Two daughters

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You are married to Jensen. You just had your second daughter just over two months ago, and Jensen returned to Vancouver a couple days ago.

Warnings: None? It's kinda short.

Jensen is gone filming again. The first weekend away from our family since we added our second daughter. Day three of single mom of two was not too bad, and we're about to start day four. Hailey is two, and Grace is two and a half months. Jensen struggled leaving like usual, but this time felt a little more than the others. He loves his job, and the people he meets by traveling, and the family on set; but it weighs on him that's he's now leaving three of us behind.

Hailey crawled in bed with my and Grace around six in the morning. "Mama?" She spoke quietly as she eyed her sister, wondering if she was still sleeping but she was actually already awake. "Yeah, Hales?" "I miss my daddy."

I smiled softly and opened my arms for her to come cuddle on the other side of me than her baby sister. She happily did and sighed as she got comfy. "I know you do, baby girl. He will be home in a couple weeks, and you'll get to see him for a couple days."

Grace cooed and moved her hands around, grabbing Hailey's attention. Hailey sat up slightly, "Hi, sissy." Grace looked in Hailey's general direction with that adorable infant smile that gets me every time.

We cuddled and talked about what we wanted to do today. Hailey voted pancakes for breakfast, then baby dolls and a tea party before nap.

I was impressed from day one with Hailey's love for her sister. Sure she has moments of slight jealousy when Grace gets our attention, but she has been amazing.

So many people told us that it would be a struggle, and with Hailey not quite being two yet when Grace was born I believed them. We were told so many stories about kids who regressed or acted out when their sibling was born. But Hailey never had that. Maybe we were just lucky. Maybe it was because of being around Tom and now Shep as well, she's just used to it. We have our little group of friends; Tom, Hales, Shep and Grace. She adores her sister, and calls Grace 'her baby' half the time.

We had breakfast, then got dressed for the day. She helped me pick out Grace's outfit as well as her own. Then we played babies for a while, read some books. Then it was time for Grace to take her morning nap. Hailey and I had her tea party and ate some lunch. We were cleaning things up when my phone rang.

"Daddy!" Hailey squealed as Jensen's face appeared on my screen. His smile crinkled his eyes, "Hey, there's my big girl."

"Hey, honey." I said joining my daughter on the screen. "Hey, sweetheart. How are you guys doing?' "Tea party!" Hailey told him full of excitement.

He chuckled, "Was that fun, princess? I'm sorry I missed it." "Mommy made apple juice tea! We had cookies!" Grace fussed over the monitor, "Oh, sounds like someone sensed her daddy was on the phone. I'll be right back." I kissed Hailey's head then went to grab Grace.

She cooed at the phone as she heard Jensen's voice; but she doesn't understand all of that yet. So Hailey got to talk to Jensen for a little while, then she started to get tired. He told her he loved her and would call again tonight before bed time. Then he had to go anyway.

I put Grace on the floor with a couple toys then walked Hailey to her room. I tucked her in and turned on her music. "Have a great nap, princess. I love you." "Night, mama." She mumbled, already half-asleep.

That night after their baths I had the girl both on my and Jensen's bed. I got up to stretch and grab the remote and my phone. My heart swelled when I turned back around and saw the sight on my bed. I snapped a quick picture before scooping up Grace and taking her to her bassinet near the bed, then taking Hailey to her room. Once they were both settled I sat on the couch in the living room and turned on the TV.

I admired the picture once more before posting it on Instagram.

'@ Jensen I think my snuggle bugs replaced me

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'@ Jensen I think my snuggle bugs replaced me.'

Gen: Oh my heart! Those sweet girls!
Username: They are so adorable!
Username: They both look so much like Jensen.
Jensen: And now I'm officially homesick.

My phone rang and it was Jensen. "Hey, handsome. How is your day going?" "Amazing. Only not I miss them even more."

He laughed slightly, but I knew he meant it. "We miss you too. Hailey actually started the day off missing you. But you'll be home in a couple weeks." I reminded him.

"It can't come fast enough. I love it here, and I love being back to work... but I miss my girls." "I know, Jay. We miss you too. A lot. But we are so proud of you."

He posted these pictures of him with each of us:

He posted these pictures of him with each of us:

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'My girls

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'My girls. I miss you already.'

I swear that man melts my heart every day. I am so lucky to have him, and live this life we live.

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