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Nicole's POV

I groan as I wake. My head aches. I'm naked. Cold steel encircles my neck, wrists, and ankles. The chains are big and heavy. I test them anyway giving a hard jerk. I hear a male chuckle that sends a chill down my spine. I take a sniff I don't have to open my eyes to know the male in the room. Even though it's painful I open my eyes to glaring light and the sight of Shamus Chasen.

"Chasen," I growl.

"Hello Queen Bitch." He smirks and tips his hat sarcastically. There was no respect intended. He goes back to slicing an apple with his oversized hunting knife as we study each other.
"I have to say I'm way more impressed with you than the last so called queen. She whimpered a lot." He pops a slice of apple into his mouth.

"I hope you choke on that." I sneer. He chews and swallows. Then he laughs.

"Yes you are going to be fun."

"I don't plan on being your entertainment." I huff.

"I know your history. Raised as a runt in a large family full of bigger siblings. Traded off as a child bride to berserking rogues. Even for a wolf father that's cold." He grins.

"He's not my father." I growl.

Ooo the plot thickens, still you were just a child. Amazingly enough you came out of it alive. You're quite the little scrapper." He chuckles and takes another bite of apple.

"So you know a little." I admit with a huff.

"I know you fought for your human co-mate, gave her alpha status. Let her keep her Alpha mate position when you could have taken it easily. Then she turned on you taking your lover away. Must have hurt." He says studying me closely. It did hurt, I try to hide my emotions. It doesn't take much of a brain to realize He's trying to get inside my head to make me easier to manipulate. Two can play that game.

"I know things about you too. Let's see your Mother and brother were killed by a berserker. Then your wife and daughter were killed by another berserker. What was your wife's name. Ah I remember. It was Genevieve. You called her Genny. You have a lot of trouble keeping women in your life." I sigh. He stabs his knife into the table near him.

"Don't you dare speak her name. You filthy beast." He seethes. He's out of his chair and on his knees. His hands around my throat. I stare into his eyes trying not to flinch thinking I'd pushed the monster to far. Thoughts of my cubs not having a chance at life almost bring tears to my eyes. I can't cry. He admires strength. His eyes soften. He lets go. Standing he walks away. He stops at the at the table and pulls his knife free.
"You know I wasn't always like this not even after I lost my mother. I only had hate for the wolf who took her. I had even begged for my brothers life. My father beat me for it. I had often been sickened by my father's methods, but I learned them. I understood hunting berserkers and the moon cursed. Anything that were killing or injuring Innocent people. Females or children I couldn't. My father said I had to much of my mother in me and he was going to beat it out. It made me hate everything. Then I met her. She filled me up with so much love there was no room for hate. Sounds cliche doesn't it. Then she was dead along with my daughter. I found my wife right away. She had fought them trying to save our daughter. They raped and killed her. I found my twelve year old daughter several months later bleeding to death after giving birth. The baby was gone. I tried to save her. Somehow I got the bleeding to stop. I was desperate I was going to take her to one of your healers. I left my hand gun with her just in case they returned. I was only going a short distance for water. She turned the gun on herself and pulled the trigger.

We have something in common. It was the same rogues that abused you that killed my wife and daughter." He finishes speaking. His head hung low. I wonder what happened to the cub.

Right before my eyes he changes again. The monster returns with a raging vengeance. He stabs his knife violently into the table repeatedly until it falls to it's side.

"Dad are you ok?" A younger man asks from the slightly open door.

"Stay out boy." He warns his son away.

A pain rips through my abdomen doubling me over. I can't help the moan that escapes my lips. I look up to see Chasen smirking at me. He comes close touching my stomach. I try to struggle away but he's holds me fast. Another contraction tightens my stomach making me groan.

"Your cubs are coming. Call for your mates. Call them to their death. If you do I might just let your cubs live. I'm feeling kinda sentimental right now. My wife never went to a hospital. It was always just the two of us creating and bringing new life into the world. Beautiful don't you think." He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes.

Courtney's POV

I sit watching over Nikki, Jason, and Tom. They are still asleep. They have them chained down in the basement of the community center. Carol said it was for their own good.

Now that I'm a wolf. I'm so blown away about it. But I can't seem to get that inner bitch to shut up. She's not happy about my earlier choices. She's pushing for me to mend fences with my co-mates. They are good co-mates. She keeps reminding me. Yes I know they have always been good to me. Even trying to limit their interactions with Nikki which my inner wolf thinks is stupid. He is their mate too she tells me bluntly. You committed deal with it.
Hunt, feed, breed, run, and play. She says
"Loving our mates and co-mates makes a happy life." She continues to intrude.
"It's that easy? Huh?" I ask.
"Yes!" The inner wolf answers.

Nikki's eyes open they are bright green. He yanks against the chains. He's shifting not into my handsome wolf mate. He's berserking into the half man, half wolf of nightmares.. He growls and howls his anguish. I jump back from knife sharp claws. His jaws snap and grind as he strains at the chains holding him.

"Nikki come back to me." I whisper trying to soothe.

He yanks against the chains again and roars at me. His jaws snapping at me. I get as close to him as I possibly can without giving him my throat and look into his eyes.

"Now you listen to me Mr Sixx. I know I'm not the mate you want right now. But you can't help her and your cubs if you can't think straight. You can't help your mate if you lose yourself to this monster." I say sternly trying not to show fear.

He cocks his head studying me. The growling stops. He oofs softly and sniffs at my face breathing my scent in. The shift is slow as he becomes a man again. He hangs limply in the chains.

"Courtney." He whispers weakly. I hug him tightly in relief.

"Yes," I answer.

"Who's got the keys to these? Being handcuffed isn't really my thing." He jokes.

"Are sure you are alright. Not going to go monster on me again." I ask.

"I will be fine as long as you're at my side keeping me in line." He smirks.

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