Fight or Die

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Shamus's POV

"Everyone stays! Fight or Die my friends there is no time to evacuate everyone, so we all stay." I hear Glen's voice over the loud speaker. There is something different about it. It clicks and I nearly laugh out loud. He's using the alpha voice. That's how he got the council back under control. I listen as he continues calmly.
"Move all non combatants to the under ground bunker. Gather weapons and ammo as mush as can be carried. Report to the front gate where I will meet you." He cuts off. I get busy helping getting the women, children and elderly to the bunker. Some of the elder men refuse to hide and head for the armory. Stay behind the fence I tell them. God only knows if they will listen.

My sons and I gear up the leather we wear will give us some protection from teeth and claws. I check our weapons all cleaned and well cared for a jammed weapon could be your death. I look them in the eyes before we leave to join the others. I see respect. I have never been cruel, but I did train them hard. I want my boys to survive. We don't show no emotions that's for after the fight. We head out to join the others at the gate.

"Do not shoot their Queen or the pregnant female healers following. If you do we will have a berserking mob on our hands. I'm still going to try for peace, so no one fires until I say so." Glen states. If we have to shoot, target the males closest to the queen. They will either be her mates or males she's mated with. She might be able to heal them for awhile, but the more bullets they take the weaker they will become. She won't risk them. I'm certain she will order them back out of range. Here they come." He orders us into a firing line.

I watch them come. Nicole leads. I can't tell how many it's getting dark. The compound lights are bright, they can see us better than we can see them. Nicole stops, sniffs the air and studies the situation in front of her. I aim at one of her mates I can see, Morrok.

Damn they are just standing staring at us. What is she planning? She's not trying to negotiate, nor is she moving forward. I study my surroundings. I don't see anything.

Nicole's POV

"Jake take your men to the left. Dominic take your men to the right. We can come at them from all sides. They only expect us to come straight at them. Healers stay behind us and link with Yennefer. Sister what can you hear?" I quietly ask.

They are frightened, but determined. They plan to aim for the men closest to you hoping they will be your mates or a father of your children. Hoping you will falter" She answers.

Scatter yourself among the packs. I can't discriminate about who I heal." I command. They don't want to but the fathers of my children disperse through the packs leaving only Jason, Nikki, and Tom at my side. "Loves take care of yourselves their not going to be aiming at me." I tell my mates. They grumble. "Jake, Dominic Are you in position?

"Yes" they answer in unison.

Shamus's POV

I think I see movement at my peripheral but I'm not sure. The wolves are restless.

"Queen Nicole can we speak? Glen calls out. Nicole gives a wolf sounding laugh.
"I did not order the attack on you. Some of my council members went out on their own. I sent someone to stop them." He tries to cajole. She looks to her mates.

"Maybe your just making excuses because your assassin is a crappy shot and missed. You're just afraid I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget." We hybrids can hear her in our heads. I see shocked faces.

"Luna Queen Risen I have no doubt of your strength. I am certain you could do just as you say." Glen answers.

"Oh the flattery, you think I'm that shallow. Sorry to disappoint you. Your marksman could have injured one of my cubs. Give me the perpetrators and I might forgive you." She growls.

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