Winter Solstice

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Courtney's POV

The wolves have old customs. They celebrate the changes of the seasons. Tonight is the Winter Solstice. All the pack members are here and Nikki wanted to come. We had to come early too like before dawn. Nikki wanted to join his pack on the winter hunt. They considered it to be good luck for the next year if they are successful. They have already dug a fire pit the night before and now have it burning in their outside gathering area. Everyone is in a good mood and so is my husband. He was so excited and nervous to go on his first communal hunt.

Ruby was astatic to be with her fellow cubs. I couldn't keep her from shifting. She's been romping around in the community center with them all morning.

I feel kinda abandoned by my husband and daughter. So I seek out Carol to see If I can help her. I'd already finished my cooking at home. I sigh it didn't seem right to intrude on Nicole's and Yennefer's preparations. So I stick by Carol's side.

Hearing happy howls everyone rushes outside to greet the hunters. They've brought down a good sized young buck. They are excited as they skin and begin to butcher the animal. With so many hands it doesn't take long before it's laid in the ground oven and covered to slowly cook. After that the men gather in the community center to play with the cubs or play a rather rough game of basketball in the gym. I can hear them from the large kitchen. I notice Jason and Yennefer. They avoid me. I guess I can't blame them. I am warmly greeted by Nikki's children when they arrive, but they quickly join their age mates in the gym to either play or watch the ongoing basketball game.

"Where is Nicole and Tom?" I finally ask.

"They are home. Nicole is to far along now to be away from her den. She could give birth any day now." She answers.

"Oh it's sad she is missing all this." I say quietly.

"Nikki needs to be here now, before you say no. Jason has offered the cabin he built himself to you and Nikki to stay in. It's the closest one to their home. Think on it won't you. She's not eaten much since you left. It worries me and her daughter Nyx." She says in a rush then leaves me to think on it.

I've caught up with Nikki between activities. They were working off excess energy with wrestling matches.

"Jason has offered us his old home to stay in. Would you like to stay till the babies are born." I ask my husband.

"Yes, yes, I would." He answers with a smile and grabs me up for a long kiss. He gets a challenge from Jason from the wrestling mat and leaves me standing breathless.

I find my step children and their significant others seated together talking. I want to let them know where their Dad and I'm staying so they know where to join us tonight. I approach them happily after the kiss I just received.

"Hey Your Dad and I will be staying at the cabin nearest Jason's home. I thought you would like to know so you all can stay with us"

"We love you Courtney but No thank you we are staying with the other part of our family. I'm sure Dad will understand." Storm answers for all of them. I guess I now know where they stand on my choice. I turn to go, it hurt. I'm also mad is it really any of their business. This is mine and their father's marriage not theirs.

"Nikki's POV

It's been a good day. My kids are here. I got to beat Joe and Jeff in a wrestling match. It's always fun to get a one up a younger man. Jason kicked my ass though. He's a strong and clever old guy. Court has decided she is willing to stay till the cubs are born. I was getting really desperate. I was close to using the voice to get my way. We had a good hunt and the meat smells so delicious. We've finally pulled it from the ground oven and some men are carving steaks from it.

I let Court know I'm taking Nicole and Tom their food. She just sighed a bit. I can't wait to see Nicole. I've been so worried. Jason told me she hasn't been eating much. Once I'm at the door Tom opens it for me since my hands are full. He takes his plate happily. Saying a quick prayer he digs in before he even gets seated.

Nicole is quietly watching out the window as I enter. She turns to me with a smile that melts my heart. I sit with her on the bed and uncover our plates.

"Oh it smells good." She grins.

"It does. I've never eaten meat cooked this way." I comment.

"Mmm you were missing out." She giggles as she tries to politely stuff her face. I chuckle at her delighted expression.

"I'm sorry you are missing all the fun." I say softly and rub her tummy.

"Oh don't worry. The other women have been sneaking me treats all morning. I've gotten a few gifts too." She giggles like a little girl.

"I've got a gift for you too." I grin at her expression. I hand her the box. She opens it and smiles big.

"It's a mama wolf with cubs." She exclaims. I take the necklace. She allows me to place it around her neck and fasten the clasp. She hugs me tight nearly spilling our food.

"Better finish your dinner." I remind her.

We talk for awhile as we eat. She shows me the cute little coats she knitting for the cubs. We laugh at the cub diapers she has along with baby diapers.

I sigh. It's been over thirty minutes I have to get back. I'm probably being missed. I give her one last kiss before I leave. Gathering the plates I head back to Courtney and my children.

Courtney's POV

I figured I should quit being a coward and go see Nicole. We have to remain on friendly terms. She's the mother of Nikki's babies. I thought I would take her desert as a peace offering. The house is dim as I come through the door. Tom doses on the couch. He glaces at me as I pass by him then closes his eyes again. I open Nicole's door. She seems asleep. I set the piece of pie on her nightstand. I reach to softly stroke hair. I don't want to startle her awake. But she's startles anyway biting me in the process.

"Ouch." I pull back cradling my hand. Nicole flips on the lamp at her bedside.

"Oh god Court I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you. Here let me heal it." She says softly reaching for my hand.

"No I'll be alright. You shouldn't exhaust yourself." I insist.

"But I hurt you." She groans guiltily.

"I brought you desert. I better go take care of this." I moan in pain.

I rush out of the room and out of the house.

Nikki's POV

We had brought the cubs out to play before dark. Courtney comes and sits and next to me as I watch the cubs. She leans heavily against me.

"Are you alright babe?" I ask.

"I don't feel so good. Nicole bit me." She whimpers in pain.

"Why?" I ask getting kind of pissed.

"It wasn't her fault. I startled her from sleep." She explains weakly.

I can feel heat begining to come from her. It scares me.

"Let's go find Nyx. She can heal you." I say staying calm.

"Ok," she groans.

I help her to her feet and steady her.

We don't take but a few steps when I hear it the sounds of snowmobiles. They come speeding through the clearing scattering everyone. They don't stop they just keep going. At first I think it's over. It's not something is coming crashing through the forest. From the sound of it a bunch of somethings.

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