A Happier Ending

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It's been quiet. No Nasty surprises or vampires.
Tom has decided to retrieve his boys. He has just let me know he will be here soon. Us ladies are finishing up dinner. Nikki and Jason are on the porch having sun tea.

"Jenny Tom is home!" Jason hollers excited.
"I'm coming." I answer back. I can't wait to see the boys, my new sons. I race to the front porch. Tom helps them out of the jeep. My eyes settle on them. He sighs and looks away for a moment.

"There is something you should know. Something I couldn't tell you before. It was the only way they would let me have them. I'm sorry I kept them from you so long." I hear his gentle mental voices.

It takes me minute before it clicks two of the boys are mine.

"Nikki would you go find Jarl there is something he needs to know. You need to find Sam too." I say crying with joy. He gives me a funny look.
"Those are my sons. I thought they were dead. Tom rescued them. Nikki grins wide and takes off down the stairs excitement in his steps to find Jarl and Sam.

15 minutes later Nikki comes practically dragging Jarl with Samuel Forest and Dylan Fahn following behind.

"What is it?" Jarl huffs.

"Jarl our son is alive." I whisper.
His eyes go wide. He looks at the boys. He looks at the youngest boy. He grasps my hand. Realization comes to Samuel and it's bittersweet. His son is alive, but his wife Samantha had lied to him. I sigh Chasen is close by leaning against the house watching. Foolish of me to think he wouldn't find out about his grandson.

Caleb, Cole this your Mama the one I've been telling you about. Trey she wants to be your Mama too." Tom says bringing them forward. The men are Still and quiet seeing children they thought were dead. I reach to shake their hands even if I rather hug them. They don't know me yet. Hugs will hopefully come with time.
"Come in everyone we have dinner ready." I include Sam, Jarl, and even Chasen in the invitation. From the looks on Sam's and Dylan's faces there are two women who have some explaining to do. I'll leave that to them. I'm just glad to have a chance to love the sons I thought I had lost.

It doesn't take long for the news to spread and the head of the council to be at my house. At least the children are already in their beds. I asked mates to go to bed so I could deal with myself. They reluctantly agreed.

"Do you wish there to be charges against Charlotte Fahn and Samantha Forest? Lance asks me solemnly." They left your Sons out to die."

"No Lance I don't. I wish to leave this in the past and raise my sons. I have spoken with Jarl and he agrees with me. I can't speak for Samuel, but that's between husband and wife." I answer.

"The women will all be relieved. I'm going to make this official. Samuel Forest and Jarl FitzMicheal both acknowledge the boys as their sons and heirs. There wasn't a time after their birth that they were unwanted by their fathers. They also agree with you that the boys should remain with you. Chasen has also amazingly decided that his grandson is safer here. There will be no arguments or battles. They just want see them as often as possible." Lance states.

"They can see them anytime." I agree.

"You are a kind woman Nicole. We will let the boys get used to having a mother and fathers and of a grandfather before we do anything public." He sighs.
He gets up from his seat. We wish each other a good night and I watch him walk out the door. I check on my children once more before I turn in. I walk by Nikki's and Courtney's bedroom the door is open. I see him smile. I smile back. Then he rolls over to cuddle Court. She still likes to keep our mate to herself. I'm just glad we are all together. I giggle. He's our hot rockstar mate. I hear his chuckle. I reach my room and crawl into bed with my other mates and my sister co-mate. My family seems more complete now. I sigh happily and close my eyes.

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