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Tom's POV

Once we got a direction to go in it didn't take us long to sniff out the girls location. They didn't try to hide very well. They are either really cocky or really stupid. I'm thinking both. I assess the situation quickly they don't even have a look out. Probably to busy drooling over the girls. Even hybrids and human males are affected by the scent of heat. We slowly surround the cabin. We don't want any escapees. I can smell the women inside. I'm thankful that all the wolves here tonight are seasoned alphas. The scent of a female in heat can be very distracting to younger males. I want to catch these want to be hunters not kill them. I take a peek through a window. Definitely want to bes, not a one is over twenty one. Damn we've let our guard down if this rag tag lot got a hold of our women. They wouldn't have had a chance against Matt and Nicole. I signal Ciel and Luke to follow me in. I've chosen to go first as a meat shield. Not to toot my own horn but I'm a big motherfucker. I can take some hits if they decide to shoot. I've kept Paul and Felix to the rear. Jason is with them he has a very persuasive voice, a husband and father might get a little rougher than I want without someone to calm them. I shift to my berserker form. I'm about to crash through the door when I hear them. Six young male wolves come dashing out of the woods. Their minds are full of lust at the scent of two females in heat.

"Shit!" I growl. This could be a blood bath. "Jason control them." I growl low. Jason pauses in doubt then straightens his shoulders.

  "Stop." He oofs. Each young wolf halts and falls obediently to their belly. I turn back to the door with confidence that everything is under control. I give it one good shove. It crashes to the floor scaring the shit out of the punks. They pull their guns. We don't give them a chance. I knock out two before they even know what hit them. Ciel takes out the other two. He's in berserker form. I didn't know he could do that, it usually takes extreme anger. The snarky ass just clicks his teeth and gives me a tongue lolling grin. The others are kinda miffed they missed out on the action. I'm just happy it went off without anyone getting hurt and the hunters will wake up.  Luke and Alex get the fun of tying the idiots up. Paul is very happy to see his wife Zoey and they've disappeared to be alone for some loving. I sigh. We're not sure what to do with Ella. She's a breeder who was destined to breed with members of a Nevada pack. There is no way to get her there in time.  She needs to breed soon. Maybe I'll give her a little ease myself and take the pissing and moaning on myself. What is the council gonna do take away my birthday? Sigh she's got time I need to figure out what to do with these boys. I look over the young wolves. They are not a recognized pack. It's impressive that their young leader has kept his small pack under everyone's radar. He's a natural born leader. I shift to human and dress,. I grab several pairs of shorts out of the van before I approach. I toss each one a pair and give them a little privacy to shift. Then I address their leader.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Nickolas Ricci, these are my friends. This is Bastien, Chance, Ajay, Dean, and Casper." He answers and points out his pack mates.

"Glad to meet you all. What pack are you from?" I question.

"We weren't raised in a pack." Nikolas shrugs.

"Where are you from?" I continue my questions.

"California we were all raised in the foster system and met each other there. We stayed in touch after we aged out." He explains.

"Do any of you know your parents?" I try to ask gently.

"No Nick's mom OD'd after he was born. Mine committed suicide a year after I was born. The rest lost their mothers at birth. None of us knew our fathers." Bastien answers bluntly.

"Not long ago we all started to change it was weird and this guy in a cowboy hat and a trench coat showed up. He left messages letting us know if he found us he would kill us, So we ran as fast as we could. What are we? Are we werewolves?" Casper says in a rush.

"You were born hybrid shifters of the wolf variation. I'm certain Shamus helped you all shift with a little shot. Then he could call you rogue and hunt you. He enjoys his work." I explain with a huff.
"Hmm Enough of that I have an idea, I have a mission for you. You see it's not healthy for our females not to breed when they are in heat. Ella needs to breed. We are all held by a contract. We can't do the deed. I'm thinking you rogues aren't. Are you willing?"

"Breed you mean like be fathers?" Nickolas asks.

"That could be the consequence of breeding." I chuckle. They give each other serious looks. I can tell they are speaking telepathically.

"We are willing if she is willing." Nick answers for his pack. I make eye contact with Ella.

"She is willing. Here she comes." I smirk. She doesn't have a stitch of clothing on. Her eyes are lit. The youngsters eyes are huge as she nears. She struts among them nuzzling each one. She giggles.

"Catch me if you can." Then she's wolf and dashes away playfully. They shift and pursue howling their lust.

"Oh to be young again." I grin.

"Tom your age has never stopped you from chasing some cute tail into the woods." Luke snickers. I smirk as the rest laugh with him.

Nicole's POV

They've found them. They are safe." I nearly howl with joy. My eyes fill with happy tears. Hearing my thoughts Nikki Courtney, and Yennefer join me in a group nuzzle. I can't contain my joy any longer. I howl. My family joins me, then the pack joins. I cock my head and study Courtney for moment. That was a really authentic howl for a human.



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