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Chloe's POV

It's been hours and Mika still suffers. My mother peeks in every chance she gets. It's a comfort. Neither Sophia or I have dealt with anything like this before. My mother has she helped her grandmother see someone through the change before. She knew the queen before her. I gently bath the sweat from Mika's body. I know he is older than me, but I've loved him since we spent a whole summer together learning from my great grandmother. I was there to learn how to use my healing ability. He was learning how to use his mental abilities. He can reach out and touch another's mind like my mother. Unlike me I can only hear my mother from a distance. My sisters and I also taught him how to stalk animals with his other senses. He got very good at it. I wish this was over. Seeing him in so much pain hurts. I touch his chest softly and delve mentally into his body. His vitals are good. I relax for the moment thinking all is calm till He startles both my sister and I back to attention with an agonizing howl. His body begins to contort. It's like the shift is happening in slow motion. His bones sound like they are breaking. He screams as his muscles and bones reshape from human to wolf. My mother is in the room before anyone can stop her. She whispers commands as she begins to work. She guides us as we help ease his painful transformation. Suddenly it's over and a light grey wolf lays on the bed. We help him to his feet.

"Run Mika, stretch your body it will ease the pain." My Mother says softly. Then she howls in welcome. All the wolves in our community join her. Without a second thought I join him on his first run as a wolf. It's hard to believe he is without sight as he hits the trails in a joyful sprint.

Nicole's POV

I come back to the living room to find three very peeved looking men. I know it drains me to heal. The girls seemed so at a loss of what to do. I had to show them. I don't want to argue. I'm just to damned tired. I turn and head towards the room that has become my den. Laying down I try to get comfortable. It's not happening. I groan. I have six more weeks of this. Finally I find a position that works and close my eyes. Hearing the door to my room open I huff in irritation.

"Nicole." Courtney whispers. I pretend to be asleep. I don't feel like dealing with her jealousy tonight. I'm to exhausted. She doesn't seem to be buying my act. "Nicole I'm not here to upset you. I just wanted to see if you're alright." The woman gives me whiplash sometimes. She likes me one minute and hates me the next. I don't blame her. I've turned her life upside down just by falling into it. I'm not going to insist that he stay to see me through this. I've always been alone before why should this time be any different.

"I'll be alright. I'm just a little tired." I answer quietly. I don't have it in me to be mean to her.

"Do you want me to send Nikki in?" she asks.

"No I'll be fine. Matthew will be here soon. He sleeps at the foot of the bed in his canine form. He's company enough." I answer.

"Ok I'll leave you to sleep." relief is in her tone. She quietly closes the door.

It doesn't take long for Matt to show. He jumps carefully on to the bed. Before he settles at the foot of the bed he gives me a nuzzle that makes me giggle. This has been how it has been for a long time. Even though Tom likes to poke fun about my hound being my ease. We haven't been together like that since he got married. We've never been in a situation that he would have to mate with me. We're careful. He only escorts me to and from my mating runs and sometimes spends some time with me while I'm confined to the den. He has a wife of his own to care for. I smile to myself as I feel the bed give under his weight as he sprawls at my feet. He almost matches Tom in size. He makes me feel safe.

"Goodnight." I hear Matt's deep mental voice.

"Goodnight." I whisper back.

Nikki's POV

I'm jealous as I open the door for Matthew. I peek at Nicole before I close it behind him. She was facing away from me. Jason says she needs me. She looks like she's handling things quite well. If it wasn't for her daughter missing I don't think she would have needed me at all since I've been here. Maybe the bond isn't as strong as before. Maybe being apart dampened it some. I don't know. I've felt somewhat lost without her the last several weeks. Jason said she felt the same. Now that she has her shit together and under control she seems distant.

"Nikki are you coming to bed?" Courtney calls interrupting my train of thought.

"Yes I'm coming." I sigh. Entering the bedroom I find Court already in bed I undress and crawl in beside her. I tug her close and wrap my arms around her. Even as I hold my wife I can't seem to get Little Miss Nicole off my mind. I feel like an ass. How do the other wolves handle this? I close my eyes and think of tomorrow. Our searchers will be leaving early and Jake wants me to go with him tomorrow to check on a small pack of wild wolves that share the pack territory with us. He worries about poachers. Before giving into my weariness completely I give in and reach out mentally for Nicole. She's restless with emotions. She misses me. Sleep my little sweetheart I soothe.

Shamas POV

Everyone seems to be settling in in for the night even the two wolves who went for a run are back. The male was newly shifted. I heard his pain as he turned. Why would anyone want to be an animal? The Council of hunters should care that The Queen is using her gift to turn hybrids. They don't. It pisses me off.
I watch the two wolves play. I notice how the male moves. He's not using his eyes. He's blind. It reminds me of my little brother. It always amazed me how he could find his way around. Father told everyone that the berserker killed my baby brother, but he didn't it was my father. I had begged him not to, told him I would look after him. Mika was just a burden as far as he was concerned. I looked down at the male and wish my brother was alive. I grunt and shake off my nostalgia. I can't believe they allowed a blind cub to live. They were known to abandon unfit young. Huh how human of them. The two finally enter the house. I need sleep myself. I climb down from the tree platform and head for my camp. I have several more days of surveillance before I make my move. It's got to go down just right.

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