Hunter And Prey

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Shamus's POV

I sit and watch the wolves from my hunting blind. I'm so proud of my sons Smith and Wesson. They did it. They managed to disable a whole group of shifters by taking out their matriarch. They lead that panther right to the doorstep of the wolves by taking their filthy cubs. The panther has been sending out discreet messages for weeks. He's gotten no answer. He will be an easy kill when he comes. The best part is I can inform the council that they are breaking the treaty by associating with other shifters. The next part of my plan is coming up I need a distraction so I can snag a certain queen bitch. That will be up to my sons too. It's all coming together even if Wesson did miss his chance to take out one of the males last night. It's ok it will be more fun to take them all out when they come in search of their missing mate. I guess I better get back to the cabin. I got two hungry black panther cubs to feed wouldn't want them to die and stop sending out distress calls to their uncle. I drop from the tree and take off through the snow. Racing through the forest I keep my senses alert. I can smell, hear, and see better then a regular man. I was always told it was a gift from god so I could clear his creation of filthy creatures like shifters. Then the council that told me this made peace with some of the things I hunted. I was disgusted with them. My people will hunt again. I'm going to make sure of it.

I throw open the door to the old abandoned hunting cabin I had taken over. The cubs hiss at me. They've been in animal form since my sons captured them. It is interesting how like humans they have a long childhood. The female cubs are three years old. If they were true and honest animals. They would be full grown now. I toss raw meat to them. They gobble it up. The little creatures start to yowl.

"Fine I'll take you outside. It's better than having to clean up your piss and shit." I reach for the chains. They gowl at me. "You little fuckers bite me I'll skin you alive." I attach the chains to their collars and take them outside. They do their business quick. I take them back in and toss them back in their cage. "You're gonna have company soon when I catch that bitch. I got her spot all set up. I'm gonna chain her up like the dog she is. Hmm I gonna make sure she goes into labor. When the freaks are born I'm gonna give them the same little shot I gave you kitties. It will keep them from shifting even after death. I'm gonna have hides and teeth for trophies. Don't worry babies I'm thinking of raising you two as pets. All I have to do is keep giving you this shot as young as you are you will forget your human side." I flop on the bed. After what I'm going to do the wolves will attack the hunter compound. The Council will be forced to fight."

Nikki's POV

I'm speaking with Yennefer a shot rings out I hold her in my arms and hear her heart stop. I flash to another scene.

Nicole is being dragged away. Chasen has her. She screams for help. I can't seem to reach her. My mind jumps again.

Oh god Courtney her stomach is round. She cries out in pain. She's in labor. I'm useless I can't keep the cub from shifting. Blood stains the sheets under her. A clawed paw emerges from her vagina. She's being torn apart.

I scream. I come awake my heart pounding, sweat dripping down my body.

"Nikki, it's just a bad dream." Courtney soothes.

"Just a dream love." I hear Nicole in my head.

"Yes only a dream." I feel Yennefer's mental hug as she reaches out to calm me.

"We will come to you if you need us." I hear Jason's gentle mental voice.

I'm not sure Court would appreciate our wolf mates joining us in bed. I just know something is brewing. Nothing would make me happier than having all my mates and children in one bed with my co-mates here to help guard them. They must have taken my thoughts as consent. First comes Nicole crawling into bed. Then the cubs. Damned if John hadn't taught little Tom how to escape their crib. I pull them up on the bed. Yen comes next dragging a sleepy Jason behind her. They cozy right into bed. Nicole fusses a bit having Jason so close but she finally cuddles against my back content. Courtney groans with irritation. I nuzzle her neck and kiss her gently untill she softens in my arms. Sighing I relax and close my eyes.

Feeling the bed dip at the end. I open one eye to see Big Tom in wolf form settle at our feet. Now I definitely feel safer.

Courtney's POV

I don't know how but I'm no longer at the edge of the bed. Nikki must have switched positions with me last night. I cuddle close to his chest even though there is more room. Nicole, Tom and the children are already awake. Why is it we loose our PJs in our sleep? The only one I want to feel me naked is Nikki. The wolves don't have the same philosophy. They touch and nuzzle all the time.

Jason rolls against my back nuzzling against my neck. Oh he's getting a hard on. I give Nikki a shake I need him to save me. My husband continues to lightly snore. I can't wiggle free. I'm sandwiched between them. Jason's hand slides down to my hip caressing. He gives soft lazy kisses along my shoulder. I was hoping he would realize I'm not Yen or Nicole and stop. I give out a reluctant moan as he caresses my inner thigh and kisses my neck. Feeling him trying to enter from behind I panic and let out a squeak. He jerks away coming completely awake, Nikki startles awake too. Nikki growls

"I'm sorry Miss Courtney. I'm sorry Nikki. I wasn't quite awake." He apologizes. I thought I was scenting Yen.

"Don't feel to bad Jason. She was liking it." Yennefer giggles.

"No I wasn't." I deny.

"Yes you were." She insists.

I don't want to look Nikki in the eyes. Men don't always forgive women for things they expect forgiveness for. He gives my behind a smack then pulls me close. I feel tears on my shoulder.

"I can't really get pissed at you after what I've done now can I. It wasn't done on purpose even if it was. It's ok to like his touch Court. Jason is your mate too." He whispers.

"I would never pressure you Courtney or get between you and your alpha husband. I am truly sorry." He sighs.

I've never really looked at him before. He lays near us the blanket draped over his lower half. He is a gorgeous man. His muscles are toned. When they had told me he had just turned eighty I thought they were teasing me. I mean his hair is white. I just thought it might be a wolf thing. He suddenly rolls out of bed gently pushing Yennefer ahead of him. He's completely unashamed about his nakedness. I blush and hide my face against Nikki's chest. Nikki chuckles at me.

Jason's POV

Damn that could have ended bad. I know he has no desire to share his alpha wife. I tug on a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt. Hmm I know I was half asleep but I'm sure I scented wolf. That's what I was seeking. Maybe my sense of smell was a little confused with so many in the bed last night. The woman is a beauty. She's so prudish though. She definitely gives me a chuckle sometimes.

Walking into the kitchen I find Nicole. She hands me a cup of coffee and I take my seat. I heard some of what Nikki was thinking last night. I've been feeling the same things. I've been feeling like prey that's a rare feeling for a wolf. Something is coming. I just don't know what.

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