I am Queen

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Nicole's POV

"Nikki." I whisper.

"I'm here Nicole." he answers.

"I hear them then they fade away." I whimper.

"They are going to find the girls." He whispers pulling me up to a sitting position. He gently hugs me. I bury my head against his chest seeking comfort. My children and I have always been apart for long periods of time, but I always knew they were safe. Now knowing she's in danger and me being pregnant. I feel so helpless. Nikki pulls away to look into my eyes. "Nicole, Mika has a request to make."

"What is it?" I ask.

"He wants to see if your bite will change him, make him a full wolf." he answers. I'm caught off guard. It's the first time anyone has acknowledged my abilities as the queen. It frightens me. I don't want this. I don't want the responsibility. I don't want to make decisions that affect others lives. I just want to finally settle down and be with my family. I rest my head against Nikki's chest again. He gently strokes my hair. "Are you ready to rejoin the others?"

"Yes, If you'll help me up?" I sigh. I feel huge more like a whale than a wolf. Leaning against him I make my way to the living room. Everyone's eyes turn to us as we enter. Nikki helps me to my favorite chair. The only ones left are a few of the council members, close friends, and family.

"Lady Lykoan-Rafe, Queen Rising" Mika addresses me formally. He bares his neck to me as he goes to one knee.

"Mika that's not necessary. We've known each other a long time" I smile shyly.

"Yes it is. Especially for what I'm asking for. I wish to be a full wolf and only a queen can grant that to a X-hybrid like me." He says holding out his arm to me.

"Are you sure? There is pain and fever. You risk your sanity" I warn.

"I am." he answers. I take his wrist. It takes effort to bring on even this much of a change. but my teeth begin to lengthen and sharpen. I draw him closer and bite his wrist just enough for my saliva to mix with his blood. I let him loose watching him for the beginnings of the change. It's almost immediate. He tries to stand. He's to dizzy.

"Take him to lay down. He's got a rough couple of hours to go." Lance commands. I go to get up and follow them to the infirmary. "No you don't Nicole. Let your daughters Sophia and Chloe take care of him."
I glance at my daughters who I haven't even got a chance to greet yet as they help Mika. I have no doubt of their skill. They will pull him through the fever. I just feel responsible for him. I meet eyes with my husbands and Tom. There was no way they were going to let me either. I huff in irritation. They had let me sleep to long I haven't started dinner. I go to get up to go to the kitchen.

"No you don't you're going to sit your queenly ass right in that chair and let the others do it tonight. You almost fainted earlier." Tom orders. It doesn't help my mood that Lance and the remaining Elders snicker as they take their leave for the night.

Nikki's POV

Nicole isn't happy with her men tonight, nor with her co-mates who didn't come to her rescue. She's adorable when she's mad. I better not tell her I might get bit for that bit of humor. The babies are at least keeping her occupied. Our four are in wolf form rolling and tumbling together on the floor with Zoey's four little ones. River, Rain, Briar, and Rose are little rascals taking advantage of being older. I sigh. I know she is still worried about her daughter and her friend. But we're doing all we can. Every time Mika moans Nicole glances at the infirmary door. She shouldn't feel guilty it's what the man wanted. I smile Yennefer knowing her sisters feelings brings her potatoes to peal so she can feel helpful. You would think they were raised together. They've become so close in such a short time.

I wander out to the front porch. Tom sits drinking a beer. Jason is whittling. He's been busy at it. Christmas is coming and he's making toys for all the cubs, not just ours. It's something he does every year. He's also trying to keep himself occupied. He's terrified about what could happen to the girls.

"Nikki, Lance really wanted all three of us on this mission." Tom comments as I join them.

"Why's that?" I ask taking a seat.

"We're the only three that can become wolf men without berserking. It comes with our lineage." he smirks.

"It gives an edge when you can still think coherently." Jason adds. "I still worry I might lose control.

" You did fine when you jumped in to help Nikki in the last battle." Tom reassures. "You may need to use the ability soon and your abilities as an Alpha."
Jason looks uncomfortable with Tom's last sentence. I know deep down he blames himself for the loss of his former pack. He's lost his confidence to lead. It wasn't his fault he had done everything to keep his pack safe. It was Henry who gave away their carefully guarded whereabouts.

"I'll do whatever is necessary to bring back Nicole's daughter." Jason states coldly.

"Easy Jason it's going to be up to us to keep the others under control. No matter what we find. We were chosen to lead tomorrow." Tom reminds him.

"I just have a awful feeling it's starting all over again Tom." Jason groans.

"We can't let it." Tom grunts.

"No we can't." I whisper.

The thought of my wives and children being hunted makes my gut wrench. We have to get the girls back without starting an all out war with the hunters.

Shamas POV

I can't believe my luck. Some of youngsters from one of the old families captured themselves some female wolves. Probably to use as bait for the younger males. It doesn't really matter to me. All I care about is it's got the packs all stirred up. They think the Council sanctioned it. Ha those chickens wouldn't dare break their precious treaty. I grunt softly. I've been watching the wolves from down wind for hours. I need to know their routine. Finally I get my first sight of her. The queen whore stands on the porch. Sixx or should I say Lord Lykoan stands by her side. Rafe and Morrok sit near. I hiss under my breath. Am I the only one to realize how dangerous the bitch is. She has mated with several Alphas and only Alphas. She bore them cubs. Now she has brought together four of the strongest wolf families into one union. She has three generals not just one. I grumble. Watching them through my scope is giving me an itchy trigger finger. It's tempting to try to take out her and her mates now. I sigh. I might not be able to get them all and I would lose my advantage of surprise. I have to wait. I have to remind myself taking her is the goal. Her mates will go berserk and come for her. I will kill them when they do.

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