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Nikki's POV

It was a relief to hear the girls were found and rescued last night. It's also a relief to know Jason and Tom will be back soon. Yennefer will be in heat tonight. I'm having so much trouble being around her. Once I'm sure they will be here for her, I think it will be good time for a date night with Courtney. I don't want to be anywhere near. I will have to deal with it for awhile. Nicole wants to celebrate it like she should have as a child. I think it's sweet of her. There will be a special lunch and gifts. She wants to do this for my girls too. They are going along with it to make Yen and Nicole happy. She did suggest to my girls that they might want to take a surrogant mate among the packs. She said a female in first heat can be dangerous to a human male. Neither would hear of it. I'm happy their boyfriends excepted my girls for what they are. I really hoping it won't be their funerals. Nicole wouldn't say something just to get them with wolf mates, so I'm not gonna doubt her words. Yennefer said she could help keep them in check with her gift. I have seen her help Courtney with it. It's weird Yen says it's the only time her gift has worked on a human. Maybe I need Yen to help me. I can't seem to get mating off the brain. The need to procreate is insane. Jason says the instinct is normal with our low numbers. He said I'd learn to control it.

"What are you thinking about?" Courtney asks.

"Just glad the girls are safe. Sigh and I'm hoping my children's relationships survive them being shifters. Also don't you think we should get out of bed. Yen and Nicole have been up for over an hour." I answer smiling and pull her close for a kiss. I feel her hands slide down my chest.

"Nikki," she breathes. Her hand slides down to caress my dick.

"No you're fertile. I smell the change in your hormones." I say jerking back.

"Why can't we. It's ok to get Nicole and Yennefer pregnant, but not me." She begins to weep.

"I don't plan to get anyone pregnant especially not you." I answer agitated.

"I hear your thoughts, you want them. You even dream of breeding them." She hisses and pulls away.

"I can't always help it. Inside I hear it it says there are to few of us breed. And You must have selective hearing because it's telling me now to breed with you." I groan. I don't want to argue.

"I want another baby." She pleads.

"No." I growl.

"Why?" She asks trying to hold back more tears.

"Nicole is a wolf. The cubs she's carrying almost killed her when they shifted. I felt her pain. You're human Courtney that's what would happen to you when you went into labor with the monster I would plant inside you. It would rip you apart in it's fear and confusion trying to be born. I won't risk you. I'm afraid to lose you Court. I love you." I choke out and pull her close.

"It wouldn't be a monster. She or he would be our baby like Ruby. Nicole and Nyx would be there for me." She tries to reassure.

"No when we had Ruby I was more human, now I'm full wolf. Courtney I refuse to risk you." I say standing my ground.

Nicole's POV

"I love him and he will never love me." Yennefer weeps in my arms. I hold her close. We had gone on a short walk to ease the tension of her coming heat. Now I sit with her crying on my shoulder over a man we both love and desire.

"Baby sister, I'm so sorry." I shed tears with her.

"I had hoped he would at least want me when I came into heat. He refused me. My husband doesn't want me. Neither of them do. Jason doesn't make love to me anymore." She chokes out between tears. I'm going from tears to rage. I didn't know they were both ignoring my sister. Wait till I get my teeth into them. They will regret mistreating my baby sister.

"Yen we don't have to stay with them, you know we can leave if we're unhappy. This isn't the middle ages." I whisper.

"I don't want to leave them." She whimpers.

"Me neither, but I think I'm gonna bite them." I sigh. After a little while Yen dries her tears. I suck up my hormonal emotions and we head for home.

As we reach the edge of our village we find a welcoming sight. Our men have returned with the girls and a few extras. There is definitely an interesting story there. I'll find out later I just want to hug my daughter. She sees me and rushes into my arms.

"It's so good to see you safe." I whisper to her

"It was your voice mamma that gave me hope of rescue." She squeezes me gently. Her sisters interrupt us. I back away and let them nuzzle each other. Then it's Zoey's babies who want their mother. Ella has found her parents and siblings too. It takes awhile for everyone to settle down from the excitement. In a wolf pack everyone feels the need to touch. Except this pregnant bitch so I stand back and watch the commotion. Carol quickly prepares a meal for everyone. I don't know how the woman manages it. I sigh I don't get a chance to speak with my men. The Elders are debriefing them. Even Nikki gets sucked into the conversation. I notice Him and Courtney don't seem very happy today. I'm sure I'll figure out why later. I would really like to find out who the young men are, but I know when I've reached my limits. I politely excuse myself. There are to many males. I feel the bitch ready to pounce. My leaving is taken with good humor. I head back to my house and to my den. I feel bad with the girls early home coming. My family has forgotten the small gathering I had planned to celebrate Yen's first heat. I grumble as I trek through the snow. I really am going to bite someone soon.

Yennefer's POV

I sit near Jason, Nikki, and Tom as they talk to the Elders. They have the culprits they will be returned to their own people to be dealt with. It's part of the signed treaty. The young pack they found will become an offshoot of Jakes pack. There is plenty of forest for them to roam. Jake will help Nick till he gains more experience as a leader and help them find jobs. As for housing they will stay here for the time being and share the bunk house with the Walker bothers. I groan quietly I'm happy they've figured this all out. But I'm feeling my heat and the younger men are starting to notice me. It's making me nervous. Tom finally checks the crowd. He growls at two young men who were edging closer to me. Jason and Nikki pull me between them possessively. Lance finally calls an end to the unofficial meeting with a smirk.

"You might want to take your mate inside." He addresses Nikki and Jason.
"Alphas calm your pack members." He huffs and heads for the Bed and Breakfast. The rest return home or to the community center where they are staying.

Jason takes my hand and leads me back to the house. Tom gazes skyward.

"Damn, it looks like we're going to be stuck inside tonight." Tom comments.

Nikki doesn't look happy about being stuck in the house with me in heat. My heart is breaking. This isn't the first time I've been rejected. My first husband had wanted normal and I wasn't. He divorced me and turned my daughter against me. I don't even know where they live. I feel unnecessary here. Jason loves Nicole. Nikki loves Courtney. Tom doesn't want to love anyone. I love them all.

Looking through the window I watch the snow begin to fall softly at first, but before I know it it's white out conditions and the wind is howling. I moan the storm growing inside of me is just as fierce.

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