No Air

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You and Jensen privately dated, but then broke up. At a convention you are put on stage together like you often are when it's time to do musical numbers. Fans can request for you to do certain songs. One of them gets to you

Warnings: break-up sadness

This was going to be hard. I haven't been face to face with Jensen since we broke up. Filming ended a while ago, and so did our relationship.

We are just at two different places in our lives, so we agreed that it was for the best that we break up. People hadn't even known we were together, except the people of the show. He's ready to settle down and start a life, and I'm just not there yet. We were secretly together almost a year. He was talking about moving in together and our future... whereas that freaked me the hell out.

But this morning I am going to be face to face with him for our panels as well as music hour. I'm nervous to see how I feel seeing him again. I haven't even talked to him since the day we ended things. It isn't like it was some horrible breakup. We're staying friends and don't hate each other. In fact, I still love him so much it scares me. I'm just not ready to commit the way he wanted me to.

"Morning, Addie!" Jim Beaver greeted me as I walked into our breakfast room. I smiled and walked over to him and gave him a hug, "Morning, Jim."

"You look great, girl. It's good to see you again." He commented. "You too. It feels like it's been longer than a month since we stopped filming."

He laughed and nodded, "It sure does. You ready for today?" I sighed slightly, "Yeah, I think so. We will see I guess."

From behind me I heard Jensen coming in with Jared. I was sat eating my breakfast with my back to the door. I took a deep breath, and watched Jim's face as he looked from Jensen to me. The two goons were laughing and messing with each other.

"Morning, everyone!" Jared said happily.

When he looked around the room he saw me and smiled. "Hey, morning Addie." I watched Jensen stiffen and turn my way slowly. "Good morning, Jared. How are you?"

"I'm great. How about you?" He asked sweetly and came over to hug me, wrapping an arm around me from behind. I put my hands on his arm and rested my head on his. "I'm great."

Jensen didn't say anything to me, just sort of turned away again when I didn't look at him and went to grab some food.

After a little while I said goodbye to everyone and went off to the room to prep for my first panel, it was with Jensen.

I took a breath as Jensen walked in. I was fussing with my curls, trying to tame them last minute. He chuckled softly, trying to hide it from me. He always used to tease me about messing with my hair.

"Hey, Addie. You ready?" He asked softly, coming to stand next to me and grab the microphone marked for him with the green band. "Hi, Jensen. Yeah, I'm ready. How about you?"

"Yeah, let's go crush it." He smiled, ripping my broken heart back to pieces.

Luckily for me, five seconds later we were walking out in the stage.

It was a little awkward for me. But since nobody knew we had dated, nothing about a possible relationship or our break-up was said or asked.

It was really hard to be near him. I thought I'd be okay, but it was tearing me apart. By the end of the hour I was barely able to speak, and I sure as hell couldn't look at him. I just prayed nobody realized I was awkward or at the least why I felt that way.

When we got backstage I put my mic back and walked quickly for the door. I heard him behind me, "Addie, hey wait... I'm sorry."

But this wasn't the time or place to get into this with him. So I kept walking to my room. I have about an hour to go relax before my photo op session.

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