Christmas Eve

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Nikki's POV

We're to busy preparing for tomorrow to worry about Courtney's heat last night. My co-mates and I have been put to work. Normally the wolves are ready for Christmas. But this December has been spent dealing with the hunters instead of joyously preparing for the Holidays. So we've been in a rush to cut a tree and to decorate it. The girls are having fun wrapping presents. The smell of pies baking is devine. Our mates know how to bake. I think us men are just as excited as the cubs. All the fun I guess makes up for being hustled out of bed before we were ready to move. Being cuddled up with mates that weren't at each other's throats was sweet. They seem to have reached some form of understanding. I hang an ornaments on the tree as my thoughts drift. It had been hard to share Courtney last night. The wolf had taken over as it usually does when strong hormones and instincts are involved. Courtney had been so nervous when I woke up. I just cuddled her, words were to difficult. I couldn't be pissed at her. I've been with both Nicole and Yennefer during their heats. I'm not one of those guys that think I can get away with it, but you better not. My brothers have been so understanding of our confusion and are giving us time to deal with it. They are keeping conversations all about today and tomorrow's festivities. I wish I could keep my mind off of shit. Courtney told me she had forgotten to take the birth control. Can I handle it if she's carrying Tom's or Jason's babies maybe both. Cubs are a joy my inner wolf whispers. Is it so easy for you. I think. No but we chose to claim and share, now we must love them. He answers. Yes we made our bed now lie in it. I do love my extended family. They are all good souls.

Hearing giggles I glance towards the sound. Nicole has taken a moment away from her babies to play with the older cubs. Her happiness is contagious. It's been a very long time since she has spent Christmas with a real family and she's enjoying every minute. I'm praying that our Holiday remain happy and peaceful. We have guards out still to watch for any danger. I laugh as Jason sneaks a kiss from Nicole. It's a relief not to feel aggression towards him everytime he gets close to the love of his life. That passed as soon as she gave birth. I'm still protective, but it's controllable.

Everyone suddenly goes quiet, We have a visitor outside. I look out the window a young hunter riding a snowmobile waits nervously to hand over a message. I walk outside with Jason and Tom at my back. Jake and his betas are are with him. I can see other males watching from their homes and from the community center. My mates come out to see what is going on. I growl wanting them to go back inside.

"Nikki stop, it's just a boy who looks like he's about ready to piss himself out of fear." Nicole says and rolls her eyes. My eyes dart around watching for some trick or ambush. Nothing happens the boy hands over the envelope and waits nervously.

Jake, his brothers, and council members approach our home.

Welcome to our home." Nicole greets them. When It's pack politics Nicole's Luna or Queen status supercedes Courtney's alpha position in our family. I take my place at Nicole's side as her alpha mate. I glance and see Courtney's anger, Just when I think there will be some sort of peace in my family something shatters it.

I greet them and usher them into our living room. This house isn't large enough for this. But they are too afraid for Nicole to go to them. Even the short distance to the community center they feel leaves her open to assassination. They need her to keep the pack ties solidified.

Lance breaks the seal and reads the note out loud.

To the Wolf council,

We wish to declare peace at least during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. No attacks will be ordered by the hunters council. Will you honor this offered truce?

Glen Adams

"How kind of them to promise to leave us alone for the holidays" Nicole comments dryly.

"I think we can agree with this." Lance sighs.

"Yes we can." Jarl huffs. Sean hands Nicole pen and paper. She writes a reply and signs it,

Luna Nicole Galena Morrok Rafe Lykaon.

Wow that's a mouthful I wonder where the Galena part came from.

She folds it. Sean drips wax on it and she seals it with her newly acquired ring. It's delivered to the boy outside and he takes off as quickly as he came.

The men and women of the council sit for a little bit longer discussing the guard duty roster and how to feed the many wolves spending Christmas with us with Nicole.

I feel for her. Now that they know she is their Queen, everything is brought before her. All the new found wolves are causing trouble. There are women among them. The recognized packs think they should have first chance for mates. The rogues disagree. That's another problem she needs to make those rogues join a pack or into packs. Then get them settled. Sigh Leona and Shamara are going at it over Damon's children. Each believe they have the right to claim them. Both are alpha lines wanting male heirs.

Lance finally calls the meeting closed after he finishes his coffee.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Mrs Lykaon he addresses Courtney.
"My Luna." He bows his head and leaves. The others take his lead and soon our living room is ours again.

"I need to go feed my cubs." Nicole dashes for our room. Having so many people near our cubs makes her agitated.

I go back to decorating the tree. Sirona Nicole's grandma joins me.

"Sirona where did the name Gelana come from?" I ask.

"That is our female line. We are a line of healers which goes back generations. It's our right to carry it forward." She answers.

"Cool, Are there other lines?" I question.

"There were, but we are the last. My daughter and granddaughter have made sure there are plenty of us to make up for the loss." She chuckles. Her humor is tinged with sadness.
"Nikki I'm concerned."

"About what in particular?" I smirk sarcastically. "We are on the verge of war." She rolls her eyes.

"Shamus's obsession with my granddaughter." She sighs heavily. I growl at the mention of his name.

"You think he will continue to try to kill her even if we're at peace?" I wish I would have killed him when I had a chance. Nicole had stayed my attack.

"Not exactly, I believe he has become infatuated with her or at least the idea of her." She sighs again.

"What!" I'm shocked he hates us. He was going to kill her. Why would he desire her?

"During their encounter he found in her everything he admires in a huntress. Bravery, strength, gentleness, and a mother willing to die for her children. Definitely a worthy adversary. She woke his sleeping wolf." Sirona goes silent after answering my unspoken question.

"If he harms her I will kill him this time." I seethe

"Be wary Nikki. He's not like the rest of his clan. They are cold blooded killers. They hunt things for the thrill. It's easy to take down someone with a one track mind. From what Nicole has told me he is more complicated. It's makes him more unpredictable. For one who would have guessed he would stop a kill and kiss instead." She says watching me. The ornament turns to dust in my hand at the thought of finding Nicole dead.
"Good you have your priorities straight." Sirona reaches up and brushes a bit of hair from my eyes.
"Thank you for excepting all of her cubs." She says softly.

"They are my children. I could never hurt one of our babies." I had been confused by Nicole's fear and now Serona's words. "Why was she so afraid?" Sirona eyes close for a moment.

"The only time Nicole has had less than three babies is when she gave birth to Jason's children. Some of her babies were found unexceptionable by their fathers It's permissible before the naming day for a baby to be left exposed. It's left her scarred" She answers turning away. I'm sickened how could they kill their babies.

"Wait." I grab her arm. "If that's the case where is Garrett and Dustin's sibling?"

"She was tiny and weak. I couldn't save her." She says pulling away. I can tell she's hiding something.

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