Jared's Friend - Part Three

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You have joined the show, and are playing the part of Sam's best friend. This may not perfectly line up with the ending of season four, but it's hard to get it perfect without going back and watching it all - and that's not where I was at when I wrote this. Also, meaning there are mentions of the show so if you haven't watched to the end of season four don't read this.

-Written from the point of view of 'Alivia'.

-The next part should be the last one of this story. It'll be a slightly time jump though.

-Warning: slight PG-13 type sexual moment and implied smut. vague mention of nudity, but nothing graphic. language.

Here we were, two episodes left of season four. The next episode Sam was going to have to be locked up to detox from the Demon blood; that he got hooked on thanks to Ruby. My character just wants to stab Ruby, Dean agrees it needs to happen but Sam pleads to us that we don't understand and she is helping him be stronger.

Jared and I had a very emotional scene when he first gets locked in there. I go in and he pleads with me to let him go. It took a couple takes, but in these intense scenes nobody plays jokes on each other. Instead everyone is supportive of the emotion needed.

"Sam, you have to understand. this is for your own good. Ruby is messing you up with this demon blood crap. Can't you see that?" Jared/Sam shook his head, pulling at the restraints on his wrists. "You guys are treating me like I'm a demon! Why don't you get that she's helping me? She wants me to be strong enough to take out Lilith. That's what we ALL want."

I sighed, and moved to my next mark, tears forming like I wanted them to. "Not like this we don't. Sam... I'm sorry. This needs to happen, okay? We will find another way to get rid of Lilith." "No, we won't! This isn't going to solve anything, it's just going to take away my abilities."

Man, Jared's face can get so angry and red when he works himself up for the part. "Relax, Sam. You think this is easy for Dean or Bobby to do to you? We just want to help." My voice broke. "No, you're just all scared of me. You think I'm a monster! Ruby was right, I don't need any of you!"

Both of us wear in tears, holding our marks until we heard, "Cut!" I exhaled and just dropped to the floor.

I wiped my tears as I pulled my knees to my chest. Jared quickly got off the cot and rushed over to me. Everyone sort of cleared away as he hugged me and whispered, "That was great, Liv. You did so good."

We were dismissed, but I couldn't move yet. Jared sat with me, knowing I just needed a couple minutes to decompress from that.

When we got up I realized Jensen had been watching us. He was smiling, "That was awesome, guys. Alivia your tears had me wanting to tear up myself."

I blushed and laughed, "Well thank you. That was... harder than I thought. Not breaking character to rush over to hug him was tough too." "Yeah, it's hard to get used to fighting that feeling, and not breaking down or walking away from the emotions. But you did great." He said, his smile reaching his eyes.

Jared was taking Gen out to dinner, Misha was gone already. So, I changed into my clothes in my trailer then grabbed my purse and keys to head over to my apartment; it's down the road from Jared's and Jensen's.

As I walked to my car Jensen came walking over to me. "Hey, Alivia." I smiled back at him and paused my walking. "Hey, Jensen. You done for today too?" He nodded, "Yeah, finished up about half hour after you."

He seemed to want to ask me something. With the boldness I've grown to have around him I took control of the situation, "Do you have plans for tonight?" He shook his head, "No, nothing special. Was going to head back to my place and maybe order in some food."

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