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Nikki's POV

I wake to hear growls from the kitchen. I groan. The women are at it again. I get up and pull on my jeans. Entering the living room I join Jason and Tom. None of us are sure how to handle this. Jason said normally males stay out of female feuds unless it disturbs the peace of the pack. But this is getting nuts, Yen and Court can barely be in the same room anymore. Nicole is on her last nerve and ready to pounce. She's trying to allow Courtney to be alpha female in our family by letting her always take lead. While Court wants to be the only female in our family. The babies are miserable with all the arguments. This morning it seems they are not getting fed either.

Eyes are glowing with anger. Teeth and claws are showing. Shit this is gonna be a fight soon if not handled. I look to Jason and Tom for ideas. They nudge me towards the kitchen.

"You're the Alpha male in the family." Tom says in a hushed tone.

"Yeah you're the Alpha." Jason agrees in a whisper.

  "Hey I don't know how to handle this. I've never had more then one wife before." I say low and drag my feet.

  "Neither have I." Jason answers.

  "Me Neither." Tom chuckles softly. I just know Nicole bites hard. I roll my eyes I've seen both face bullets.

   While we are decussing our options Jill walks in casually like she doesn't know a fight was about to break out.

  "Are you alright?" Nicole immediately asks Jill with concern at her sudden appearance.

  "Did you forget Nicole? You asked me to come in today for an appointment." She smiles.

  "Would you like some tea?" Courtney asks becoming her usual hostess self. Yennefer quickly makes herself busy making the tea. Jill sits in a chair and makes herself at home. Just like that the argument is over for now at least. We men slowly approach and take our seats. Yennefer fills our coffee cups. The cubs slowly slink back into the kitchen hoping to get fed this time. They are happy when they are helped into their seats and given bacon and eggs.

"Oh I miss having a busy home like this. My sister and I both mated Victor back in the day. We were identical twins and we didn't want to separate. At that time there were enough women and it wasn't so hard to find a loving mate. We gave him plenty of cubs" Jill chuckles softly.

"I remember Lil." Tom grins wide.

"You should, you chased us enough before we wed Victor." Jill giggles.

  "I didn't know you had an identical twin." Nicole comments gently.

  "Yes. I miss her and our children. We fought sometimes. It wasn't always easy to share a man, but we had made that choice. I wish she was still here to argue with." Jill sighs. During all this talk Nicole had been quietly examining Jill.

  "Your son is growing well and you are healthy Jill. Just continue to eat right and rest when you need to" Nicole smiles. That news lightens the mood. Jill and Victor deserves this bit of happiness. They have lost so many.

   "Well I need to get back to work. I need to figure out what lines all these foundlings belong to especially the women. All these young have finally found a place they fit in. Now some are looking for mates. Thank you for your hospitality." She says smiling."

  "Thank you for coming." I answer and grin. She turns and practically skips out the door. I glance at each woman and wonder how long the peace will last. Courtney notices my eyes on her. She comes over and claims me by sitting on my lap. Mmm that's a familiar scent. Maybe I should take Courtney and stay in Jason's old cabin till after her heat. Is that why she's being so bitchy? Fuck Anytime I'm away from Nicole it's so painful even if it's just a house away. I groan softly.

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