Pregnant at a Convention

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You are part of the show. You are married to Jensen, and pregnant with your first child. This is set around the end of taping season seven, so like March/April of 2012.

-Written from the point of view of 'Alivia'.

Jensen and I have been married a little over a year now. We are expecting our first child together, a sweet little girl that I'm 23 weeks along with.

He, Jared and Misha are all so happy, and baby the crap out of me which I find totally adorable. Today we are at a convention and getting ready to start our panels with only a few episodes left of the season left to film.

Thankfully my growing bump has been easy to hide, and I won't be pregnant when I return to film next season. We were standing around back stage. Jensen always hangs out with me before and after my panels, even if they don't have one for hours; or at all that day.

"She's pretty active right now." I commented when Jensen asked how our girl was feeling. I grabbed his hand and put it where she was moving around; it's only been recently that he's finally felt her little movements. His face lit up, showing nothing but pure joy and excitement. "Whoa, she sure is. Rob's getting the crowd and her excited."

I grabbed Jared's hand next, and his smiled hugely as he felt his little niece move around. "That's so awesome! Hey, sweet girl. Uncle Jared loves you." He said leaning down toward where his hand was.

"...Alivia Ackles!" Rob yelled, interrupting our moment. I turned to walk out on the stage. I felt Jensen coming right behind me which as we both came through the curtain, made everyone scream. We had only announced the baby about a month ago.

"Whoa, and what a cutie she has glued to her. Jensen... you know this isn't your turn, right? Learn to share." Richard joked as Jensen was swapping the stool out for a lower sitting chair. I giggled and waved at everyone. Jensen chuckled and nodded. I held up the microphone that Rob handed me. "He can't help himself. By the time I'm ready to pop he's going to be carrying or carting me everywhere."

Jensen leaned down to the microphone. "Hey, just trying to be supportive of my pregnant wife." He supported my lower back as I sat, which is very unnecessary at this point in my pregnancy. "Alright, alright, ladies and gentlemen, the romantic side of Mr. Jensen Ackles!" Richard for everyone to cheer, which turned into awes when Jensen kissed the top of my head and rubbed my belly slightly before waving and walking off stage.

"I have to say, you make that belly look awesome." Rob said with a laugh. "Well, thank you... I think." I joked back at him. "Here she is, give it up for Alivia Ackles!"

I waved to everyone as they clapped as Rob and Rich left the stage. "Hi, everyone. Wow, this never gets any less cool. Thank you guys so much for having me!" I told them honestly as I took in all of their faces. Then I turned slightly to my right to get the first question.

"First, I'd like to say, I adore you and Jensen and I'm so happy for you guys." People clapped, and I smiled, "Thank you, very much. I adore you right back." She giggled nervously, "That is so sweet of you. Um, my question is... is is any harder filming and having long days now that you're pregnant?" I laughed and pursed my lips as I thought of how to word it. "In a way, yes. I'm tired a lot more. But everyone is so sweet and supportive. I'm not permitted to do much of the physical action shots anymore. Which is a bummer, but it's for not just my own safety anymore so I agree with it. The biggest thing is having to be on my feet so much but Jensen gives me foot rubs whenever I ask." Everyone clapped, cheered and awed.

I turned the other way, "Hi there." "Hi, um your belly is so adorable. Did you guys ever consider letting your pregnancy be a part of Layla's story?" I shook my head, "Not to my knowledge, no. I never asked though. It's hard to imagine the show involving a baby, isn't it? Not that the boys would be bad with a baby." I added.

"How did Jensen and Jared react to the baby news?" I giggled, "Well, funny story. Jensen actually realized it before I did. He is just so observant and sweet. When I started feeling and acting off, getting sick and such, he was the one to put it together and say it. But, he was really happy when we found out he was right. It came as such a surprise to both of us. Jared on the other hand, he and I weren't filming together much so he wasn't able to see me acting different. And when we would see each other we were both exhausted in general because we were working long days. When we told him I was pregnant he thought we were messing with him. But when he realized it was true he almost cried from being so happy. He is very excited to be Uncle Jared."

"Are you going to come back to the show next season?" I nodded, "I will be here as long as the writers and fans will have me. It may get more hectic off-screen adding our little peanut, but we will make it work for as long as I'm part of the show. I have no plans to leave until my character's story is over, or they just decide to kill me off." I joked a little.

I got uncomfortable, getting hungry. My blood sugar drops quickly these days when I get hungry. I must've forgotten my last snack before the panel. But I was over half-way done so I was going to push through.

"How do you think Layla would react to being pregnant?" I laughed a little, picturing it. "She would probably cry, a lot. Then ask Sam for advice and help. Without a boyfriend she would be a single mom, raising a baby with the help of the hell-raising Winchester clan. I'm not sure kids would be in her plan for the future."

"Do the guys still prank you with you being pregnant?" I nodded, "Not physical pranks, no. More like messing with the lines, making faces off camera to make me mess up. But even that is less because they know I'm tired and they want me off my feet quicker which can only happen when I can get through my scenes. Doesn't stop me from getting them, though. Just last week I threw water balloons at them after they wrapped up for the day."

The audience suddenly went wild again. I turned around to see Jensen walking out with apple slices in one hand and a water in the other. Awe, how sweet. After handing me the apples he waved at everyone. "This is what I mean... very observant." I joked. He shrugged and leaned down to tell me, "I could tell you needed something to snack on, I must've forgotten to make sure you ate earlier." Then he leaned to the mic, "Hi guys!" I ate one of the apple slices, it was perfect and just what I needed. He really knows me so well.

"Thank you very much, honey. You're very sweet." He kissed my cheek, "Gotta look out for you and my little princess. Alright, guys, I'm heading off again. I'll see you in a few hours!" He waved at everyone once again.

I ate a second slice, "Don't mind me guys. I'm sorry. I forgot to eat my snack a while ago. Jensen knows me so well he could tell I was feeling off. Next question?"

"Okay, so first off, I would like to say, I think that is the cutest thing I've ever witness. You looked so normal but he could tell what you needed." I giggled, "Thank you. Yeah, he's pretty great. When you spend as much time together as we do, you learn all of the non-verbal cues. I'm one very lucky lady." "It's awesome. Um, my question is in the show, Layla does a lot of bad-ass stuff. Before you were pregnant how much of that did you do?" I giggled a little, "Not a lot, actually. I can do some trained hand-to-hand stuff, but most of the bigger stuff is my amazing stunt double. But I am very flattered that you think I can do all that."

I walked off stage and Jensen scooped me into his arms. "Thank you, honey, for looking out for me and feeding me." He chuckled and pulled back to kiss me before smiling and saying,

"Any time, beautiful. It's my job to look out for you and our sweet girl." Jared hugged me next, "He was running around cutting apples like a crazy man when he saw the look on your face."

I raised an eyebrow, "The look?" He laughed, "Yeah, that's what we call it. Uh, you get this look on your face when you need food. Especially now that you're pregnant."

Jensen Ackles One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن