A Late Night Visitor

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Nikki's POV

I startle awake at a crash from the living room. Courtney isn't beside me. I rush out of bed to see if I can find her. I'm followed by my other mates and co-mates.
We're greeted by a woman who has my wife by the throat.

"We know your plans to hunt our creators. We won't allow it." She hisses. It's a vampire. The others growl behind me. I feel the change and the urge to rip the thing apart "Don't attack Dog I'll kill your mate before you can kill me."

Let her go." I choke back the berserker. I feel the burn behind my eyes.

"These hives are in our territory and are a danger to us and nearby humans." Tom says calmly.

"We don't care." She answers coldly. "I'm just here to tell you if you continue to hunt them. We will consider it an act of war between us." She drops Court and is gone in a literal blink of an eye.

I rush to Court and console her. My inner wolf is pitching a fit. He wants to hunt it down and kill it.

"I never thought they would care." Jason comments.

"What the hell was that?" Allen asks his face pale. I look up and see Allen and Sirona standing on the stairs. Mine and some of Nicole's children behind them.

"That was a rude visit from a vampire. Normally they stay in the inner cities where their killing isn't noticed much and they can avoid being hunted." Sirona answers.

"Girls go get Lance and Jake." Nicole sends Olivia, Scarlett, and Violet out together. They jump lightly from the stairs to the floor and race out the door.
"Let me make you some tea Mr Kovac." Nicole offers.

"Yes that would be nice." Allen agrees. Nicole make tea for everyone. We all console Court. She is trying to suck up her fear. Yennefer is helping to calm our rattled nerves. We all allow her gentle mental touch. Lance and Jake show quickly.

"A vampire showed up here?" Is the first thing out of Jake's mouth.

"What kind?" Lance asks.

"Yes. It was one of the made." Nicole answers them both at once. I glance at my friend Allen he just sits and quietly listens.

"We will have to tell the hunters. Is Chasen still slinking about?" Jake sighs.

"No, he was called back one of their women was having a difficult labor. It's weird to think of him gentle enough to deliver a baby. He has a nasty reputation for his cruelty." Jason huffs

"It will have to wait till tomorrow to speak with the hunters than. I imagine the vampire will visit them too anyway." Nicole comments.

"What I want to know is who contacted the vampires? It just happened this evening." Jake asks.

"I know of no one among us. I don't think any of the hunters would." Tom answers.

"I know something as of now no one goes anywhere alone after sundown. Groups of three would be best. Vampires are damn fast. Very few of us could take one on one on one. Keep your children close." Lance commands as he walks out the door followed by Jake.

"You heard him everyone find bunk mates." Tom orders.

Our room is now full of cubs. Allen is with my sons and Noah Nicole's son. I think he's safe with them. Sirona and Nola are together. Mine and Nicole's daughters are sharing a room. I sigh Nicole is worried about her children that aren't with her. Jason suggested she warn their father's through their children. It worked. Nicole is finally asleep with her cubs and Jason. Now if I could just get to sleep. That Vampire getting a hold of Courtney scared the crap out of me. My inner wolf is still grumbling about the nasty smelling bloodsucker who threatened our mate. I hear growls from my co-mates. I guess we are all in agreement. The need to protect mates and cubs is what keeps us from hunting it and tearing it to peices.

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