Call Your Mates

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Nicole's POV

"Call your mates." He demands again.

"No," I moan through a contraction. I'm trying so hard to slow my labor. Once my cubs are born they are at Chasen's mercy. That doesn't amount to much. I had always counted myself lucky to birth so easily and quickly. Now I would bare the pain of labor for days to keep my son and daughters out this man's hands. I can't just call my mates or any of the men of my pack. I don't know where I am. They would be following my voice blindly to their deaths. If I knew where I was I could tell them. They could avoid Chasen's trap. Chasen is a skilled hunter and trapper. He probably has traps laid all around this place. If they didn't die that way. He and his sons would pick them off as they approached with hunting rifles.

I watch Chasen walk to the burning fireplace. He pulls a wrought iron rod out of the fire. He smirks at me. I take a deep breath and release it breathing through a contraction. He kneels beside me patiently waiting for it pass.

"One pain at a time." he laughs coldly. Once he's certain my contraction is over. He drags the hot iron down the inside of my arm. I scream.
"Call your mates."

"No." I hiss through the pain.

"Wesson get a blanket we don't want the puppies born on a bare floor." He tells his son with a chuckle. I'm lifted and a soft blanket is placed under me.
"Now isn't that better. Hmm it has always fascinated me how quickly your kind heal by next morning that burn will gone or will it take longer with you in labor. It should be interesting to find out." He says studying my arm closely. Then he retrieves another rod. He waits for my next contraction to pass then drags the rod down my other arm. I bite down on my lip preventing my scream.
"Call your mates". He demands.

"No," I groan.

"I can keep this up for as long as it takes." He sighs. He drops the rod back into the fire to heat up.
"Let's check your progress." He kneels and holds my hips still. He thrusts a finger inside me to check my cervix. I whimper and curse at his hybrid strength. No human male could ever subdue me like this.
"Your halfway there." He smirks as he cleans his hands in a bowl of water.

"I don't need a midwife!" I growl then moan as another contraction hits.

"No a wolf usually does this all on her own. Well I hope you don't mind me being so attentive." He smirks and checks the rods to see if their hot enough. I try to distract myself by studying my surroundings as another contraction comes. There is a bed, there are furs on it. They are shifter hides. I gag a little and look away. He has a small bookshelf. I'm amazed he reads, but than again his knowledge of what he hunts is extensive. A crib is set up not far from me. I'm relieved he doesn't plan to kill my cubs as they drop. Maybe they will have a chance at rescue. My eyes light on a cage in the corner. Two little black Panther cubs are curled up inside. I guess with all the hides around I had missed their scent. I look away quickly. I don't want him to use my compassion for them against me. I turn to see Chasen coming with another white hot rod and grit my teeth.

Nikki's POV

"Why aren't we doing something? Why aren't we out looking for her? Why are we wasting our time talking?" I fume and pace.

"Nikki they tried. My sons and the hounds followed him to the main road. Then it was just impossible to find his vehicle's scent among the hundreds that have driven on it. This is a tourist area even at this time of year." Jake explains in frustration.

"Nikki the only way we can track her now is by her mental voice. She's either refusing to lead us blindly into his trap or she's unable to call us." Lance states softly.

"I can feel her sometimes, then she's just goes silent. It's never enough to lead me." I groan. Tom sits in the corner guilt ridden. He was the one guarding her. I don't blame him, neither does Jason. He does nothing lately but try to reach out to her. Jason is outside welcoming packs as they flood in from other territories from around the Rocky mountains. Loosing a pregnant female and healer like Nicole is something the pack can't tolerate. It isn't common knowledge that Nicole is their war queen. Lance is afraid if it does become known that it could start a war none of us want.

Nyx comes dashing into gym where the council has taken up residence.

"She's gone into labor. I can feel it. We have to do something now." She says in a rush. Jason who had followed his daughter in goes pale. The rest of the room goes quiet.

"We must gather the packs and converge on the hunter compound. Make them give up his whereabouts." Jason demands.

"Jason that would start a war." Lance objects.

"Maybe that's what needs to happen. Taking Nicole was just the last straw. Aren't you all tired of the hunter council's demands and the fact they can't or won't control their hunters." Jake says with a growl. Others look at him with surprise he's usually the most level headed of all of us.

"Yes, yes It was just a couple years back the damn Chasen clan took my only granddaughter just so they could awaken some hybrid males to hunt calling them rogues. She barely escaped. My Pack made a complaint. We got a half ass apology and we are happy she is ok." Shamara growls.

"Whatever we do it has to be planned, but Nyx's is right it needs to happen very soon. We can't leave Nicole and her helpless cubs in that madman's hands." Jarl states urgently.

"I've spoken with the bear-shifters. They are willing to join us. They are sick of being harassed by the hunters even though they have a treaty." Victor suggests.

"The Panthers are being drawn in by the cries of their kidnapped cubs. Yennefer has been communicating with them. They wish to join to get their cubs back." Jill adds.

"All the nearby packs will be here by morning." Serona comments. The other Elders and Alphas are calling their agreement to take action. Lance raises his hand to request silence.

"It seems all of you have thought on this. So be it. We must plan to march on the hunter compound with a show of strength and if necessary fight. This time the packs fight as one instead of separate. We will also add the strength of other shifter kind to our own." Lance says in his usual calm voice.

I would have preferred to take a small force and kick Chasen's ass. But Nicole won't reach out to us. I don't want a war that my sons would want to fight in. I sigh as I study the faces around me. Chasen may just get what he wants.

"Nicole where you? Please answer me." I call out one more time and get no answer.

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