Jared's Friend - Part One

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This one is one of the first one's I ever wrote. It's cheesy but I think it's cute. It's also pretty long so it will be in multiple parts.

You are good friends with Jared, best friends since you were four and five. You then end up meeting Jensen and becoming sort-of friends. You end up joining the show later on. There you grow closer to and closer to Jensen.

-Written from the point of view of 'Alivia'.

-Warnings: None. I will tag others as they pop up in other parts.

I have had the same amazing best friend since I was four years old, and he was five; Jared. His life has grown busy in the last three years after landing a lead role on a TV show. So, he doesn't have too much free time, though I do see him when I can. We call, video-chat, email, and text as much as we can. After all, we're still best friends after twenty years. 

Today, I'm surprising him on his last day of filming. We haven't seen each other in person in about five months and I've really missed him. I got clearance to get on the lot without his knowledge, and even permission to enter his trailer.

I put my bag on his couch and then sat to wait. They were supposed to be wrapping up on the season finale in about ten minutes. I hoped they were running on time today.

It was about twenty minutes later that I heard his loud deep voice coming closer to the trailer. I hid behind the counter so I could jump out to surprise him. The door opened and I heard, "Yeah, see you in a bit, Jensen."

I jumped up, "Surprise!" He jumped up in the air and back in fear as he made this very loud scream. I burst into a fit of loud laughter, then heard. "Oh my God, Alivia?!" He moved over and hugged me.

From the door we heard, "Whoa, uh, Jared are you good?" There stood the man I recognized as his co-star and other best friend, Jensen. He smiled nervously, but seemed to notice things were okay.

I blushed just looking at him. He was even more attractive in person! "Yeah, I'm great. Liv, this is Jensen. Jensen, this is Alivia." Jared introduced us. "Ah, so you're his best friend from childhood. It's nice to meet you finally." He stuck out his hand.

I shook it nervously, hoping it wasn't sweaty, and smiled. "It's nice to finally meet you too. I've heard a lot about you." He chuckled as he dropped my hand, "Likewise."

"What are you doing here, Liv?" Jared asked suddenly. I cleared my throat, "I wanted to come see you.... maybe scare you a little bit. I've missed you." I admitted. He smiled hugely and hugged me yet again. "I missed you too. It's so good to see you." He was like a giant child.

Jensen took a deep breath, "Well, we were going to head out to eat in a bit to celebrate wrapping this up. Do you want to join us?" He offered me politely, with a small smile on those pink lips. I nodded after looking at Jared and seeing he was looking at me with those damn puppy eyes. "Yeah, sure... if I'm not crashing anything." I added. "No, of course not, Liv." Jared said quickly. Jensen nodded and added, "I'd like to hear some first hand stories of you two as kids." I bit my lip, "Okay, yeah, that sounds great."

We went to Jared's apartment. He took a shower, and then we both got ready. I put on the only dress I had brought just in case we did something like this. It was tighter, and dark purple, sort of a cocktail style dress.

"Are you excited that you finished season three?" I asked as his driver took us to the restaurant. He nodded with that big goofy smile plastered on his face, showing off his dimples. "Yeah, I'm really happy. I hope we do more." "The show is great, Jare. I'm sure it'll get renewed." I told him with a smile. "Thanks. We all hope so." He said with a small sigh of doubt, but a hint of hope.

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