Birth Of A Son

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Nicole's POV

I hear Nikki. I won't answer. I feel the berserker to close to the surface. I hear Nyx too. I can't completely hide from her. She's the most sensitive of my daughters. She is continually prying into my mind and body. She's aware of my labor and the pain Chasen is inflicting on me. She's entreating me to let them trace me by my mind. I can't I won't be bate. I'm starting to have trouble my mind is hazy from pain and fever. I'm afraid I will slip and call for my mates, my lovers. I feel another hot rod slide across my skin. I cry out.

"I'm impressed you're stronger than some of the males I've tortured for information. You're running a fever. Can't have you dying yet." Chasen sighs. "Smith get me some cool water and a cloth." He calls.
"Let's check you again." He says quietly. I'm to weak to even put up a fight as his finger slides inside me to check my cervix again.
"You're ready to push. There will be no more torture tonight." He whispers softly. I feel the cool cloth on my face. I moan it feels so good. He continues to bath my body in cool water. I start to feel the urge to bare down. I feel the gush of my water breaking. I groan as I push.
"Wesson keep her cool. Smith support her. She needs to live long enough to give birth." Chasen instructs his sons. "The pussies might not like my methods but the council wants these cubs. They knew they couldn't stop me so they figured they should benefit" He chuckles. Why would they want my cubs? My mind is so confused.
"That's it woman, bare down and push." Chasen encourages gently.
"I see his head, give another hard push." I feel my son slip from my body. I watch Chasen clear my son's mouth and I hear his first cries.
"He's healthy and He's mine the council only wants the females. Yes I had a change of heart about killing them. Don't you think it's fair a child for a child." He smirks at me. My mind has a moment of clarity. A tear slides down my face even if I called for them now. It would be to late for me. they won't find me in time. I caught a glimpse in his mind he's accomplished his new goal. He's got my son. He wanted my children. Killing my mates is now a hopeful added bonus. By killing me he will get the war he was hoping for. The council didn't know I am the queen rising. Chasen didn't inform his fellow hunters of that intelligence. They don't know what's coming. He plans to offer the help from his very large clan to save them. He will take over. There will never be peace again.
"Rest for a moment my sweetheart. You've given me a true gift." He smiles. It makes me sick inside.
"It will be a bit before the next baby drops low enough to be born." I watch him wash my son gently with practiced skill.
"I'm going to teach you so many things. He coos to mine and Nikki's son.

"Please let me hold him?" I beg softly.

"Don't see any reason why not." He comments casually. He places my son in my arms. I pull my baby to my breast and feel him latch on. I close my eyes.

"Nikki hear your son's heartbeat. Let it guide you. Come your queen is calling you." I feel him respond and others through him. I smile to myself. "Even if my heart stops, my baby yours will continue to beat and your father will find you." I cuddle my son. Shamus Chasen you are a dead man walking.

Nikki's POV

Waking from a restless sleep. I hear her then I hear my son's heartbeat. I feel the shift from man to beast coming over me. I fight to keep my sanity this time. I call to my co-mates and to the men in my pack the message spreads to the other packs. Through me they hear my son's heartbeat. Through Yennefer The other shifters hear too. As one we gather then we take off in a ground eating trot. I lead. Jason and Tom at my back. My sons follow behind them. The rest follow as their rank befits. The other shifters make up the tail. We keep to the forest as mush as possible. Trying not to be seen. We would make a terrifying sight for some random human. I hear Yennefer.

"Don't worry about that several of these panthers have a very interesting gift. If someone looks at us we will appear to be nothing more then fog flowing over the land."

I sigh. I wish my other pregnant mate could have stayed behind, but Lance was right she's invaluable for communication with the other shifters. The bears did promise to protect her. I still worry for her safety. What if we are coming up against the whole compound of hunters.

"I'm sure Nicole would have warned us if we were. We're coming just to watch your back and give you cover as you three rescue Nicole. Chasen is a devious SOB." Jake growls.

The heartbeat still seems distant. I'm sure that it's not far from the hunters base. It amazes me the balls they have settling so close to their supposed enemies. Right here in the Jackson hole area surrounded by wolf territories. Jake has gotten around the part in the treaty that limits men in a pack by scattering members of his pack around the area under young alphas who look to Jake as their Alpha. I thought it was pretty ingenious. These packs follow him tonight boosting our numbers.

It's almost daylight. The heartbeat is getting louder were getting closer. I'm now starting to sense Nicole. She's in so much pain. The beast in me starts to growl low. I fight down the rage that's trying to take over. I hear Jason and Tom growling behind me. If I loose it so will they. I fight to stay in wolf form. It's getting harder the closer I get. I can feel the raging berserker as my heart pounds harder in my chest. I hear her scream and I'm lost. I'm on two legs rushing towards the cries of my mate.

Jake's POV

"Jeff, Joe, Rick, take your groups and surround each of them. Keep them from running into traps. For Luna's sake keep a safe distance from them. They're not going to like your interference and will think nothing of smacking you out of the way." I command. Shit this could get ugly.

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