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Matthew's POV

It's after noon and the thought of food has me wandering into see if Nicole or Yennefer have made anything good. I'm in my hound form so I just go through the thoughtfully installed doggy door. I grunt. I guess I missed lunch. Everyone is asleep. I decide to check on Nicole. She's asleep with Nikki and Courtney exactly where I think she should be. It doesn't take a genius to realize that all three cried themselves out. I snuffle Nicole's face. She gently brushes me away in her sleep. She smells healthy. I give Nikki a sniff. I like him he has a big heart. He mumbles go away Leica. I snort with laughter. Turning to Courtney I'm curious this is the first time I've caught her without perfume. She smells a lot better without it. That's just my opinion. I stick my nose against her neck to get a good whiff. I come away confused. She's not quite human. I've often helped the wolves find hybrids. I take another sniff to be sure. She has a slightly different scent. But I have no doubt. She's a x hybrid. She obviously doesn't know. Most people go happily through life not knowing what they are. I once a found a cat x hybrid married to a dog x hybrid. It was weird and sad. They couldn't figure out why they couldn't have babies. Normally we are drawn to our own species or at least a similar one. No wonder she had such a strong reaction to the shot we give to humans to boost immunity. Should I say something. Would she be happy or upset. Not everyone wants to know. I huff. Maybe I should tell Nicole and leave it up to her. No that wouldn't be fair. I'll go to Jill. She will know how to handle it. With my mind made up I go to find the Elder. Then I'll find Carol. She always has food around.

Jill's POV

"Victor should we tell her and if we do when?" I ask my husband.

"I don't know Love. I'm sure we should tell her, but now might not be the right time. Nicole still has six weeks to go before she gives birth. What if Courtney wants to shift. Two jealous female wolves under the same roof with one of them in late pregnancy would not be a good thing." he answers.

"You're right it wouldn't. I hate keeping it from her. It also means no more shots for her. All the last batch of serum is derived from Nicole's blood it could bring on the shift and the poor girl wouldn't be prepared. Nicole would insist on riding it out with her too. We can't have that till after she gives birth. Speaking of our resident healer I need to go see her." I sigh.

"Are you feeling unwell Jill? My husband asks worried.

" I'm sure it's nothing serious." I answer trying to keep my thoughts from him I don't want him to worry. "I better go." I get up and rush out the door.

Reaching Nicole's door I knock. Thankfully it's Nicole who answers. I didn't feel like explaining why I need to see her so urgently.

"Good afternoon Elder." she greets me respectfully.

"Nicole I need you to examine me." I get right to the point.

"Of course Jill. Come this way." She says and leads the way to the infirmary. Nikki gives Nicole a worried look. She glares back.
"I can still examine someone. If I need help. I'll call for it" she grumbles. She closes the door behind.
"What is going on?" she asks.

"I'm not really sure Nicole. I'm tired, I've been sick, and I can't shift anymore. I've been making lame excuses to my husband for over a week." I confess.

"Lay down on the bed so I can examine you." she says softly. I do as I'm asked. She starts with my head. Her hands gently moving down my body occasionally stopping. She finally gets to my stomach and smirks. "Your pregnant Jill. I'd say about eight weeks."

"I can't be. I'm seventy. I stopped coming into heat years ago. Well except recently. It was after you showed yourself as Queen. It was such a passionate night. If I had known it was still possible. I would have used prevention." I gush then blush.

"You are healthy. So is the male cub you are carrying. I see no reason for worry. Do you want to be a mother again?" she asks gently.

"Oh yes!" I exclaim.

"Well come back and see me in two weeks." she smiles wide.

"I will. Please Nicole will you keep this a secret? I want to wait a little while before I tell everyone." I whisper.

"Of course you know I never talk about anything told to me. I'm a healer." She grins.

I laugh and practically float on air as I leave. I'm so full of joy. I'm going to give my husband a son. He can't take the place of the children we lost to war and sickness, but he will bring us so much happiness. Nicole's strength is amazing. She managed to bring an old she wolf into a fertile heat. The Rising Queen makes the old queen look weak in comparison. Even as a six year old child I witnessed her aiding her Grandmother to help a x hybrid shift for the first time. I really do hope she isn't needed. I pray to the Moon Lady the Goddess Luna that our peace holds. If it doesn't I have complete faith in Nicole and her chosen generals to handle it.

Nikki's POV

Nicole seems happy after seeing Jill. I smile her joy is infectious. She comes and sits close to me on the couch. Courtney and Yennefer went to town to get more groceries. Nyx took the cubs to play. So I take the moment to give her a quick cuddle while were alone. I give her neck a playful nuzzle and a soft kiss. Hugging her tight I Breath her in and I realize my mistake to late. Her scent it's so sweet and intoxicating. I groan. I can't seem to stop with the one kiss. I trail kisses from her neck till our lips finally meet. I need to stop I think. I'm to weak. My hand stray to touch her breasts through her clothing. She moans into my mouth. Her arms encircle my shoulders holding me close. Groaning I give in and pull her gently on to my lap. She straddles me her round tummy pressing against me. It turns me on. The mother of my cubs is so beautiful. Tugging the straps of her dress down on her shoulders exposes her breasts. I touch and tease with my fingers. The gentle kisses are forgotten as my passion grows. She pulls away long enough to tug my shirt off then she's back her lips seeking mine with the occasional nip. I part from her lips reluctantly. There is something else I want to do with my mouth. I kiss my way to a perky breast. I suck a nipple into my mouth. Listening to her moans is sweet. She begins to grind against my cock. I slide my hand under her dress and stroke her thigh. She reaches between us and fumbles with the snap of my jeans. She's shaking with need. The snap finally gives and she tugs my jeans down freeing my cock. I don't want to separate from her, with one sharp nail I cut her panties off. I guide her gently onto my cock. I'm afraid to hurt her. We moan together as she slides slowly down taking all of me. I hold her there for a moment just enjoying the sensation. Letting go I let her ride. She clings to me as she takes want she needs. I caress her as she moves seeking out the places on her that excite and make her tremble. I want to please her. Our minds have joined and twined together. I know she's getting close. She wants me in control. So I take it, grabbing her hips I drive us both over the edge. We cling to each other and howl our joy as we cum. I nuzzle and hold her tight to me letting her rest. I kiss and caress as we come crashing down from our high. I already feel the waves of guilt. I sigh. Since we announced our orgasm so loud everyone in the community knows what we were up to, except Courtney of course. Nicole buries her head against my chest. I feel the first warm tears bath my bare chest. I cuddle her close as we drowned together in feelings of regret. I decide right then we won't tell Court it would just cause her more pain. That's my reasoning anyway or maybe it's because I'm being a coward and I'm afraid to lose the women I love.

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