Sending Out The Warriors

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Nicole's POV

I catch Mika before he joins the other warriors.

"Mika when are you going to marry my daughter Chloe. Don't you think you have made her wait long enough?" I ask.

"Umm Lady. I wouldn't dare to ask for such a privilege. I have no status among the packs. My linage is shameful and I'm blind" he says low with his head bowed.

"Mika you are the only one she will have. The only thing I care about is that she loves you and you love her." I smile.

"I'm sure not everyone feels the same." He whispers. I glance in the direction he's looking. Alex, Chloe's father glares at Mika.

Don't worry about him. I can handle him. He's stubborn, but he's a good man. Just come up with the proper bride price. I took care of the rest a long time ago." I reassure him.

"What about the council?" he queries.

"Don't worry Mika I told you I took care of it a long time ago." I answer.

"Nicole what did you promise him and the council." He asks.

"Nothing that concerns you. Now go bring Zoey home." I give him a push towards the others and follow behind.

I reach the men and go straight to Jason. I hold back my knee jerk reaction to bite and scratch and let him hug me. Tom gently strokes my hair and pulls back quickly. I step back only to find myself in Alex's arms. I turn to defend myself with several bites. He nuzzles and nips my neck in spite of my attack. He growls and places me back on my feet. He wears a smirk on his face. Jason and Nikki growl a warning. Tom grunts in disgust. It's Lance, Victor, and Jarl who step in and bring calm back to the group of disgruntled males. Some I'm either related to or been intimate with. I have found some of the males have become somewhat possessive of me after the mating run even the ones who lost out. Alex has other reasons for acting out. It's come time for me to keep my promise to him and the council. I won't get to rest very long after giving birth before I have to mate again. I'm trying to convince them to wait to give me a year. The stronger I am the healthier the cubs. I sigh and lean back against Nikki. Running for the LA pack was supposed to be my last mating. But a couple years back they started putting pressure on Chloe to take a mate or be a breeder. I just couldn't let them take her future happiness. So I offered them more years. It was decided I would mate the males I haven't given sons to. They need heirs. My mind wanders further. A Breeder is only sent to certain packs, so they can keep track of lineages. So I keep to the packs I was assigned to in the the beginning. I've been visiting with my daughter Sophia, she as a breeder has spent most of her time in Canada. She chose the life to avoid being forced to take mates she couldn't love. She like Taya prefers females. She has almost finished her contract and is thinking of taking on more years. One thought leads to another. I have grandchildren in another country I rarely see. They have a different council. I push those depressing thoughts away.

Jason is eyeing me closely with suspicion not because he thinks I strayed. He just knows I'm hiding something. I'm sure if he didn't have to leave he would pester me till I told him. Breaking eye contact with him I watch everyone wish their love ones a safe journey. As the men load up in the SUV all hell breaks out. Sophia is arguing with her father. She believes she has the right to go along to help rescue her sister. Her father and the Elders disagree. I approach and take her hand.

"Sophia come with me baby. Let them go." I say gently.

"It should have been me mama. Zoey has children to care for." she begins to weep. I take my daughter in my arms and motion for the men to leave. I know she wants to go. It's not going to happen. The pack mentality is females are to valuable to risk in a potential battle. Her especially she is a breeder. I hate that like me my daughter can't keep her children. I notice Taya is standing very close. Britta left not long after Taya became pregnant. She couldn't handle the situation with Decker and I guess she wasn't ready for children. Taya now has her eyes on my daughter. She's lonely, Decker isn't here very often. He has a girlfriend who doesn't have a clue what he is or the odd circumstance of his forthcoming fatherhood. The group finally settles and watches our warriors leave. Afterwards I let Taya swoop in and steal my daughter away. Sometimes you need your lover. I rejoin my mate. Courtney decides to reclaimed Nikki, so I walk back arm in arm with my Sister Yennefer. She is so restless her heat is coming on soon. Nikki has noticed. He tries to keep his interest subtle. I giggle.

Nikki's POV

Courtney takes my hand and practically drags me away from Nicole. I give in and follow. I don't want her mad at me. I can't seem to help my reactions all the time. I'm still grumbling. What the fuck was that all about? It pisses me off just because he fathered cubs on Nicole he thinks he as a right to to touch her now. These dudes need to realize she is now a mated woman. I know we didn't do an actual ceremony. Damn it it doesn't fucking matter. She's mine. I sigh and Jason's too I remind myself. On top everything else I can't seem to stop noticing how amazing Yennefer's scent is. Damn I hope Jason and Tom make it back in time for her heat. This is so fucked up.
Inside the house I watch Nicole sit on the couch with her feet up. I catch her surface thoughts. She wants tummy rubs and without thinking I cozy right up to her on the couch and rub her tummy. She nuzzles my neck and coos softly. Then I here the slamming door. I groan. Without thinking I upset Courtney again. Reluctantly I leave Nicole's side and go to our bedroom door just in time to hear the door lock. "Ah fuck." I whisper.

Courtney's POV

I can't take it. I weep. I thought I had my emotions under control when we left. I had even managed, I thought to forgive them both. Now that we're back her pregnant stomach is bringing home reality that she's having his babies. We were only going to have one baby. Now he has four on the way with another woman. The way he acts towards her is killing me. It's not sexual. It's worse he acts like he's in love with her. I bury my head in the pillow and try to ignore Nikki's gentle pleas to be let in. He's not giving up. After a good ten minutes I let him in.

"What do you want?" I ask and crawl back on to the bed.

"To say I'm sorry. She's sorry." he says softly.

"Where is she?" I ask pissed.

"In her room crying." he answers.

"Am I supposed to care. I'm surprised you came to me instead of her. " I grouch.

"You're my wife and I love you." he says.

"She's supposed to be too and so is Yennefer. I don't think the term is special to me anymore." I start to cry harder.

"Courtney I know nothing I say is going to make up for what you're going through. I feel caught in the middle. Nicole is hurting too. This is not her fault no matter what you think. It was instinct when she came to me in heat. It's still instinct that drives her to find comfort from me. I feel the need to be there for her. I can't explain how intense the need is. I am trying to control it Courtney. I really am. I love you. I always will. I don't understand all of this. I wasn't raised among them." He gushes. Tears are in his eyes. I see the confusion in his mind. In all the things I see rolling around in there love is the deepest emotion. I pull him close to cuddle. Glancing up I see Nicole at the door. Tears slide down her cheeks. She has the biggest puppy dog eyes going on that I've ever seen. I can't resist it. I motion her forward. She races into mine and Nikki's arms. There are no words that can make this better. We just cuddle and rock together trying to soothe each others hurts.

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