Love and Compromise

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Nyx's POV

"About time staying away from your pregnant mate is so unnatural." Sean chuckles when he hears the howls coming from my mother's home.

"They are probably feeling guilty now." I comment.

"That's silly." he shakes his head bemused.

"Nikki and Courtney weren't raised among the packs. They understand our necessity for polygamy, but are having trouble embracing it. To us pack is everything and this the only way it can survive." I try to explain to my born and pack raised mate.

"Yep all for one, one for all. The pack mentality they just don't get it." he smirks and kisses me playfully.

"Speaking of marriage maybe we should hold off our ceremony with Seth till my sister and her friend are rescued." I comment.

"I suppose for awhile. I won't allow my brother to wait to long for his mate. He loves you you know." Sean whispers.

"I love him too and I love you so much. It is confusing sometimes." I whisper back.

"Don't be my beautiful black furred mate. I know you will be a loving mate to both me and my younger brother." he says as he gently slips his arms around my waist.

"You think so." I question.

"Yes I do. Mmm Have I ever told you how happy I am that you were born with your mother's hair coloring. It so beautiful." He complements.

"Yes many times." I look at my feet confused by my mixed feelings. He lifts my chin with his fingers so I'm looking him in the eyes.

"Never be ashamed of your coloring, you are your mother's daughter like her you are gentle, intelligent and strong. Besides it seems black fur is becoming more common. Yennefer has black fur like her father Adan. Nikki and his sons are Lykaon. The males of that line are always born with black fur. It doesn't seemed to matter what their human hair color is. That's what Jill told me and that woman knows her lineages and history." he chuckles at his last comment.

"I was going to take the little ones home soon. How long should I give them?" I grin changing the subject.

"I think we've given them long enough, besides if they are having issues the babies will be a distraction." he answers with a shrug.

"I think your right." I agree. "Come on you four it's time to go home." I call to the cubs. They don't want to go at first. They were having fun. I end up carrying their clothes. I guess it's more fun running home on all fours. I watch Ruby romping with the others. She has taken quickly to being a shifter. She doesn't let the older cubs push her around either. As we get closer the little ankle biters don't bother to wait for me. Reaching the house first they plow top speed through the doggy door. When I open the door they are all sprawled on the floor. They tumble to their feet and go in search of their parents. I follow slowly behind. The scent of their love making still lingers. The babies find them quickly in mom's denning room. Mom is sound asleep. Nikki is in wolf form he's sprawled at my Mom's feet dosing. Ruby with the rest following behind tries to jump up on the bed and fail miserably. Their attempts wake Nikki he sleepily lifts each cub by their scuff onto the bed. Each fur ball finds a comfy spot to snuggle in and close their eyes for a nap. Nikki glances my way. He oofs softly acknowledging me then rests his head back on his mates legs and drifts off to sleep again. I smile as I close the door quietly behind me. He's a sweet man. He is trying so hard to be a good husband to two extra wives he didn't plan on having and a good co-mate to my Dad.

Courtney's POV

It was a fun shopping trip with Yennefer. She is beautiful inside and out. She has an ability to soothe. And I need that right now as I enter the house the scent of sex lingers in the air. So much for my good mood. I look for them immediately and find them sleeping peacefully. Nikki rests at her feet as a wolf. Before I can begin my tirade Yennefer pulls me away from the door closing it quietly. She gazes into my eyes I feel her in my mind as she calms me against my will.

"They don't do the things they do to hurt you." she whisper.

"Well that doesn't make me feel any better." I grumble.

"I know that. This is the situation you are In now. Nikki has other obligations besides you. He is trying so hard to make everyone happy and it's not happening." she sighs. Let's start dinner. The cubs will be staving when they wake."

"Ok." I agree. I'll grasp at any straw to keep my calm and my sanity. Just as I'm about to follow Yen into the kitchen Nikki comes trotting out of Nicole's room or den. What ever the hell you what to call it. He stops dead in his tracks at the sight of me.
"Busted motherfucker." I mutter under my breath. He hasn't changed to human yet. His eyes grow big giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Do you really really think that's going work. YOU BASTARD!" I hiss. His head lowers and body trembles. I moan this isn't fair. I can't stand to see an animal suffer. Kneeling down I whisper to him to come to me. He nuzzles my neck nipping gently. Holding him tightly I bury my face in his soft fur.
"I suggest you stay in your canine form for awhile I don't know if I can be as nice to you other wise." I grouch.

"I love you." I hear several times in my mind.

"I hear you. I love you too." I whisper into his fur.

I pull away and head to the kitchen to help Yen. Nikki follows and sprawls under the table out of the way.

I'm just getting the roast out of the oven when Nicole appears at the kitchen door. She notices Nikki under the table. She silently sits at the table. He rises enough to rest his head in her lap. She lowers her head. I've been thinking of ways I can deal with my my emotions and issues. I think I have an answer that hopeful will please everyone. Yennefer and I set the table. Nikki looks at me I hear his thoughts he's wondering if I'm going to make him eat off a plate on the floor.
"Oh for goodness sakes go change and get dressed." I huff. We're all seated and waiting as Nikki comes quietly in taking his Seat.
"I have something I need to bring up before we eat." I say. Everyone looks my way and waits patiently. "I've made a decision." I pause. I see Nikki's worried look. I hear his thoughts so full fear of losing me.
"I know I can't fulfill Nikki's needs as a wolf." Nicole tries to reassure me that's not true. I interrupt her.
"I know Rick has a lover who is a wolf. He runs with her on the full moon and other wolfie occasions. So here it is when Nikki is wolf he belongs to the both of you, when he is human he is all mine. Is this agreeable?" I finish speaking. Nikki, Nicole, and Yennefer are silent for a moment. Then Nicole speaks up.

"I'm agreeable with that." Nicole looks to the others. Yennefer nods an affirmative.

"Are you sure Court?" Nikki asks.

"Yes I am." I say with conviction. "Now let's pray over this food and eat." I sigh. "I'm worried I am going to get fat if I keep eating like this. I don't have your wolfie metabolism." I say trying to lighten the mood.

Nikki's POV

The mood around the table seems lighter tonight at least where our relationships are concerned. We are still worried for the missing girls and the men sent to find them. That worry continues through after dinner clean up and putting the cubs to bed. We all finally relax around the table and talk. Nicole suddenly goes still her eyes are distant.

"My daughter is speaking to me." she states happily." She says their captors are youngsters early twenties. The hound's death was accident they over dosed him with the tranquillizer gun. She's confused they are x hybrids and want to breed. Ella will come into heat tonight. Oh Baby I know you want your mates. Can you tell us where you are?" She asks her. "She says they are in Idaho near the small town of Pierce. She recognized some land marks. Hold on I'll send the men your way. Mica is with them reach out for him. I will too. One of them came in and interrupted her. She blocked me out. What's happening to her." She says weakly. I tug her close to me as she begins to weep.

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