If Nicole would have been detracted it would have been disastrous for both of them. She was so mentally entwined with him. She was the only thing keeping his organs functioning, while she helped his body make more blood cells. What she did was dangerous. She was doing the work of three healers. One mistake and she could have died with him.

Chasen had come to me to speak for his sister. He wanted to explain why she attacked. He's afraid for her and not just from us wanting revenge. If his brothers find out she was raped and bore a half-breed they would kill her themselves. I don't understand if a hunter raped Nicole or her daughters I would kill the hunter, not my loved ones. It's a twisted way of thinking. Of course Nikki had been the only black furred male here except Adan and his eyes were the wrong color. It left Nikki as her target for her pain. Thank god Nikki's sons were left behind.

There were no black berserkers among the rogues in the battle several months back. That means her attacker is still out there.

Black is not a common color among the packs. Before Nikki, his boys, and Adan the only one I knew was my friend Ander Esposito. His last name meant exposed. He was a foundling who was left to die simply because of his color. He was taken in by an alpha and trained to help protect the family. He matched me in size. After the war ended his wife and children were dead. He just wandered away. I looked but could never find him. I can't imagine him capable of this, but he's the closest to that description I know of.

Poor little girl she must have been so afraid and what we males hide in our sheathes as beasts isn't meant for a human female.

We should have rounded up the berserker rogues a long time ago. We are just as guilty of allowing people to get hurt as the hunters.

Nikki's POV

I open my eyes slowly. Fuck I'm so tired. I turn my head the first one I see is Tom with a smirk on his face.

"What happened?" I mumble.

"Well Sixx you got waylaid by a 19 year old girl. Tsk tsk I thought you were better then that." He chuckles.

"Why?" I grunt.

"It was a case of mistaken identity?" He sighs.

"Really," I groan.

"Shamus's little sister had been attacked by a berserker. She thought you were him. She snuck right up behind you in front of all of us and slit your throat. It was bad brother. I thought I had lost you." He looks like he might weep and before I know it he has me in a bear hug.

"Easy Tom before you break my ribs." I choke out and pat his back.

"Sorry." He laughs and lays me back down as he does I see Nicole. Her face is pale.

"Is she ok?" I ask worried.

"Yes, she healed so many during the fight. After she healed several more of the hunters. Then she healed you. She wore herself out. She won't wake for several hours." He says. I think he's holding something back, but I'm to exhausted to pry it out of him right now.

A slight commotion grabs mine and Tom's attention.

"Did we find out who saved our ass's by turning back on the lights and some life saving sniping.?" Shamus asks his sons. They point down at two sweet looking little girls.

"These two." One of the boys laugh. Shamus goes to his knee in front of them.

"Tia, Mia I don't know whether to spank you for disobedience or hug you for being our heroines. Getting the lights back on was quick thinking and I always told those idiots you both could shoot better than they could." He hugs them tight.

"Tom are all his close female relatives so deadly?" I ask and chuckle sarcastically.

"Apparently so, I'm glad the little snipers were on our side." He laughs.
"So which one of you do I have to thank for the flesh wound earlier?"

"Oh I'm so sorry, those buggers were moving all over the place." One of the girls apologizes wide eyed.

"Don't worry my little lady, I was just teasing. I've taken worse." Tom chuckles.

They giggle and run upstairs.

"Smith, Wesson go get few hours of sleep we have a long day ahead of us" Shamus tells his sons. They head upstairs without a bit of back talk.

"So what about my sister?" He asks me bluntly.

"I'm alive. I see no reason to start any bloodshed over it, especially when our people are working together and hopefully working towards peace." I answer. He glances at Tom.

"No one will hear it from me what kind of attacked it was." He promises. It hits me no wonder she wanted him dead.

"No one will hear it from me either." I promise too. I give him a strange look why protect his sister and not his daughter.

"I didn't kill my daughter, she killed herself. It's what my clan assumed and I let them think it. I just repeat the legend of Shamus Chasen. Sometimes I almost believe it myself." He answers my unspoken question.

He sits down in a chair facing the door a rifle in his lap and keeps watch.

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